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marmistrz 2012-12-10 17:43

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by Coredown (Post 1302941)
thank you so much my friend!it works:-)do you know what i did wrong?and i would like to know if someone got an instruction to make a menu icon for jd so that i donīt need the terminal any more to start it.

use e.g. scm

sandymahrok 2013-01-11 14:24

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Good work every thing is working perfect but there is a bug for right click which is very compulsory for disable links and for incomplete download to enable a liink we must have to right click and enable to start and resume download.plz do something

sandymahrok 2013-01-16 16:15

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
do something for right click?

Killer91 2013-08-26 11:20

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

I want to install jdownloader on my N900 to but i cant download the java file can someone reuploading it ?
It will be very help full thank you.

X-J 2020-01-29 10:20

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
2 Attachment(s)
Ok, so I managed to run JDownloader 2 on my N900
It runs pretty well, but "Add new links" button isn't working so you can't download anything with it (LOL)
I hope someone finds a solution for this...

1- Install mmjre and icedtea6
2- Download JDownloader jar file from (
3- Run it with your PC. Let it download all the files. (You will need JRE for your PC)
4- Rename downloaded <JDownloader> folder to ".jd" (without "")
5- Move ".jd" folder to /home/user/ of your N900 (without "")
6- Download "" file and move it to your /opt/ of your N900
7- Open XTerminal as root and type ==> chmod +x /opt/
8- Open new XTerminal and type ==> sh /opt/
(WARNING: be aware, you don't need root for this command. otherwise you will brick your phone)
9- Please wait (a lot)
10- Tada!!!!

you can it run with ==> java -jar/home/user/.jd/JDownloader.jar
Add links button is working now!
it was mainly because of -Xmx512m which you can remove it from script.

mmjre (
icedtea6 (

You can also make shortcut for it
Put jdownloader.desktop in /usr/share/applications/hildon/
Put jdownloader.png in /home/opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/

Maemish 2020-01-29 11:04

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I don't know what this is good for. Haven't ever used any of these download sites. I'm interested to know is it to download like movies or music? I have a bunch of movies on dvd I would like to have on my N900 but to go through the process of ripping and decrypting and converting takes so much time. I thought if I could get easily on my device those movies which I own as a dvd that could be usefull tool.

justmemory 2020-01-29 19:51

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

I thought if I could get easily on my device those movies which I own as a dvd that could be usefull tool.
I do not know this either but Maemish, you can play dvd with mplayer; and that is available on n900 🙂

Maemish 2020-01-29 22:49

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I have heard of this but never figured out where the dvd fits in my N900. Between the kb and screen? I could try there.

X-J 2020-01-30 06:42

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by X-J (Post 1564874)
Ok, so I managed to run JDownloader 2 on my N900
It runs pretty well, but "Add new links" button isn't working so you can't download anything with it (LOL)
I hope someone finds a solution for this...

1- Install mmjre and icedtea6
2- Download JDownloader jar file from (
3- Run it with your PC. Let it download all the files. (You will need JRE for your PC)
4- Rename downloaded <JDownloader> folder to ".jd" (without "")
5- Move ".jd" folder to /home/user/ of your N900 (without "")
6- Download "" file and move it to your /opt/ of your N900
7- Open XTerminal as root and type ==> chmod +x /opt/
8- Open new XTerminal and type ==> sh /opt/
(WARNING: be aware, you don't need root for this command. otherwise you will brick your phone)
9- Please wait (a lot)
10- Tada!!!!

you can it run with ==> java -jar/home/user/.jd/JDownloader.jar
Add links button is working now!
it was mainly because of -Xmx512m which you can remove it from script.

mmjre (
icedtea6 (

You can also make shortcut for it
Put jdownloader.desktop in /usr/share/applications/hildon/
Put jdownloader.png in /home/opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/

Ok, so I narrowed down the fix.
remove -Xmx512m from script or use

java -jar /home/user/.jd/JDownloader.jar
JDownloader2 is kinda heavy for N900. if you have performance issues try overclocking or use old JDownloader.(

Also remember changing donwload location which can be changed from settings.

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