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jnwi 2010-09-13 06:51

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Anssi Vanjoki is resigning too. This is bigger cause for concern, imho.

UCOMM 2010-09-13 08:50

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by jnwi (Post 814631)
Anssi Vanjoki is resigning too. This is bigger cause for concern, imho.

why? no more anssi key now?

Crashdamage 2010-09-13 10:33

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 814257)
They may have to give the phones away and pay people cash each time they make a call to encourage people to use them.

They'll do it, if necessary, to win in the mobile market.


People like winmobile less than they like Symbian.
Not in NA. In the rest of the world that perception can be changed.


There are various reasons for the widespread use of dos/win. Some keywords: standardisation, compatibility, ruthless stamping out of competition using illegal means, bribing/blackmailing of manufacturers, abusing monopoly, etc.
All of which will apply to their WP7 push. Worked before to conquer the world, can work again.


Exactly - avoid like the plague.
Maybe me, you and many others in a forum like this. But not on about 95% of desktops and laptops worldwide.


Only corporates with legacy baggage infrastructure will be buying WP7 phonesin any substantial quantities.
Business lock-in to Windoze and Win software is exactly why most businesses, mine included, find it impossible to get away from running Windoze, not matter how badly they may want to.


You really think consumers will rush to buy WP7 phones when one of its boasted features is being "an ad serving machine"?
Yes, absolutely. Most users are either ignorant or unconcerned about such things. It's not slowing down Android.


In the long term the importance of the NA market (for any good/services) will continue to shrink.
Even if the NA market shrinks a little as a percentage of worldwide sales, in terms of the public perception of mobile devices and services the NA market unfortunately rules and will as far as one can see. If you doubt it, think about the influence the iPhone and Android have had in the discussion and design of such things, worldwide.


Since Nokia has historically not done well in NA anyway, the "loss" of it is no great deal.
But the gain of it would be huge, and in more ways than raw sales numbers.

Bernard 2010-09-13 21:22

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by mymybib (Post 813321)
I use ovi share ! For me it's much better than flickr and facebook. I have more trust for european company than american company about my privacy.

Each time I take a photo with my phone, the photo is upload to ovi share to backup it.

I also don't like facebook, but I think fickr works just fine for photo upload. Also I think that the privacy argument will not convince many people to use ovi share instead of flickr. Also the fact that Nokia has shut down ovi mail and ovi files already will make new users hesitate to use ovi services for personal information storage.


Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 813571)
At this point Nokia has no deep commitment to MeeGo they can't easily walk away from. Nothing MeeGo presently on the market. Only the pie-in-the-sky promise of something actually running Maemo 6/Harmattan but called MeeGo. As for Nokia's Qt strategy, well, it is you say Qt and WinPhone 7 in the same sentence? Yes, yes you can.

Considering the above and that they now have one of their own at the top of power at Nokia, what do you think M$ would be willing to do to get WinPhone 7 as the OS on a worldwide market as huge as Nokia's? To deliver Windows gaming, Exchange, Office, Bing, cloud services, etc. etc. to that market?

And what is Nokia willing to do to make a major dent in the North American Market? Well, we know now at minimum giving the CEO job to a M$ lackey. Does it include WinPhone 7? Betcha it does...

Cancelling a product like the N9 that is scheduled for november/december would be an insane waste of money and resources for Nokia. The product is almost finished, most of the development cost has already been spent. They might as well release the product and see how well it does. Nokia doesn't have any other product in the high-end smartphone/mobile computing market planned this year that we know of.
The N8 is a very different product aimed at a totally different market (a little bit more trendy, and aimed at the photo/film camera enthusiast), and isn't a direct competitor to a Maemo6/MeeGo device.
If the Maemo 6/MeeGo N9 turns out to be an enormous commercial flop (like the MS KIN), than Nokia might reconsider the high-end smartphone platform choice (and go for Android or Windows Phone 7) .
Symbian will not disappear soon. Nokia makes her money selling low-end and mid-range phones. A huge amount of those run Symbian. A lot of people seem to like relatively cheap phones running Symbian. Switching platforms on the mid-range would be suicide for Nokia. Besides Windows Phone7 only runs on really high-end chips, Android does run on lower-end chips, but the performance is not very good, so Symbian is probably a better choice on the lower-mid range for the time being.

if Microsoft will really deliver a good mobile phone platform that has some innovative features (like a xbox gaming platform and good working exchange and office apps ), than why would it be a bad thing for Nokia to make a Windows Phone 7 device?

But Windows Phone 7 devices will probably be aimed at a very different group of customers than Maemo/MeeGo and even Symbian devices. So I think that Windows Phone 7 might possibly be an addition to the product portfolio, but a bad replacement for MeeGo/Maemo. Just ask yourself (as a N900 user) this question: "Would you "upgrade" to an Windows Phone 7 device?"
Thought not. Why wouldn't Nokia want to make a nice hackable linux phone for us? If Nokia can make some money doing so, of course they will! The mobile phone market is hugely competitive, no single player can make us buy a Windows Phone.


Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 814050)
WinPhone 7 is about ready now. It could easily be on a Nokia phone in your local store in 6 months.

Out of the question. Development cycles for high-end smartphones are almost 2 years. Getting a new device through the FCC measurements alone takes at least a month. And if you look at Nokias History: it took over 6 months before all the major bugs were out of the software for the N97, and that was AFTER release. Unless Nokia has secretly been working on a Windows 7 phone, they will never be able to release a new device in 6 months.


Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 814778)
There are various reasons for the widespread use of dos/win. Some keywords: standardisation, compatibility, ruthless stamping out of competition using illegal means, bribing/blackmailing of manufacturers, abusing monopoly, etc.

All of which will apply to their WP7 push. Worked before to conquer the world, can work again.

No, not very likely that it can work again. The PC market was a fraction of the size of what it is now. And the mobile phone market is much larger than the PC market (more people use mobile phones, and they switch much, much faster when compared to laptops or PC's).
The mobile phone market is the place were a lot of big players collide. Apple (media players and mac), Sony (consumer electronics and content), Google (internet services and advertisement), Nokia (mobile phone manufacturer), Microsoft (operating systems and gaming), Samsung (hardware manufacturer), Dell, Acer, HP (computer manufacturers) etc. etc.

allnameswereout 2010-09-13 21:48

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 813571)
As for Nokia's Qt strategy, well, it is you say Qt and WinPhone 7 in the same sentence? Yes, yes you can.

No, you can't. You need to use C# with Silverlight or XNA. Which is why Firefox for Windows Phone 7 is cancelled.

Crashdamage 2010-09-13 22:08

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
@Bernard: I could refute most of your points - if I had the time. But I'm covered up with work right now. I'm looking at a late night and early morning. Let's just say I really really hope I'm completely wrong.

Crashdamage 2010-09-13 22:13

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 815278)
No, you can't. You need to use C# with Silverlight or XNA. Which is why Firefox for Windows Phone 7 is cancelled.

I think in order to gain access to Nokia's massive market M$ might just be willing to provide a way around that problem.

abby_normal 2010-09-14 00:38

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
It strikes me that it would be foolish for Nokia to hitch its wagon exclusively to WP7 (in the high-end smartphone space), especially without any reliable guarantees that it will succeed. It is a lose-lose proposition. If WP7 tanks, Nokia hardware sales tank with it, and Nokia is left scrambling to find a replacement. If WP7 is a runaway success, unless the initial licensing terms are EXTREMELY favorable to Nokia, the OS licensing fees will go up, and a larger percentage of future unit sales go to M$ rather than Nokia. And either way, Nokia inevitably must cede a certain amount of control to M$ with respect to things like OS architecture, fixing high-priority bugs, support for new/innovative hardware, software, services, etc. In other words, the very things that Nokia might use to distinguish itself from its competitors.

I COULD see the merits of developing hardware on parallel tracks--MeeGo plus Droid or WP7, or even both. That mitigates the risk in either direction, and increases leverage. If Nokia can walk away from WP7/Droid at any time because they have a fully-functioning MeeGo alternative, that provides Nokia with leverage to get the problems fixed, keep the licensing costs down, etc. Conversely, if the alternative operating system becomes a runaway success, Nokia is poised to cash in on the upside.

Somewhat ironically, I would hope that having a reasonably-intelligent former Microsoft executive at the helm would INCREASE, rather than decrease, awareness of the potential pitfalls of getting into bed with M$. At a minimum, he should be very cognizant of how to negotiate a licensing deal that is not ridiculously one-sided towards M$.

Not that I'm particularly eager to see WP7 on Nokia hardware, mind you. I'm optimistic about MeeGo, and if I had to choose an alternative it would be Droid.

thecursedfly 2010-09-14 01:25

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
you guys are speaking too much about WP7 on these forums.... *shivers*

(go meego! go linux! go opensource! :p )

mmurfin87 2010-09-14 03:32

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
WP7 won't tank. I don't think you all understand just what is being unleashed on the world.

OSS is nice and we can all dream about it, but the reality is WP7 isn't just an operating system. Its a a confluence of technologies and services the likes of which just don't exist under an open source license.

ossipena 2010-09-14 05:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 813571)
Considering the above and that they now have one of their own at the top of power at Nokia, what do you think M$ would be willing to do to get WinPhone 7 as the OS on a worldwide market as huge as Nokia's? To deliver Windows gaming, Exchange, Office, Bing, cloud services, etc. etc. to that market?

And what is Nokia willing to do to make a major dent in the North American Market? Well, we know now at minimum giving the CEO job to a M$ lackey. Does it include WinPhone 7? Betcha it does...

microsoft part I agree but Nokia part... so they skip all service stuff and start selling arse to WM7 as a bulk manufacturer?

wmarone 2010-09-14 05:17

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by mmurfin87 (Post 815401)
WP7 won't tank. I don't think you all understand just what is being unleashed on the world.

Microsoft's attempt to be Apple in the mobile space, that's what.


OSS is nice and we can all dream about it
I'd rather not "dream" because I don't have to now. Microsoft would rather I dream, or start shelling out dollars to live in their DRM encrusted world. I don't like it when I'm told I have to use a locked down system and pay other people money to use my property as I wish. Apple and MS are trying to stuff the cat back in the bag, one I'm sure they wish they could have kept in 30+ years ago.


Its a a confluence of technologies and services the likes of which just don't exist under an open source license.
Short of MS playing anti-competitive monopolist again I don't see why it can't.

kureyon 2010-09-14 06:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 814778)
All of which will apply to their WP7 push. Worked before to conquer the world, can work again.

It worked before because when MS-DOS/PC-DOS was introduced there were practically no alternatives, once it gained a foothold it went viral (standardisation). When a superior competitor appeared (Dr-DOS), used all manner of dubious and most likely illegal tactics to beat them, including forcing manufacturers to pay for MS-DOS whether or not they shipped their machines with it. Having killed Digital Research (and hence GEM - a GUI) there was no competition for Windows and thus MS extended its stranglehold on the marketplace. The mobile market today is very different to the computer market of 30 years ago. Plenty of superior competition and no conceivable way for MS to apply lock-in except to a small segment of the market. Only way for MS to achieve dominance is if they somehow patented the act of making a phone call.


Yes, absolutely. Most users are either ignorant or unconcerned about such things. It's not slowing down Android.
Sometimes people make a compromised choice - you sell your soul to Jobs in return for a flashy interface, you sell your soul to Google in return for useful useful and mostly top-notch apps (gmail, google maps). What do you get in return for selling your soul to MS? Buggy, power-hungry, bloated, crashy crap?

Frappacino 2010-09-14 07:54

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 815488)
Sometimes people make a compromised choice - you sell your soul to Jobs in return for a flashy interface, you sell your soul to Google in return for useful useful and mostly top-notch apps (gmail, google maps). What do you get in return for selling your soul to MS? Buggy, power-hungry, bloated, crashy crap?

this is an extremely ignorant arrogant and elitist statement - snobbish in the extreme

you go talk to a non technical joe 6 pack about their android or iPhone and ask them what it feels like to sell heir soul....

... bet you they will look at you like you are an idiot - back away - and say 'right...'

see to j6p its a JUST A phone which is just an appliance - to many the compromise is minor and is not "selling your soul"

so tell if the user doesnt care - how is that going to factor into their purchase decision ?

ppl like u have been in this forum too long u need to get out and talk to actual normal ppl who these phones are targetted towards

kureyon 2010-09-14 15:34

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 815513)
this is an extremely ignorant arrogant and elitist statement - snobbish in the extreme

Regardless, doesn't make it any less true. Throughout history the ignorant masses have been exploited by the less ignorant.


you go talk to a non technical joe 6 pack about their android or iPhone and ask them what it feels like to sell heir soul....
Ah they are the ones who don't even know they have sold their soul :) The informed are the ones who make a compromised decision.

ysss 2010-09-18 06:23

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 815905)
The informed are the ones who make a compromised decision.

You're talking as if the FOSS (not even) solutions are already perfect and at a features/performance parity to the competing proprietary solutions.

That's not the case now, is it?

daperl 2011-02-12 12:32

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
If you're bored, this thread is a fun reread.

Dave999 2011-02-12 12:33

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Damn, I hoped it was ELOP :(

Rugoz 2011-02-12 12:34

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Elop resigned? yippie ya yeah!!

Lets celebrate!!

RFS-81 2011-02-12 12:40

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Now, bumping this thread was evil! :D

adhrie 2011-02-12 12:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

bump... bump...bump...

(still hoping that elop will resign)

niqt 2011-02-12 13:20

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
+2 boom boom

patlak 2011-02-12 13:41

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Elop commented on his new Nokia position: "I am extremely excited to become part of a team dedicated to strengthening Nokia's position as the undisputed leader of the mobile communications industry, with a relentless focus on meeting the needs and expectations of customers. Nokia has a unique global position as well as a great brand upon which we can build. The company has deeply talented and dedicated people, and I am confident that together we can continue to deliver innovative products that meet the needs of consumers. The Nokia slogan clearly states our key mission: Connecting People, which will acquire new dimensions as we build our portfolio of products, solutions and services."

So touching and heart warming...can't stop the tears.
If he was this excited why didn't he do anything? It took him half a year to piss on the burning platform? He must have a 103 octane piss.

longcat 2011-02-12 13:43

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
disconnected people

patlak 2011-02-12 13:49

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by longcat (Post 943978)
disconnected people

His BING maps can't find a store to get a longer, more durable cable in order to reconnect those people.

AndyNokia232 2011-02-12 13:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Bing maps can't seem to find any Nokia flagship stores either....oh yeah, because Elop CLOSED them. Disconnecting People.

m4r0v3r 2011-02-12 13:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I feel sorry for Nokia, it seems he has ruined there company and he has decided to ditch them. I hope whoever replaces him has the sense not to do the same

Rauha 2011-02-12 14:29

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Bumping this is so super-evil. Moment of hope that it was about


patlak 2011-02-12 14:35

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 944023)
Bumping this is so super-evil. Moment of hope that it was about


Ahahahahahaha EPIC!!!!

At least Elop is offering services for the community :)

ste-phan 2011-02-12 15:02

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by patlak (Post 943974)
Elop commented on his new Nokia position: "I am extremely excited to become part of a team dedicated to strengthening Nokia's position as the undisputed leader of the mobile communications industry, with a relentless focus on meeting the needs and expectations of customers. Nokia has a unique global position as well as a great brand upon which we can build. The company has deeply talented and dedicated people, and I am confident that together we can continue to deliver innovative products that meet the needs of consumers. The Nokia slogan clearly states our key mission: Connecting People, which will acquire new dimensions as we build our portfolio of products, solutions and services."

This is typical computer generated manager talk that one cannot take serious.. , insert brand, insert branch activity ,...

He is being paid to make responsible decisions and he was paid to make just that decision. Let's see which of the 2 gives him wings out of Nokia.

Change the topic to "Nokia CEO resign already!"

ossipena 2011-02-12 15:45

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 944023)
Bumping this is so super-evil. Moment of hope that it was about


actually the bump was pretty good for me: reading my own earlier posts here is a good reminder about black swans: they are real but so irrational that you simply cannot see 'em in time...

geneven 2011-02-12 15:49

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 944082)
actually the bump was pretty good for me: reading my own earlier posts here is a good reminder about black swans: they are real but so irrational that you simply cannot see 'em in time...

I love black swans.

zwer 2011-02-12 19:30

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
To the original 'bumper' of this thread:

You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly. Bravo sir!

BLIZZARD 2011-02-12 19:49

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Elop welcome everyone for a big hug but then.....

comes the evil smile that betrades:

Btw, what does that mean?:

davbost 2011-02-12 20:11

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I knew it was to good to be true.

Rauha 2011-02-12 20:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by BLIZZARD (Post 944316)

He's going to grab your titties.

danramos 2011-07-08 00:25

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Oh my God! What's this? A dead thread that needs to be revived for reminder's sake?? :)

marxian 2011-07-08 00:38

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1046769)
Oh my God! What's this? A dead thread that needs to be revived for reminder's sake?? :)

You tease! I thought Eflop was a goner. What a letdown. :( ;)

ysss 2011-07-08 00:39

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1046769)
Oh my God! What's this? A dead thread that needs to be revived for reminder's sake?? :)

scapegoat845 2011-07-08 00:40

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Ramos u dick. U got me....

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