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fw190 2011-01-18 12:55

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I've got the same problem as with 4.5-also 5.0 works perfect until I restart the device. How could I check if there is a conflict with any other app or something?

NightShift79 2011-01-18 21:16

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
difficult to tell, without installing one after an other... at least I don't know how to check for conflicts.

I gained 1XP in leveling up my almost not existend qt skills :D
Just for the kicks i took MohammadAGs source and added a bar-ish background. with qt creator

but i don't know how to change the "buttonpressed" icon in qt creator... (see second screenshot)
Any hint?

again, thanks for the mediabar it's getting so great.
I can think of tons of new features.

- Maybe you could add the functionality of the maemo-tv-out-control into the mediabar.

-also in some cases it would be good to have a disable mediabar option.

MohammadAG 2011-01-18 21:20

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
You need to change the stylesheet for the button, something like

QPushButton:pressed { image: /path/to/image; }
Have a look at the WIP qt-mediaplayer here:

maemo-tvout-control isn't related to the mediabar, I already started working on a replacement applet for it, but this is off topic here (here's a sneak peak :p)

And yes, I'm planning to add a disable mediabar option.

markusm 2011-01-18 21:35

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by NightShift79 (Post 923321)
difficult to tell, without installing one after an other... at least I don't know how to check for conflicts.

I gained 1XP in leveling up my almost not existend qt skills :D
Just for the kicks i took MohammadAGs source and added a bar-ish background. with qt creator

but i don't know how to change the "buttonpressed" icon in qt creator... (see second screenshot)
Any hint?

again, thanks for the mediabar it's getting so great.
I can think of tons of new features.

- Maybe you could add the functionality of the maemo-tv-out-control into the mediabar.

-also in some cases it would be good to have a disable mediabar option.

Looking promising there! Not too different from the suggestion I sent to MAG a few days ago :)

I'm still hoping for an option to make it visible all the time while viewing the desktop and even a possibility to add your own apps to the bar. Maybe borrow some functionality from one the shortcut dock apps currently available.

markusm 2011-01-18 21:41

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I think I found a bug. Sometimes if there are shortcuts or bookmarks under the Mediabar the clicks seem to go through to those shortcuts and bookmarks. Toggle the Mediabar a few times and suddenly it works again and correctly captures the click. Anyone else noticed this? Sorry if this has been mentioned before.

NightShift79 2011-01-18 22:09

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
thanks MohammadAG. I will look deeper into QT Creator...
don't forget to give yourself a day off man. don't overwork yourself. :)

...I kept on playing wit QT


MohammadAG 2011-01-18 22:37

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Qt Designer is really simple to use, tying it all to the code might put you off at first though ;)

And I'm not bothered, it's all fun for me :)

funkmunk 2011-01-19 14:32

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Bro its a wonderful application but always when i restart it does show up. Could u make an icon in the menu or add an autostart option so that is starts automatically after every restart....

MohammadAG 2011-01-19 14:45

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
It auto-starts at each bootup, it could be proximityd starting a bit late on your device. I'll check for a workaround.

dar3d3vil 2011-01-20 10:27

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@ MohammadAG

And just when I was thinking that I have not seen any more applications from you recently, you come up with the Media bar, which is indeed quite superb.

Could you tell me how to change the icons because right now the application is displaying N900's default icons rather than the icons from the theme that I have installed.

Also, is it possible to change the shortcuts that are displayed when the Media bar is activated.

Kudos to you and keep up the great work dude.

D4rKlar 2011-01-20 10:35

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@dar3d3vil The icons are here mate:

To change them for themed ones (Faenza, Awoken or D4rK) just copy the icons of the same name from

opt/usr/share/icons/ICON THEME NAME/64x64/hildon

and overwrite the ones in


Kind Regards,

droitwichgas 2011-01-20 11:42

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by dar3d3vil (Post 924460)
@ MohammadAG

And just when I was thinking that I have not seen any more applications from you recently, you come up with the Media bar, which is indeed quite superb.

Could you tell me how to change the icons because right now the application is displaying N900's default icons rather than the icons from the theme that I have installed.

Also, is it possible to change the shortcuts that are displayed when the Media bar is activated.

Kudos to you and keep up the great work dude.

AGMohammed is there likely to be any chance of this as the present shortcuts such as the image gallery are not ones I particularly use a lot but the FM radio is? I appreciate the 5800 were not, I recall, customisable but I thought it mabe be possible on the N900?

dar3d3vil 2011-01-20 16:41

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by D4rKlar (Post 924465)
@dar3d3vil The icons are here mate:

To change them for themed ones (Faenza, Awoken or D4rK) just copy the icons of the same name from

opt/usr/share/icons/ICON THEME NAME/64x64/hildon

and overwrite the ones in


Kind Regards,

Thanks, however i am unable to paste the icons onto the given path. I am getting an error message "You don't have permission to proceed"

try-alls 2011-01-20 17:00

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by dar3d3vil (Post 924735)
Thanks, however i am unable to paste the icons onto the given path. I am getting an error message "You don't have permission to proceed"

it must be done as root use filebox
or if like me use mc as root (mc's twin pane makes jobs like the simple)

dar3d3vil 2011-01-20 19:06

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by try-alls (Post 924747)
it must be done as root use filebox
or if like me use mc as root (mc's twin pane makes jobs like the simple)

O yeah, forgot to do it as root :D. Anyways managed to get the theme icons but they are with background. Now am trying to figure out how to remove the background from the icons.

NightShift79 2011-01-25 21:58

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
i also face the issue, that after a reboot the mediabar doesn't work anymore... Did I miss the fix for this ?

maxximuscool 2011-01-25 22:08

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
is it possible to make it drag and drop shortcuts to the expressbar? Also would be great if you can make it an enlargement hover (Apple Doc effect) when the finger is over the icon. Would be AWESOME!!

NightShift79 2011-01-26 20:14

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I believe MAG is working on something great.
We should just wait patiently.

augustthe 2011-01-27 18:38

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
i got a problem the value is not saving i try to save proximity timeout and vibrate on is not saving i try rebooting the same thing anybody have this problem

try-alls 2011-01-27 18:42

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by NightShift79 (Post 929300)
I believe MAG is working on something great.
We should just wait patiently.

he's always workin on something great, now to wipe my brown nose

MaddogG 2011-01-27 19:33

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by augustthe (Post 930110)
i got a problem the value is not saving i try to save proximity timeout and vibrate on is not saving i try rebooting the same thing anybody have this problem

augustthe 2011-01-27 19:45

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MaddogG (Post 930149)

THANKS :) it works perfectly

Mentalist Traceur 2011-02-08 17:51

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Hi, I just noticed something - my MohammadAG folder was given to root instead of user at some point early on (I have h-e-n installed, so maybe that's why?), so at first the settings just wouldn't be saved. The moment I changed the owner and group to user(s) though, everything worked.

Request, though: a settings option of "Disable", so that we can completely turn off the media bar without having to uninstall it - if you know you only like using it in certain situations, but don't want it triggering during other ones... If nothing else it should be decently easy to implement and gives the users more options, and more options for users typically = good.

godofwar424 2011-03-03 18:43

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Is there anyway to stop MediaBar coming up when a phone call is happening?

Whenever I answer my phone I can't see the top bar at all if I look at the screen because MediaBar is in the way, I have to hold my finger over the sensor, then let go and then check the time or switch applications.

Maybe a way to detect if a phone call is happen and then stop it monitoring the proximity sensor until the phone call has ended?

droitwichgas 2011-03-03 18:59

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by godofwar424 (Post 959874)
Is there anyway to stop MediaBar coming up when a phone call is happening?

Whenever I answer my phone I can't see the top bar at all if I look at the screen because MediaBar is in the way, I have to hold my finger over the sensor, then let go and then check the time or switch applications.

Maybe a way to detect if a phone call is happen and then stop it monitoring the proximity sensor until the phone call has ended?

Have you tried setting a time delay sufficently long enough in order that it does not appear until after the call has been answered?

godofwar424 2011-03-03 20:33

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 959880)
Have you tried setting a time delay sufficently long enough in order that it does not appear until after the call has been answered?

The problem isnt when answering the call. It is during the call. I hold the phone to my ear meaning the proximity sensor turns off the screen but at the same time it opens mediabar :/

If during the call I want to check the time or a text message, the MediaBar is in my way and I have to hold my finger over the proximity sensor for 'x' amount of time to remove it.

Just a slight bug in the app.

n900ak 2011-03-22 12:47

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Stange Issue with Media Bar on my stops working after some time (usually after a reboot or some app upgrade/installations) and then starts working at other times. I dunno why it happens??..but even reboots does not seem to solve the there a way to manually start the MediaBar??? (detailed instruction a Linux noob here..)

WhiteWolf 2011-03-24 09:46

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by n900ak (Post 973055)
Stange Issue with Media Bar on my stops working after some time (usually after a reboot or some app upgrade/installations) and then starts working at other times. I dunno why it happens??..but even reboots does not seem to solve the there a way to manually start the MediaBar??? (detailed instruction a Linux noob here..)

In my case is the same. Stop working and if not restart becomes available.

droitwichgas 2011-03-24 10:45

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by n900ak (Post 973055)
Stange Issue with Media Bar on my stops working after some time (usually after a reboot or some app upgrade/installations) and then starts working at other times. I dunno why it happens??..but even reboots does not seem to solve the there a way to manually start the MediaBar??? (detailed instruction a Linux noob here..)

Do a reinstall or just remove the app like me as it seems a bit unstable and I have had occassions where it seems to have tip the balance with the CPU causing an overload/freeze.

I think it was a good idea but doesn't actually work in practise in my persoanl view and with 9 desks top available just as easy to use shortcuts anyway.

joonne 2011-03-25 05:14

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
This is very nice ! I have a 5800XM still in use and this is just another spice for n900 :) Thanks !

5spdvl 2011-04-01 11:15

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
1 Attachment(s)
Works great, after setting correct permissions (couldn't save any changes in the GUI) with chown user.users /home/user/.config/MohammadAG (run as root in Xterm).

Works while I'm using a browser too, which is handy for quickly jumping into Emails or Conversations (I use ShortcutD to change song via camera focus long press).

Issue I've found is in the snap below; the black bar appears below the buttons whilst in a browser window (not on the desktop). Probably because the media controls normally take up most of this space. I see you're aware of this MohammadAG. :)

MohammadAG 2011-04-01 12:19

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Yeah, and microB's full screen window is non composited so it can't be transparent.

I need to update lots of stuff, just way too busy atm

5spdvl 2011-04-01 12:52

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
All good, I figured this was not on your radar given the work on the CSSU. :D

NightShift79 2011-04-23 23:32

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I'm on this one again.
I integrated a 'desktop changer' feature into the mediabar.

also a not pretty facy background, yet.
But I face a problem... the background is not 'solid'.
When I tap an icon on that mediabar and a shortcut/widget (like the conversations widget)
is underneath it, it will start the app under the mediabar...

any hint for the non skilled?^^

MohammadAG 2011-04-24 01:32

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
It's not a desktop widget, it has a flag set on it (see setAttribute()) so it's always on top, so either hide it when you're not on the desktop (I think there's a gconf key for that) or remove that flag (I doubt it'll stay on the homescreen though).

Oh and I fixed the call thing some time ago, I might push a new version soon I guess,

sunny2nisha 2011-05-30 09:43

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
how can i change the position of the bar, from up left, to up right

Bad_Habit 2011-05-30 12:41

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Thanks for such a handy app!

My syslog has got a message containing "mediabar respawning too fast, stopped".

When I try to run "exec su - user -c 'exec /opt/mediabar/mediabar'" as root (upstart is supposed to do exactly this, am I right?) i get

Maemo applications must be run with the script!
mediabar: cannot connect to X server

Also, after installation config file was missing; it was created after running /opt/mediabar/mediabar as user.

So everything works fine except autostart at boot. I've got Enhanced BusyBox installed - is this the reason?

kalawy 2012-05-31 15:22

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
can shortcuts be replaced
like replace web with x-term or so ???

daniel_m 2012-06-29 19:47

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Hm, sometimes Media bar is working while the screen is off. Then I can feel it vibrating in my pocket all the time. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
(hope this hasn't been answered yet in one of the many other threads)

nick_stokes 2014-01-01 16:30

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Hi! I read the last comment in the topic of the program MediaBar saw a link to the source code, where, as I understand it, the error with the advent of the Bar when you call, but it is only the source code, and not the final version of the program. Can you finish the program until the end, because I know nothing about programming, but the program is very interesting! Thank you!

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