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grog 2010-10-17 01:59

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Sorry, wish I knew something about the extra-devel process, but I do hope you get that fixed soon :)

I have a request. Is it possible to shoehorn the article date & time somewhere? There are oftentimes I don't get a chance to read the news right away & while catching up I find myself wondering how long ago an artticle was posted.


fpp 2010-10-17 09:18

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
LOL same happened to me with the first release of SnXM :-)

Twidi 2010-10-18 09:22

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
grog : i note it for later ;)

fpp 2010-10-18 11:14

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Lately I noticed a small problem, but I can't remember if it's been there since the last update or not : when I reach the last item in a list (using 'j' or 'n'), the "this is the last item" notification appears in black-on-black instead of the standard Fremantle black-on-yellow (which means it is unreadable, only the outline is visible).

Is this just me ?...

Twidi 2010-10-18 17:03

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
it's weird because i use the same call for all messages

fpp 2010-10-18 18:56

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
When do other messages appear ? :-)

Twidi 2010-10-19 09:11

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
all messages like "Entry now marked as unread"...

fpp 2010-10-19 10:16

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Ah yes, silly me (I don't ever do that :)

Well, they're *all* black on black... what could be the matter ? Notifications are OK in other apps...

Twidi 2010-10-19 14:57

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
how can they be black ??? i do not use any customisation on it, it's a system call ! (hmm i just put the message in a "<p>"

Did you have the same problem with the help window ? (press "h")

fpp 2010-10-19 22:34

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I just tried, and yes it' black on black like all the rest. This is mighty strange, I'm sure it was working fine not so long ago, and there hasn't been an update for some time... It's not system-wide either, so what is it ?
Maybe I should try deleting the folder and pulling everything down fron github again...

dscobsct 2010-10-19 22:43

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
so any news on getting this into devel? or at least a .deb i can download?

Twidi 2010-10-19 23:21

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
i'm still trying the autobuilder, but really, making deb it's definitively not for me...
No i'm waiting something happen after my new post to the autobuilder (nothing for now)

Twidi 2010-10-19 23:23

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 845516)
I just tried, and yes it' black on black like all the rest. This is mighty strange, I'm sure it was working fine not so long ago, and there hasn't been an update for some time... It's not system-wide either, so what is it ?
Maybe I should try deleting the folder and pulling everything down fron github again...

I have no idea and i don't see how pulling source again may change something. If it was working fine before, no update in the meanwhile... no idea, really.

How long GRead stay opened on your n900 ?

dscobsct 2010-10-20 18:05

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
just downloaded GRead from the repos, so thats good news that it got there, but it doesnt start when icon is clicked, sorry dude lol

Twidi 2010-10-20 19:53

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

dscobsct : it should be resolved with last version in extras-devel, aka 1.0.1-2

Twidi 2010-10-20 19:56

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
(and i know there is no icon, it seems correctly configured but.. no... still searching...)

nbkjbmj 2010-10-22 19:45

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Hey, I couldn't fetch data under my account, maybe I input wrong user/password code...How can I get to "Setting" page to re-type them? Thanks.:confused:


Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 789966)
Update 10.20.10: Gread is available in extras-devel !


Update 09.14.10: some ui enhancement

A screenshot of the last version (clic to see full size):


Update 09.13.10 : new version, fully rewriten (except UI).


Original message, 08-18-10:

Author of the blog "" (not very active these times) since october, but with my own n900 from a month, i decided to wrote a Google Reader application, because the only one i found and tried, grr, didn't work very well for me.

So i found a lib for google reader "libgreader", in python (my preferred language), i added a lot of stuff in it, and i chose QT as toolkit (perhaps my app will work on Meego (i am also the author of and, with an eye open to the grr source code, here is GRead.

It's a work in progress but the first step is almost reached.

The main goal is to have a Google Reader application as good as the "Newsrob" one on Android i used before having my Nokia n900.

The first step is to create an application with the basics, as we have in "grr"
The next step is to add real offline capabilities.

This firs step is currently done minus keybord shortcuts, but with many improvements:

- more settings (for interface)
- choose between feeds or labels at launch
- works too on 2G/3G (for me grr works only on wifi)
- auto-rotation
- thread for network operations
- manage auto-reconnect, detect lack of connectivity (all operations will be done when the network is available)
- allow to show original feed content in the application (using QTWebkit) or in the browser
- see more special feeds (shared and starred, but also "all", "friends", "notes"...)
- scroll long titles

There is some little bugs and lacks:

- unread count not always sync in feeds list when some item are read (without doing a resync), and specially for special feeds
- GRead does not connect the device to network, it just uses the current one
- no shortcuts yet
- no zoom in the item view
- and so on :)

I currently work a lot on this application,

And notice it also runs on linux out of the box (the only package needed, except PyQt, is simplejson). libgreader is included with GRead.

You can found the source code on GitHub :

To launch GRead, simply execute the file in the src directory

PS : if i found a easy way to make a package i'll do it, i actually don't know how to do this.

PPS : i just saw the topic about grr

dscobsct 2010-10-22 20:33

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 846423)
(and i know there is no icon, it seems correctly configured but.. no... still searching...)

the update worked thanks dude,
and i do get an icon, its the same as grr icon.

Twidi 2010-10-23 13:10

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
nbkjbmj : you should have a "settings" entry in the window's menu (click on the window's title)

dscobsct : great ! and for the icon (which is not exactly the same as the grr one ;)) yes, it's ok now for me too.

nbkjbmj 2010-10-24 07:27

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Twidi:

I attached a screenshot of Gread after I click "window title", no "Setting" shown.....

Twidi 2010-10-24 12:04

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
hmm i see :) i'll correct this.

you can manually delete the config file in a terminal :

rm /home/user/.config/

naj 2010-10-26 14:22

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Scrolling: With a newly installed PR1.3 it works again. So the cause was probably some inofficial update package I installed.

Cheerio, naj

fpp 2010-10-26 15:10

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Well I installed a new version of GRead through app manager, and what do you know : notifications are black-on-yellow again !

Problem solved, mystery remains forever :-)

Twidi 2010-10-26 19:26

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
i like this kind of mystery :)

Twidi 2010-10-28 01:46

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Version 1.0.2 is in extras-devel.

What's new:
  • manage bad authentication (already handled in the core but not the UI)
  • try to display as many as feeds as we can for the opened category (in the feeds list)

ragarnok 2010-11-02 18:03

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I have to say I never enjoyed browsing Google Reader on any mobile but this has changed my day! Great work!

fpp 2010-11-02 18:42

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
How do I know if I'm running 1.0.2 ? GRead lacks an "About" dialog :-)

I don't remember updating after the 28th... but then I had to reflash after PR1.3 so maybe restoring apps pulled in the latest version ?

Architrion 2010-11-02 21:38

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Installed under PR1.3, entered my google account user and pass, then synchronize and an special message that says "feeds fetching could not be done"

any idea?

Twidi 2010-11-03 08:53

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
ragarnok : thanks a lot !

fpp : it's the last one available in extra-devels (with an update you'll be sure of this). But yes we need an about dialog :)

archtrion : are you sure about your credentials ?

Architrion 2010-11-03 09:57

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Twidi 2010-11-04 14:28

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
did you try to enter them again ?

fpp 2010-11-04 18:27

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Me again... I must have the latest version as I don't see any updates in app manager. However, I have been seeing a strange problem lately, and I'd like to know if I'm the only one ?

What happens is that I enter the "All" list, open the first one and go through the items in sequence using the "j" key. This used to work just fine since the very beginning, but these days (I'm not sure if it's after updating to PR1.3 or if it started just before...) it's kind of broken.

Every so often, when I press "j", instead of going to the next item it brings me back to the "All" list, positioned on item N+2, skipping item N+1 and marking it as read. So I have to scroll one up and press enter or "o" again, until the next time.

In some sessions it happens infrequently (like 1 in 10) and is only mildly irritating, in others so often as to be unusable (like 1 in 2 or 3). It doesn't seem to happen on items from specific feeds (which are the same as before anyway).

Is it only me ? What could I try ?

Edit/PS: doesn't happen with the older version I run on my N810...

taike_hk 2010-11-05 07:23

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Thanks for sharing such a nice app. Offline feature is so great.

If a large font option can be added in the settings, I won't ask
any more :)

From Hong Kong

taike_hk 2010-11-05 09:23

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Just realized the zoom setting does what I need (large font).

Very nice.

Twidi 2010-11-05 12:33

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
fpp : i rarely use the "all" feed and never this way. i just tried and yes, in some not understandable cases i have the bug too. i'll check

fpp 2010-11-05 19:58

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Whew, I'm relieved :-)

It must be related to some of the most recent changes you've done, as it never did it before.

travik 2010-11-07 18:05

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
great app, very glad it made it to extras-dev, much better overall experience than grr, with easy zooming, keyboard shortcuts, label support, etc. im sure Ill come up with a few wishlist items after using it a bit more but for now its just what the doctor ordered

fpp 2010-11-07 20:04

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 864281)
fpp : i rarely use the "all" feed and never this way. i just tried and yes, in some not understandable cases i have the bug too. i'll check

Actually, I did some testing and it doesn't only happen in the "All" feed list, but also in individual feed lists.

It's not very deterministic, but it seems to be related to items with "rich content" (pictures, graphic menus, comments etc.), maybe because they're slower to load ? Over-the-top feeds like Gizmodo, Engadget, Slashdot are very frequently affected, while plain, bare-bone, old-style RSS feeds like Delicious and personal blogs are almost immune...

Architrion 2010-11-08 09:56

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 863278)
did you try to enter them again ?

Absolutely unable to accept my google credentials. No matter what I enter, username or

Maybe I'm wrong about what google credentials are. Can you help me?

Twidi 2010-11-08 19:31

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
fpp : i can reproduce the bug a lot, but without logic !

Architrion : it should be with your gmail password... don't understand why :( i'll try to add some debugging info in the next version...

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