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jurop88 2011-07-29 15:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Dunno how I solved it, perhaps it was only a repo momentarily down - installing right now!


Originally Posted by jurop88 (Post 1060501)
Cannot install: missing package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra
I looked for the package and an 'apt-cache search' found only gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad.
I lost lot of time trying to understand what's going on, the pkg seems to be included in the PR1.3 update, my device is 1.3 up-to-date (already checked). I had not been able to find an installable 'bad-extra' pkg

earthwings 2011-08-02 19:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Marble 1.2.0-1 is in extras-testing for some days now. If you're using it, please give it a vote:
Marble 1.2.0-1
Marble Maps 1.2.0-1

If you're using offline routing with monav-0.3 please also vote for it. It's hanging in the waiting queue for ten weeks now :confused:

@Redsandro, Estel: Setting persistentTileCacheLimit=0 in the [Cache] section in /home/user/MyDocs/.config/ Desktop Globe.conf disables cache deletion. Actually that should be the default on Maemo. Does Marble delete tiles on your system? It should only refresh them after one week when visiting an area again. The refresh timeout can be configured in openstreetmap.dgml.

@Redsandro: Can you tell me which country map you downloaded and which search query/queries you tried? Searching should just work after installing a country map (from the monav config dialog). It needs a working sqlite Qt plugin, maybe that is missing on your system?

@mase: Is the sound still not working? Which speaker are you using?

ivgalvez 2011-08-03 17:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Is there any full screen mode? An OSD control by clicking in the right down corner like in Micro B would be nice...

Edit: [Facepalm]! it's an option when long press!

Redsandro 2011-08-04 19:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@earthwings: I just got back from Berlin. Anything I searched for, from pizza to specific addresses or streetnames, found zero results. I was using the monav Germany motorbike map.

Also, I think only when there was a (non-working) internet connection, anything I'd look at on the carefully preloaded map would gradually pixellate and get destroyed. Feels like throwing away old shoes before having new ones. Maybe the cache policy can change for this, because it doesn't make sense to destroy the tile you're looking at if it cannot download an updated tile. It should maybe throw away the least accessed tiles, or the farthest away tiles, or any random tile except the ones being looked at.

I think part of the preloaded cache had wrong permissions (my bad (good actually), I copied from PC because I preloaded on PC) because it kept working, and in this case using OSM on Berlin was pretty awesome because with the tracking feature as a reference it was very easy to find your way around.

Nice nice nice.

marbleuser 2011-08-04 22:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
i've logged a bug

basically it's a showstopper for me. i'm using the map of ireland, and while marble/monav draws the route on the map, most of the turn by turn instructions are missing.

i've downloaded the offical monav gui from the monav website (which isn't in the repositories) and it gives the correct turn by turn instructions, so i don't think it's a monav problem.

i've even hacked the offical monav gui maps into marble and it's still the same for ireland.

i wouldn't feel confident planning a big european road trip with marble as i would have no idea when this bug would appearin other areas.

EDIT: i've confirmed the problem for some areas in Berlin,Germany. the offical monav navigation gui is fine, but marble's integration with the monav routing daemon seems broken. the semi-common way to reproduce the problem is to include a route that includes the intersection of 3 roads, i.e. a 'fork' in the road (i.e. a 'Y' shape). small (minor) roads, especially. to reproduce the problem, plot a route from the top of the 'Y' down to the intersection and then back up to the other top of the 'Y'. it doesn't work for every 'Y' intersection, but does for many. marble plots the route on the map correctly, but driving instructions ignore the turning and tell you to go straight on.

EDIT2:after more experimenting, the problem seems related to street/road names. if the streets/roads have the same name or have no name, then marble borks. is marble relying on street names for turn by turn driving guidance?! that's pretty optimistic..

earthwings 2011-08-05 09:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@Redsandro: To workaround the cache problem, edit openstreetmap.dgml and increase the cache timeout. It's currently one week.
I guess that the root of the problem was an Internet connection where you get some login screen. When requesting a tile update, instead of the .png file the .html login site is then saved to the cache. Since it cannot be loaded as an image, you get pixelated images. I filed bug 279431 for this.
For the search problem, can you check whether there's a .sqlite file for Berlin somewhere in /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/placemarks/?

@marbleuser: You're right that Marble generates the turn instructions itself and omits instructions when the street name is the same. My intention to implement it like that was to avoid a huge load of unnecessary instructions for each and every curve. I can play with disabling the check to see how noisy the instructions get.

I'm out for three weeks now, expect no posts here in between. Please keep voting for
Marble 1.2.0-1
Marble Maps 1.2.0-1
though :)

Fellfrosch 2011-08-05 10:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi earthwings,

I've upgraded to Marble 1.2.0-1. But still I can't find an option where to select the speakers. Probably i'm looking for this option on the wrong places.

earthwings 2011-08-05 10:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@Fellfrosch: When you press (pen or finger) on the routing info box for about two seconds, you get a context menu with an entry to configure it. In the upcoming dialog you can choose the speaker.

@Redsandro: Setting Marble to offline mode should be a better workaround btw to avoid tile updates.

Fellfrosch 2011-08-05 10:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Ok thanks, that works.
Wish you a nice holiday

Redsandro 2011-08-06 14:55

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1062955)
Marble 1.2.0-1 is in extras-testing for some days now. If you're using it, please give it a vote:
@Redsandro, Estel: Setting persistentTileCacheLimit=0 in the [Cache] section in /home/user/MyDocs/.config/ Desktop Globe.conf disables cache deletion.

You're right, it's already like this by default. But the path is like so:
/home/user/.config/ Desktop Globe.conf (without MyDocs)


Setting Marble to offline mode should be a better workaround btw to avoid tile updates.
Yes, I thought of that, I think it didn't take until I restarted the app. Might have been confusion, so cannot confirm this definitely. :P


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1064513)
@Redsandro: To workaround the cache problem, edit openstreetmap.dgml and increase the cache timeout. It's currently one week.

I'll try. I am a bit confused about all the paths though. Why do linux apps usually have 2, 3 or 4 paths in ~ for storage? It's not because of the different types of RAM, because it's like this on desktop, too.

~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/ has no openstreetmap.dgml but has osmarender.dgml
~/MyDocs/.maps/ has OpenStreetMap I folder but no .dgml


I guess that the root of the problem was an Internet connection where you get some login screen.
That's a good candidate for a possibility. Most of these open hotspots have this loginscreen. Dunno why, people don't like to be nagged. :P


For the search problem, can you check whether there's a .sqlite file for Berlin somewhere in /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/placemarks/?
~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/placemarks $ ls -lah europe/
drwxrwxrwx 2 user root 64.0k May 25 10:49 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 user root 64.0k May 22 01:52 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user root 223.9M May 25 10:49 germany.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 user root 3.1M May 25 12:28 netherlands.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 user root 5.5k May 25 12:28 netherlands.sqlite-journal

Have a nice three weeks out!

gadgetChris 2011-08-21 04:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1055372)
Another thing that really bothers me is that when I'm traveling south, the arrow is pointing (and moving) down, which:

(1) makes it difficult to have an overview of where you are and what's coming, especially because:

(2) the "status bar" having the navigation instructions is always at the bottom and taking a good 25-30% of the screen real estate, so basically all I could see was an arrow pointing to the status bar, i.e. no details of where I was heading to.

I've commented on the following wish:

I do like the instructions, but wished they would move out of the way depending on the direction of travel.

When traveling between SE and SW, have the box move to the top and when moving between NW and NE, have it move back. (Might need to compensate for standing still, since then it can appear the move at random.)

Please vote for this bug/wish :cool:

Estel 2011-08-21 18:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I second this - Marble saved my train trip (I was heading via motorcar to station in foreign city), but indeed traveling south was quite a fight with zooming, to see where I'm coming, because blasted instructions covered map. Fortunately, I wasn't one driving, so constant controlling application wasn't a problem - but, in other situations, I would be forced to turn instructions off. And I really enjoy instructions, otherwise ;)

If automatic placement of instructions window isn't so trivial, at least allowing one to place it manually - like all other marble windows - would be great.

gadgetChris 2011-09-11 04:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1055105)
This is not a Marble error but error in Openstreetmap database.
... However, I think I did correct it enough so that once the database is updated your routing problem is gone.

Curious when will Marble recognize that the Ontario map is updated?

It still does not route properly, even though the OSM is corrected :confused:

earthwings 2011-09-13 21:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I'm aware of the recenter isue when travelling south. So far I didn't fix it because it either requires quite some new code to make the needed information available, or a hack. I try to avoid hacks, but maybe I should go for this one...

In other news I have a new N900, so testing the Maemo version is possible again :-) But there's also this nice Android tablet I want to make Marble work on. And Meego. So many choices :-)

I heard that the latest community update brings qt 4.7.4 which breaks Marble. Probably an ABI issue I can't fix on our side.
Update: Ignore this, works again.

We have a really nice patch pending for Marble 1.3 that will show the height profile for routes. I'll post some screenshots when it's in master and tested on the N900, stay tuned.

@gadgetChris: Ontario is updated, can you give it a try?

Estel 2011-09-14 01:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
what exactly is supposed to be broken in Marble after update to QT 4.7.4? I use KP48/ latest CSSU and it seems to be working fine...

earthwings 2011-09-15 06:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Seems like the second update fixed it again. Marble didnt seem to start with the update the day before.

fw190 2011-09-15 10:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
how can I download the maps on ma PC and the transfer them to the phone? is it possible to download the whole world like with Nokia Maps? how big would that file be?

Estel 2011-09-15 18:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
fw190, it probably depends on how close "zoom" You would like to get ;)

gadgetChris 2011-09-16 04:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1087781)
@gadgetChris: Ontario is updated, can you give it a try?

OK thanks; Marble did find the update, but there is still something wrong on the map. Do I need to let you know, when I've done the next fix, or how does Marble find the update?

fw190 2011-09-16 06:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@ Estel- Very close- like in Nokia Maps.

acrux 2011-09-16 07:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1089352)
@ Estel- Very close- like in Nokia Maps.

Preloaded Nokia Maps maps are in vector graphics format and thus quite small in bytes. Marble map tiles are in pixel(raster) graphics format (like Ovi maps tiles which are not preloaded and downloaded during use) and if you want large areas in very fine detail, the data amount needed to download grows enourmously large... I have heard, that there is a project to start using vector maps also in Marble...

fw190 2011-09-16 08:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
So the maps are not for me. Nokia Maps are about 7GB so probably it is much larger then that

don_falcone 2011-09-16 09:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by acrux (Post 1089361)
Preloaded Nokia Maps maps are in vector graphics format and thus quite small in bytes. Marble map tiles are in pixel(raster) graphics format (like Ovi maps tiles which are not preloaded and downloaded during use) and if you want large areas in very fine detail, the data amount needed to download grows enourmously large... I have heard, that there is a project to start using vector maps also in Marble...

I use jDownloader with OSM and Google tiles.

fw190 2011-09-16 09:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
is it on maemo or on pc?
I'm on linux so no good for me and it says in the description that it is for downloading files from rapidshaer etc.
Got one for linux. Thanks.

don_falcone 2011-09-16 09:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Sorry, meant JTileDownloader not jDownloader (which is nice too...)

fw190 2011-09-16 09:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Any hints how to set it up for the bes zoom? I didn't use openstreetmap


Jus checked here (should hae don that in the first place prior to asking obvious questions...)
250GB- 14GB compressed ;) too bog for N900. To big for my pc even ;)

Estel 2011-09-17 01:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Max zoom is almost unusable for every thing I can think of, at least if
You mean N900 and navigation. Remember, that getting max zoom =! getting all lower zoom levels, unless you choose to download them also.

Nokia Maps vector thing *never* was even close to mapping quality Marble offers. I think You're just mixing technologies here. I also rely on predownloading maps and navigation (You can download navigation instructions for Whole world from Marble, without any problem or too big space usage), I just choose to download tiles I'm really going to use. Like sane zoom (not largest) or tiles ~ fixed kilometers from road, which for Marble got nice option bundled in.

Just give it a try, if You're willing to see difference :) IMO, no commercial navigation program offer quality like that.

fw190 2011-09-20 15:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
What zoom should I chose to download and drive with comfort? 11,12,13 or 14 or even higher?

Estel 2011-09-20 16:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Depends on personal preferences. you need to check that yourself ;)

fw190 2011-09-20 18:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
The problem is that there is a limit for download and even when I try to download Poland at full zoom (17) this is to big. if I remember correctly even 14 is to big and 14 isn't to comfortable. and it takes huge amount of space plus the routing :/ Hope that some day they will think a way to lighten up the whole thing

Estel 2011-09-20 18:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
If 14 is too big, just download 13 or 12.

MetalGearSolid 2011-09-24 12:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi All,

Following instructions here -

I installed the Gosmore map of my city as .pak file to my N900.
But still while searching in Marble it shows up only Monav results and also in the routing section no options for Gosmore are available. Are any extra steps required to get Gosmore working with Marble on N900.


nicholes 2011-09-30 17:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
help me!!!!!!!!!!

gadgetChris 2011-10-07 01:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Routing died :(:mad:
Was working two weeks ago.
Tried this morning ... nothing "No route found".
Re-installed Marble, Monav client and Monav daemon...
still nothing.

Is there a config file that could have been corrupted :confused:
Using 1.2.0 stable.
Monav 0.3 rel 3

earthwings 2011-10-07 19:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@MetalGearSolid: The current packages don't include the gosmore plugin as I had the impression people wouldn't use it since no ready-made maps are available. When compiling and installing Marble in scratchbox using the armel target, you get the plugin and can copy it to the N900.

@gadgetChris: Very infrequently the monav routing daemon reaches a state where it does not work anymore and it needs to be killed manually. An easy way to do that is to reboot the N900. Does that help?
Have you checked the routing configuration in Marble? It does some basic sanity checks for Monav as well (checks whether the daemon can be executed and whether at least one map is installed).

nicholes 2011-10-08 06:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
2 Attachment(s)
map is not showing narrow lanes and many time even main roads of my city (india , indore) can i use my sygic maps which i have downloaded on device some how or suggest me some idea plz

gadgetChris 2011-10-13 14:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1104913)
@gadgetChris: Very infrequently the monav routing daemon reaches a state where it does not work anymore and it needs to be killed manually. An easy way to do that is to reboot the N900. Does that help?
Have you checked the routing configuration in Marble? It does some basic sanity checks for Monav as well (checks whether the daemon can be executed and whether at least one map is installed).

I've restarted the N900 now several times and still no routing.

I've two maps (Ontario and Quebec) installed and have reinstalled Monav and Marble.
What else can I check? Is there a way to check monav from the CLI?

I really miss the routing :(

On a side note;
I never got routing working through "yours" either. So no routing at all on marble...

sulu 2011-10-15 21:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Seems like I've missed some great routing application so far! I just read the whole thread but I still have some questions (partly because I can't remember what was written on the first 10 pages. :p ):

1. It seems to me like marble heavily relies on raster maps. Can it work with vector data only and still show useful information on the display?
The reason why I'm asking is that up to now I use Navit and I have a OSM dump of Germany in binary format on my N900. I'd like to use the same file in Marble and usually I neither can download map tiles for routing (because there's often no internet connection available) nor can I do that in advance since I often don't know which tiles I'll need.

2. I've swapped the home and MyDocs partitions on my N900 which means MyDocs has only 2GB. So in case 1. would turn out positive can I tell Marble to look for the OSM dump not in MyDocs but in home? Afair all the discussion in this thread about alternative map locations were still on the MyDocs partition.

3. Does Marble support indirect routing pathes (i.e. additional waypoints)? This is the main reason why I'm looking for a Navit replacement.
I can't check right now since I don't have my N900 at hand. I had a look at the Debian marble package but although they seem to be related it's appatently not the same software that is discussed in this thread.

4. My system has a mixed locale. The keyboard layout is US, the rest is German. Would Marble use metric or imperial units on my device?

sulu 2011-10-16 01:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I have my N900 back and I did some investigation and found that it seems that I was wrong and the N900 Marble is indeed the same like the one in the Debian repositories.

So I'll answer my questions myself as far as I can.
1. It seems like using vector data only is not really useful since unlike Navit Marble uses raster data from the tiles to draw streets. Please correct me if there's any way around this!
Unfortunately that makes Marble unsuitable as a Navit replacement for me. However, since I'm really interested in astronomy I find the Moon and Mars capabilities of Marble very pleasant. (Some years ago I even worked with MOLA data).

2. I haven't found any answer to that. I'd still appreciate a hint.

3. Marble does support extra waypoints.

4. It's in German on my N900.

If I understand that correctly you are a Marble developer. I have a little proposal for future versions:
Based on the Debian Wheezy package I added the Mars to my N900 Marble by copying

from my Wheezy installation to

on my N900. I'd find it nice to have Mars there in future versions by default.

Unfortunately I noticed that the minimap shows earth even if Mars is selected. So I investigated further and found that for the Moon and Earth minimaps there are the files:


So I created a marsmap.svg by downloading a MOLA map from NASA [1], converting that into a black&white SVG. I'd share that SVG but I don't know about the copyright of the original MOLA map.
I placed the minimap into the same directory like the other minimaps but it wasn't loaded.
I went on searching for where the file name is defined and unfortunately I found that it's hard-coded into the source code, namely:

There is the following subroutine:

void OverviewMap::changeBackground( const QString& target )
    delete m_svgobj;
    m_svgobj = 0;

    if ( target == "moon" ) {
        m_svgobj = new QSvgRenderer( MarbleDirs::path( "svg/lunarmap.svg" ),
                                    this );

    if ( target == "earth" ) {
        m_svgobj = new QSvgRenderer( MarbleDirs::path( "svg/worldmap.svg" ),
                                    this );

I would suggest to change that code to:

void OverviewMap::changeBackground( const QString& target )
    delete m_svgobj;
    m_svgobj = 0;

    m_svgobj = new QSvgRenderer( MarbleDirs::path( "svg/" + target + "map.svg" ),
                                    this );

It's untested and my C++ is a bit rusty so don't just copy&paste it! But in principle this should allow to load arbitrary minimaps simply via giving it the proper file name. Of course "lunarmap" and "worldmap" would have to be renamed to "moonmap" and "earthmap".
This would easily allow to load other planets like Venus. Pioneer-Venus 1 did a quite impressive radar mapping of Venus. Maybe a topographic map of Mars would also be nice.


earthwings 2011-10-21 19:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@nicholes: Marble does not support the sygic map format, sorry.

@gadgetChris: When you enable OpenRouteService in the config file and calculate a route in Europe (say Germany), does that one work?

@sulu: There is vector rendering support in Marble since quite a long time. You can see it in the Atlas map theme, for example, which consists of both vector data and textures. You're possibly looking for OpenStreetMap data vector rendering though. We had a GSOC student working on that this summer. The current state roughly looks like this:

There are some glitches (mostly label painting related), but overall it works quite nice for street zoom levels. Still it's not ready for prime time. Currently you can open .osm files (those you get from e.g. assuming they're not too large (a few megabytes). The next steps will be to support .pbf files and to work on a tiling scheme that allows to open files fast and distribute them on a server. The work on that has stalled a bit after GSOC, so if anyone wants to help, feel free to hang out in #marble and get your hands dirty. The code is in nice shape and there are always some Marble developers around to answer questions.

Thanks for the suggestion to improve the overview map handling. The code you quoted above is a bit old, the current version (1.2) already can be configured to use different map files for each planet. Currently that's done by the user in the config dialog (disabled on the N900, but you can edit /home/user/.config/ Desktop Globe.conf directly). I made a small enhancement to it such that the filename is chosen based on the planet name now.

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