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piggz 2011-08-09 21:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Guys, remember that voting will soon be starting on the meego coding comp ;)

piggz 2011-08-13 18:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just uploaded version 0.4.0, with a new icon, and automatic pausing when put in the background.


piggz 2011-11-12 17:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
If anyone feels so inclined, they could vote for me now the competition has opened ;)

phap 2011-11-13 11:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
If I manage to find where we can vote I will! I search now for 20 minutes

piggz 2011-11-13 16:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Anyone eligible to vote gets sent an email with detail in a believe. Hope youre eligible!

phap 2011-11-14 11:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Unfortunatly not...

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