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fatalsaint 2010-08-06 04:04

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 777236)
I guess you must find Wikipedia a real chore to keep up with also. Just think about all the articles you have to read every day just to keep up, and many on subjects that don't interest much of anyone!

I get it.. you like twitter.


gerbick 2010-08-06 04:25

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Bah. I remember getting most of my info from Usenet. Before that... BBS's.

So if not Twitter, then what do people tend to use? IRC? Websites? Forums? Smoke signals?

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 04:42

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777347)
Bah. I remember getting most of my info from Usenet. Before that... BBS's.

So if not Twitter, then what do people tend to use? IRC? Websites? Forums? Smoke signals?

If I am curious about something I typically just use Google. Not the fastest method, but I'm not about to try and do a search on every possible individual forum, wiki, popular social network, bordello, cat house, and anything else that may or may not contain the information I need/want.

And I'm certainly not going to try and maintain an account on all of them. Then again.. I don't particularly care about what Lady Gaga has to say about her latest outfit, or what Pink's opinion of Proposition 8 is.. (Yup, I looked up Pink's latest tweet just to be a smart ***. At least, I think it's her latest.. or even her... or hell I don't know with all the ****ing @this and #that and .. meh. Don't care to learn the interface or new "lingo" either.)

HellFlyer 2010-08-06 04:50

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777355)
If I am curious about something I typically just use Google. Not the fastest method, but I'm not about to try and do a search on every possible individual forum, wiki, popular social network, bordello, cat house, and anything else that may or may not contain the information I need/want.

And I'm certainly not going to try and maintain an account on all of them. Then again.. I don't particularly care about what Lady Gaga has to say about her latest outfit, or what Pink's opinion of Proposition 8 is.. (Yup, I looked up Pink's latest tweet just to be a smart ***. At least, I think it's her latest.. or even her... or hell I don't know with all the ****ing @this and #that and .. meh. Don't care to learn the interface or new "lingo" either.)

haha call me weirdo :D but I dont have Twitter cuz I dont like the definition and concept of following someone and vise versa :p

I'm so glad facebook changed their become a FAN thing :rolleyes:

Texrat 2010-08-06 04:55

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Twitter is SMS for the Internet, plain and simple. The best part is, it can even integrate with SMS service on your phone. That's useful, especially for my local tweeps. But maybe someone has to actually use it to see?

Anyway I don't think Twitter was a good format for Niklas Savander's talk. Absolutely, IRC could have worked better.

And I'm with whoever raised the point about people's expectations. Holy ****, a marketing guy stuck to a marketing script! :rolleyes:

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 04:59

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 777363)
And I'm with whoever raised the point about people's expectations. Holy ****, a marketing guy stuck to a marketing script! :rolleyes:

Well... still... considering that the N900 is the current actual existing phone holding existing users....

You'd think he would have said something and not completely ignored it's existence altogether.

I mean.. he addressed Symbian people's questions... and some of their phones are older than ours!

I'm sorry, but you really can't justify a complete and total lack of acknowledgement in any form that we even exist....

Texrat 2010-08-06 05:11

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777369)
I'm sorry, but you really can't justify a complete and total lack of acknowledgement in any form that we even exist....

Geez, fatalsaint, where did you get that I was justifying that???

It was a general (and sarcastic) statement.

I'm not gonna defend Savander's evasion in the slightest. I made that very clear in a previous post in the thread (or thought I did). I'm just wryly commenting that maybe people's expectations were unreasonable considering the crap we've already been dealt. That and I have long been in alignment with the Dilbertesque view of marketing.

ossipena 2010-08-06 05:13

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 776876)
Texrat please understand we got many many N900 owners really REALLY peed off with Nokia and somehow need to vent... that is not trolling it is pure frustration !.

thanks for making this forum miserable place for the rest of us.

just **** off, I got (again) too tired to this piece of sh...

..and because you idiots don't know how to leave, I'll have to do it.

Yes I admit you won. Congrats....

gerbick 2010-08-06 05:17

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777355)
If I am curious about something I typically just use Google. Not the fastest method, but I'm not about to try and do a search on every possible individual forum, wiki, popular social network, bordello, cat house, and anything else that may or may not contain the information I need/want.

That's fair. I have a lot of Adobe folks I follow because of prior interaction with them on Flash, Flex, Flash Catalyst, Creative Suite (beta testing) whatnot.

I follow a rather small set of folks, the people that follow me... they endure my rants about everything.

I pity them.

Texrat 2010-08-06 05:29

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777383)
I pity them.

Pity accepted.

HellFlyer 2010-08-06 05:49

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 777380)
thanks for making this forum miserable place for the rest of us.

just **** off, I got (again) too tired to this piece of sh...

..and because you idiots don't know how to leave, I'll have to do it.

Yes I admit you won. Congrats....

So you're leaving forum because of abill_uk ?

bayernhan 2010-08-06 06:08

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
did anyone get a response

i asked how do we know that the n9 would not be abondened by nokia in 4 months after release like it was with the n900 and also said if nokia contiues on getting a new phone every 6 months and lack of updates consumer loyalty will decrease

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 06:16

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 777378)
I'm not gonna defend Savander's evasion in the slightest. I made that very clear in a previous post in the thread (or thought I did). I'm just wryly commenting that maybe people's expectations were unreasonable considering the crap we've already been dealt. That and I have long been in alignment with the Dilbertesque view of marketing.

Ok.. I may have been a little over the top with that ;).

It was your sarcasm that kind of threw me off I think.. "a marketing guy stuck to the script!".. I mean, I do see the humor in it of course.. it's just in this specific instance either the marketing guy.. or the script.. simply sucked .. back-side.

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 06:20

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777383)
That's fair. I have a lot of Adobe folks I follow because of prior interaction with them on Flash, Flex, Flash Catalyst, Creative Suite (beta testing) whatnot.

I follow a rather small set of folks, the people that follow me... they endure my rants about everything.

I pity them.

Ok, and this is fine. I mean I do completely understand that twitter has been adopted. Now, just because it makes no sense to me why it was adopted.. it has been.

Therefore if people have a specific reason to use it... fine, so be it. Your favorite idol is on it? Great, your job collaborates on it? Great... It's popular now and not a surprise..

It's just for me.. I have no reason to use it. I have not found any hole in my life that twitter is the proper fit for just yet. That is the only point I've been trying to make.. I am not saying everybody else should go cancel their twitter account and boycot social networking.. I just said it wasn't for me.

I am still perplexed at the sarcasm I was given for that.. (not from you, gerbick.)

slender 2010-08-06 06:21

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 776876)
Texrat please understand we got many many N900 owners really REALLY peed off with Nokia and somehow need to vent... that is not trolling it is pure frustration !.

Then please vent here:
Or twitter

Also i would like to remember you:

And moderators please could you even try to give some hints to users to STFU and try to steer conversation to non trolling.

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 06:23

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by slender (Post 777416)
And moderators please could you even try to give some hints to users to STFU and try to steer conversation to non trolling.

If they did I guarantee the rants would just shift from nokia bashing to screaming at the moderators through several dozens of threads claiming that they are being anti-free-speech, anti-internet, draconic, and guarantee the inevitable "apple" analogy will crop up, end of the world as we know it, sacrifice animals, and punch a baby remarks would ensue shortly there-after.

This goes into the lose-lose part of forum management.

gerbick 2010-08-06 06:24

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777415)
I am still perplexed at the sarcasm I was given for that.. (not from you, gerbick.)

Yeah, I saw it. And when you explained it, I understood it clearly. I never signed up for MySpace, recently killed my Facebook account, and use Twitter to avoid a lot of communication of folks asking me about the newest gadget or handset or some AS3 question or news article.

I totally get your point. Not everything is for everybody. The sarcasm tossed at you; I didn't understand it either.

Stay strong. Don't fall into the Twitter trap.

gerbick 2010-08-06 06:29

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Okay, to go back to topic here...

Am I the only person that finds it weird that the Nokia dude is putting so much faith into the N8, but it represents the last Symbian N-series phone. It's like putting faith into the last standing pair of dodo birds... that happen to both be male.

If they're this vocal about the N8, and they continue down this path of non-vocal behind the upcoming MeeGo series as they were with the N900, what kind of conflicted message does that really send?

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 06:35

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777424)
Okay, to go back to topic here...

Am I the only person that finds it weird that the Nokia dude is putting so much faith into the N8, but it represents the last Symbian N-series phone. It's like putting faith into the last standing pair of dodo birds... that happen to both be male.

If they're this vocal about the N8, and they continue down this path of non-vocal behind the upcoming MeeGo series as they were with the N900, what kind of conflicted message does that really send?

Well but wait.. rewind time a bit. They used to be pretty hyped up and excited about Maemo, too! And though I realize the N900 didn't get much push, it WAS talked up around launch IIRC - and it was continued to be toted the second to last step of a great mass-market device.

Now.. you know Intel and Nokia were in talks before even the N900 was released. I mean, these are two giants of corporations here. They don't do anything without.. well..


without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.
So here they were talking up the N900, knowing full well that it's lifetime was very limited. And now still, they are/will be pushing the new Harmattan device even though (and they'd never admit it, of course) it's already, before release, built on an outdated/dead platform just because they don't want to lose the money they've already put into developing it.

Anyway.. the point of all of this can easily be summed up:

"That's just par for the course for Nokia."

JulmaHerra 2010-08-06 07:06

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777424)
Okay, to go back to topic here...

Am I the only person that finds it weird that the Nokia dude is putting so much faith into the N8, but it represents the last Symbian N-series phone. It's like putting faith into the last standing pair of dodo birds... that happen to both be male.

If they're this vocal about the N8, and they continue down this path of non-vocal behind the upcoming MeeGo series as they were with the N900, what kind of conflicted message does that really send?

N8 is first and last Symbian^3 device for N-series. They are not going to ditch Symbian completely, as far as I remember, Vanjoki said that it is very likely that we will see Symbian^4 devices in N-series in the future.

In my opinion, every device we buy is going to lose support in the long run. Symbian^3 will be around for short while and then replaced with Symbian^4, but afterall, we have not seen a single Symbian device that can be updated with new version of Symbian OS. Symbian^4 devices are about one year ahead (plus delays), so it gives N8 reasonable time to be on the market, this time being "one of a kind." Fact is, Nokia simply cannot stick with S60 for one additional year waiting to jump straight to Symbian^4. Qt will bring at least some backwards compatibility, so N8 might be actually a good buy if you don't want to wait for MeeGo to be available for our N900's or pay higher price for new MeeGo-device. At least if software doesn't suffer too many problems.

fatalsaint 2010-08-06 07:31

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra (Post 777452)
N8 is first and last Symbian^3 device for N-series. They are not going to ditch Symbian completely, as far as I remember, Vanjoki said that it is very likely that we will see Symbian^4 devices in N-series in the future.

In my opinion, every device we buy is going to lose support in the long run. Symbian^3 will be around for short while and then replaced with Symbian^4, but afterall, we have not seen a single Symbian device that can be updated with new version of Symbian OS. Symbian^4 devices are about one year ahead (plus delays), so it gives N8 reasonable time to be on the market, this time being "one of a kind." Fact is, Nokia simply cannot stick with S60 for one additional year waiting to jump straight to Symbian^4. Qt will bring at least some backwards compatibility, so N8 might be actually a good buy if you don't want to wait for MeeGo to be available for our N900's or pay higher price for new MeeGo-device. At least if software doesn't suffer too many problems.

Hrm.. IMHO: The mentality of only 1, maybe 2 year support for a phone just doesn't quite cut it anymore. The iPhones were updated for more than 2 years. An example, according to wiki, the iPhone 3G was released June of 2008, and received the 4.0.1 update July 1, 2010.

For Android, the Cliq, one of the older Android models, is rumored (though, admittedly hasn't got it yet) to get the 2.1 update in the very near future. I believe it's only a year old, but there have been significant improvements in android from the release of the CLIQ till now and those customers will get to enjoy that.

With Nokia's history, we've gotten a device with an OS - and we'll get just a few updates to that containing bug fixes and the like - but nothing really significant - and then the platform will simply be dead, like the N810.

That kind of business-model is just.. unappealing now-a-days. So making a new phone with an already EOL product hoping that you'll get at most 1 year of support of it is.. well.. kinda setting the standards a little low isn't it?

And, as far as "MeeGo to be available on our N900's".. keep in mind that it is said everywhere you see that it will be a developer edition only. Will it be end-user "usable?"... eh.. maybe.. but no guarantees. I'm expecting theres definitely going to be real quirks with it, it's just quirks weird people like me will enjoy using it with. Your average smart phone buyer OTOH isn't going to be interested in running a non-optimized OS on their phone..

Venemo 2010-08-06 07:53

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
I'm honestly surprised by the fact that some people can acquire more "Thanks!"es with trolling in threads like this than the developers with their applications' threads.

Something is wrong here.

JulmaHerra 2010-08-06 08:07

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777478)
Hrm.. IMHO: The mentality of only 1, maybe 2 year support for a phone just doesn't quite cut it anymore. The iPhones were updated for more than 2 years. An example, according to wiki, the iPhone 3G was released June of 2008, and received the 4.0.1 update July 1, 2010.

Maybe, maybe not. My N97 mini is considered to be something like obsolete piece of ****, yet it received last firmware update short while ago. It is actually quite good with it now. On the Apple side of story, their update of iOS 4 to older devices wasn't actually that smooth. IMO it's better to stick with older version on devices that doesn't pack the punch to actually run the newer one. This is why many of many iPhone owners have actually downgraded their OS's. Same goes with Android (Motorola Droid had performance issues with updated version) and Windows Mobile (colleague used to have HTC Windows-device, updated with newer version it had terrible performance).


That kind of business-model is just.. unappealing now-a-days. So making a new phone with an already EOL product hoping that you'll get at most 1 year of support of it is.. well.. kinda setting the standards a little low isn't it?
Support for older device doesn't really stop right there when newer device or OS is out, nor does it mean that older product is EOL. If OS is stable and supports application frameworks used in newer devices, I don't really see that big problem.


And, as far as "MeeGo to be available on our N900's".. keep in mind that it is said everywhere you see that it will be a developer edition only. Will it be end-user "usable?"... eh.. maybe.. but no guarantees. I'm expecting theres definitely going to be real quirks with it, it's just quirks weird people like me will enjoy using it with. Your average smart phone buyer OTOH isn't going to be interested in running a non-optimized OS on their phone..
I'm perfectly aware of that. I never considered N900 to be an average Joe's device anyway. Community supported version of MeeGo is likely to be out, but I'm not sure if I really want it. There's not enough known about it at the moment to make decision on that yet. Remains to be seen. At the moment updated and optimized version of Ovi Maps is actually only thing I really miss (OK, better battery life would also be appreciated...) and if it will be available for Maemo 5, I won't be that sad if MeeGo for N900 doesn't happen in usable manner. But that's just me...

etuoyo 2010-08-06 08:12

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 777502)
I'm honestly surprised by the fact that some people can acquire more "Thanks!"es with trolling in threads like this than the developers with their applications' threads.

Something is wrong here.

Lol. Guess it is human nature to focus more on negatives than positives. If my wife does something negative I always criticise her. If she does something positive tend not to say anything about it and take it for granted. Unless it is something so amazing that I just have to commend her for it.

Many people here are so frustrated with Nokia that the negatives from Nokia far outweighs the good work you guys are doing.

Don't worry about it - you just concentrate on getting the Sticky Notes update out as soon as possible :):):)

abill_uk 2010-08-06 08:28

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 777380)
thanks for making this forum miserable place for the rest of us.

just **** off, I got (again) too tired to this piece of sh...

..and because you idiots don't know how to leave, I'll have to do it.

Yes I admit you won. Congrats....

What is THAT all about????.

And we have comments like this to deal with too !.

AM just wondering something here... is ossipena and slender one and the same???, i think it is at least worthwhile investigating by a mod, as it is not allowed to have 2 id's !.

Both have very nasty comments to make at various people and are both in the same location... weird..

gerbick 2010-08-06 08:30

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Stop stirring the pot. Just let it rest, abill_uk. Just let it rest.

longcat 2010-08-06 08:31

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
can someone tag this with 'worstthreadever'

abill_uk 2010-08-06 08:40

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777540)
Stop stirring the pot. Just let it rest, abill_uk. Just let it rest.

It will rest when nastiness dissapears from this forum !.


slender 2010-08-06 08:46

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 777548)
It will rest when nastiness dissapears from this forum !.


Letīs make everyone blind!

fieryriver 2010-08-06 09:36

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Hmmm...someone actually realised the nokia exec avoiding n900 questions...

neotalk 2010-08-06 09:44

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
would of been nice to see the n900 being mentioned....but really what else did you expect? Nokia is not going to commit itself to something it cannot/wont deliver.

abill_uk 2010-08-06 09:57

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fieryriver (Post 777590)
Hmmm...someone actually realised the nokia exec avoiding n900 questions...

Yep and it is a crying shame Nokia have done this but maybe just maybe he never got to grips with the full history of current problems to be able to justify a good responce to any N900 q's, maybe he didnt want to look an idiot ;).

OK is maybe an excuse but hey...after spending 500 quid on this device we live in hope !!!.

fieryriver 2010-08-06 10:11

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
TBH i am perfectly fine with my n900 but it seems to me as if nokia ***** slapped us after the money we spent on the device (on Nokia). €550 and below-average support from nokia. what a waste. MeeGo looks interesting but I refuse to be an early adopter once again.
Actually, I think Nokia is not that bad but when it comes to N900 they seem to forget they have designed it themselves. What a shame and what a loss.
Hope Nokia knows what they're doing (and not just for themselves but also for their customers which eventually will benefit Nokia)

p.s. this is not a whine post. can people arround here complain about sth without being called whiners/trolls etc...?

geneven 2010-08-06 10:15

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777339)
I get it.. you like twitter.


False! Totally false and not to the point. I like Twitter sometimes. The point of mentioning Wikipedia is that someone who assumed that anyone who ever used Wikipedia was committing themselves to "keeping up" with Wikipedia all the time was making a terrible assumption. And someone who assumes that using Twitter means that you are committing yourself to keeping up with Twitter is making an assumption just as bad.

No, these days I find Twitter filled with advertisements. But when it's useful, it's useful. Next time there's an earthquake, or Metro bombings in Moscow, I'll be there.

slender 2010-08-06 10:34

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fieryriver (Post 777619)
€550 and below-average support from nokia. what a waste.

Could you please make some kind of scale of "support quality" with referring to other telecommunication companies on this area. For sake of it letīs say that in last 3-5 years. Make list of different companies and compare how they have managed to give support to their devices and put N900 on that scale.

After N900 release we have seen huge amount of bug fixes (IMO it should have matured little bit before release but still) and looking Maemoīs bugzilla looks like itīs still getting those fixes for next PR release. Some people are happy and some people are not. Also we have to remember that people talking here are just little minority of N900 users so no-one really knows how happy/unhappy N900 users are. I would care to say that most of N900 owners do not even understand what maemo is. Maybe Nokia has some kind of internal statistics from web questionnaires so they probably know how some of users are feeling about this product.

But after all. the best channels to give feedback and complain are:

Andrew_b 2010-08-06 10:42

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Unfortunately, I'm a bit late to this party but in retrospect, the best question to put to a new PR exec about N900 would have been something along the lines of:

"What message does the way in which Nokia have treated the N900 user community send out to potential buyers of future Nokia smartphones, and how will this give any confidence to potential buyers of the N8 when it is eventually released?"

I suspect that Nokia have high hopes for the N8, but the anti-Nokians need only point the finger at the N900 (and N97) to cast doubt on the wisdom of buying into Nokia smartphone technology. I love my N900 and if it truly is supposed to be 'step four of five', then Nokia need to use it as an opportunity to demonstrate that they are capable of meaningful PR and customer support, not just hardware/software development.

fieryriver 2010-08-06 10:47

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by slender (Post 777639)
Could you please make some kind of scale of "support quality" with referring to other telecommunication companies on this area. For sake of it letīs say that in last 3-5 years. Make list of different companies and compare how they have managed to give support to their devices and put N900 on that scale.

I may have said that without consideration but, for example let's look at the droid/milestone or even the htc desire, they're still getting support and will have froyo. I'm not saying we should get meego for n900 since that is a different os but seriously who still thinks we're getting more future updates from nokia? and besides maemo 5 was brand new and bam! "ok let's forget 'bout maemo it's all about meego now!"

this is just how i feel and i don't know if it's true or not. just tried to answer your question. Oh and i really hate hate hate loathe to bring this up but (forgive me I'm going to be blasphemous) iphone 3gs can be upgraded to ios4 unless i'm much mistaken though i heard it was plagued with problems, hence why i never have and never will touch anything branded with a bitten apple

Again this is just my opinion

slender 2010-08-06 11:03

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fieryriver (Post 777651)
I may have said that without consideration but, for example let's look at the droid/milestone or even the htc desire, they're still getting support and will have froyo. I'm not saying we should get meego for n900 since that is a different os but seriously who still thinks we're getting more future updates from nokia? and besides maemo 5 was brand new and bam! "ok let's forget 'bout maemo it's all about meego now!"

"still getting support" Desire was released 16 February 2010, droid/milestone November 6, 2009. Who thinks? Whatta F? Look maemos bugzilla and we are still getting at least one update and after that customized meego for N900.

Actually iPhone is pretty good example for long term support. Even thought new Os updates come to old iphones with certain restrictions and limited new features.

Iīm not saying that support should not be better but iīm just trying to say that itīs not that bad as some people yell here. Itīs freaking weird that people taking something so granted after 5 seconds.


this is just how i feel and i don't know if it's true or not. just tried to answer your question. Oh and i really hate hate hate loathe to bring this up but (forgive me I'm going to be blasphemous) iphone 3gs can be upgraded to ios4 unless i'm much mistaken though i heard it was plagued with problems, hence why i never have and never will touch anything branded with a bitten apple

Again this is just my opinion
Yes i feel too but after all itīs just a thing.

fieryriver 2010-08-06 11:09

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by slender (Post 777666)
Iīm not saying that support should not be better but iīm just trying to say that itīs not that bad as some people yell here. Itīs freaking weird that people taking something so granted after 5 seconds.

I have never said support was a disaster but just like you i think it could be better.
Besides, you can kinda understand those who as you say "yell here". Nokia is still, like, the Big thing in the handset market from low to high end but if they want to remain in competition they should listen to the customers and provide better support damn it. It might sound like I'm asking too much but this is 2010 and customers are looking for support/upgrades/enhancements all the time. And as I see it a company such as Nokia should respect their customers wishes and stop with the, albeit financially correct, mentality that support for a device stops as soon as the customer buys it or soon after.

abill_uk 2010-08-06 11:50

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Slender i have FINALLY worked you out ha... your father has a huge share in Nokia and as you both live in Finland the very home of this company is the reason you will not tolerate any bad talk of Nokia HAHA now we all know !!!. :-)

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