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govprog 2011-09-09 17:34

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Tux race. Sorry if this post is duplicated.
Also the vidalia(Tor) app for my friends located in syria.

Andy1210 2011-09-16 09:55

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Rocks'n'Diamonds and Supertux ported! :)

c0ld 2011-09-22 18:54

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Will this be ported?

Vaskinn 2011-10-08 18:45

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Password safe

gerbick 2011-10-08 18:53

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Any updates on the progress of the apps that are being ported? The lack of developer interaction leaves too much room for people to assume that nothing is going on.

Screenshots help.

kjmackey 2011-10-08 20:51

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
In the spirit of keeping the developer interested, I'd like to mention mBarcode as good candidate for migration.


marxian 2011-10-08 21:49

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1105570)
Any updates on the progress of the apps that are being ported? The lack of developer interaction leaves too much room for people to assume that nothing is going on.

Screenshots help.

cuteTube is almost ready to go. I'm hoping to have it in the store next week. Development was on hold due to a bug which caused a segfault when minimising whilst a video was playing. Seems to have been fixed in the recent firmware update. I used the time get MusiKloud finished. :)

SamGan 2011-10-09 04:30

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Any plans to port a basic scientific calculator? The built-in N9 calculator doesn't have any sqrt function and there are no calculator apps for N9 at present except for AlmostTI which far too complicated for most people to use.

DanielW 2011-10-09 15:39

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I would really like to see pidgin ported. Or as an alternative a new or other libpurple base IM client.

Fahrplan and
SeriesFinale (I know, this is being worked on)

SamGan 2011-10-10 10:47

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
We also need a wi-fi analyzer.

gerbick 2011-10-10 10:52

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
What's the status of The One Ring?

jalyst 2011-10-10 18:12

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1106465)
We also need a wi-fi analyzer.

Just so you know....
This thread is about porting existing apps, there's another for general app suggestions.
Coincidentally there is a WiFi analyser for Maemo5, so yes, it'd be a good idea to port this.
Actually IIRC it may not even be GUI-based, so porting as such won't be necessary.

toki 2011-10-11 00:55

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Id like the 'BIG' app to come across

this is where you can type something, and it will display it on ur fullscreen
(for those times when u cant talk, and can only show ppl ur message)

toki 2011-10-11 04:17

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
also, the movieschedule app

dont remember the actual name of the app (my n900 is at home)
unless, there is another app for this already on the n9 that i do not know of O_O"

noetus 2011-10-11 05:46

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I'd like _everything_ to be ported that actually works on the n900, and which isn't duplicated by a new app on the n9.

And why not? Why should n9 owners have to put up withh more restricted functionality than current n900 users?

azaveri 2011-10-11 07:13

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Recaller please please please!!!!

uvatbc 2011-10-11 08:09

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1106468)
What's the status of The One Ring?

I don't know about TOR, but qgvdial is in Ovi Store for Harmattan.
I'll start on the phone integration starting November.

turbovomit 2011-10-11 08:15

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
X-Moto, tuxracer, conky, cpcm, cbrpager.
And a nokia without a snake isn't a nokia :)

MortenS 2011-10-11 08:53

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
@mece: It would be nice if you would update your list in the FIRST post of this thread as developers adds information about apps they are porting. That way we dont all have to read 100s of posts. Thanks!

Jedibeeftrix 2011-10-11 12:29

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
not sure its a 'community' app as such, but an owncloud 2.0 client would be awesome.

jalyst 2011-10-11 15:12

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Generally if not a community app i think this is the thread
But I guess sometimes it's not easy for folks to know if it is/isn't
So maybe we should just have the one thread for everything *shrugs*

CepiPerez 2011-10-12 23:16

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Filebox already ported:

No root access yet. I think I can do it, but I think a lot of users will brick their devices (looking at all the crap in the ovi store for N9 I think most of users are not linux users)

jalyst 2011-10-12 23:54

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1107905)
Filebox already ported:

No root access yet. I think I can do it, but I think a lot of users will brick their devices (looking at all the crap in the ovi store for N9 I think most of users are not linux users)

You talking about aegis et al?
Check out the main thread on that at meego forum. (last 4 pages particularly interesting)
Positive developments....

OVK 2011-10-13 06:40

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1107905)
Filebox already ported:

No root access yet. I think I can do it, but I think a lot of users will brick their devices (looking at all the crap in the ovi store for N9 I think most of users are not linux users)

Maybe you could make a version for "advanced users" with root access available in ?

This way the people who accidentally bought N9 instead of iPhone could get their Filebox from Ovi and could not mess their phone by moving anything crucial and the others could get a version from community repo.

toki 2011-10-13 08:44

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
dont know if it was a community app.. but id like to see Transmission on the N9

pelago 2011-10-13 08:47

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by OVK (Post 1108010)
Maybe you could make a version for "advanced users" with root access available in ?

This way the people who accidentally bought N9 instead of iPhone could get their Filebox from Ovi and could not mess their phone by moving anything crucial and the others could get a version from community repo.

Hmm, that seems slightly condescending. I think there should only be one version, but maybe it shouldn't be that easy to get into root mode - e.g. you have to type in a password or something.

jalyst 2011-10-13 19:06

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Yep plus a big fat warning that you can easily break your ph if you don't know what you're doing, or don't research properly 1st etc.

marxian 2011-10-13 19:16

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
What about enabling root access via the config file? No need for a password, just open /home/user/.config/cepiperez/filebox.conf and set enableRootAccess=false to enableRootAccess=true (example). There's no way this can be performed without prior knowledge.

Freddo 2011-10-13 22:35

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I would like to see Picodrive for the N9, it's a SEGA Mega Drive emulator with support for the Mega CD.

PCSX ReARMed would be quite nice too. Would be really nice if I could play Chrono Cross on the phone :)

gpfce is quite fast NES emulator which also can play .nsf sound files.

And the most important one is ScummVM, which is fortunately already on the list and planned to be ported to the N9 :)

bobh 2011-10-13 23:00

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1105792)
Any plans to port a basic scientific calculator? The built-in N9 calculator doesn't have any sqrt function and there are no calculator apps for N9 at present except for AlmostTI which far too complicated for most people to use.

Us HP calculator fans would really like to see Free42.

eachna 2011-10-14 01:09

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I'd like to see Tinyfugue on the n9.

wormdrummer 2011-10-14 03:03

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by toki (Post 1108060)
dont know if it was a community app.. but id like to see Transmission on the N9

+1 !. Used Transmission and QTrapids on my old N900 all the time!

Guffaw 2011-10-14 04:18

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1108513)
+1 !. Used Transmission and QTrapids on my old N900 all the time!

Yeah, Transmission :D

rafpac 2011-10-16 04:57

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
blue maemo
god speed

t1nym3 2011-10-16 12:45

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
I would like to see the following ported to N9.

mediabox with (youtube + shoutcast)
Orrey and/or Stellarium
Presence VNC
Password Safe


F2thaK 2011-10-16 13:22

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
catorise plus
custom operator name
phone speaker switcher

bout it for me!

Manatus 2011-10-16 13:31

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?

Please! Thank you.

SamGan 2011-10-17 02:22

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Is this a wish list for N9 apps to the great wishing star in the sky? Is anybody listening? There doesn't seem to be any interest in porting apps to N9. This site Apps for Meego has just 1 app after weeks in operation. How sad! How pathetic! Ovi store is flooded with useless RSS feed apps but the useful utilities have not increased from day 1.

jalyst 2011-10-17 02:58

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
Umm, follow the apps for meego thread at the meego forum.
The site is not ready yet, it's still in a testing phase...

The N9's not even out in most of the countries it's destined for.
And the countries it's out in, have only received small batches initially, w/larger ones on-the-way.
And those countries have had it from 0-3wks, tops...
With all that in mind, why would you think apps should be exploding on the scene?

The Ovi store has been growing with useful apps every day I've followed it.
How long have you been watching, I have for 2mth now, & it's increased at a better rate than the N900.
And what about the other sources, have you checked those too.

And it's never going to have a huge repository of commercial apps anyway.
In case you haven't been following, everything Nokia's done over the past 8-mths will ensure that.

Besides, this thread's about non-commercial apps. You have every right to complain...
But not to devs that that've made apps available in their own time, & free of charge.
The complaining should be directed to Nokia in the Nokia forums, or at the Ovi Store etc.
Or various other commercial devs who haven't yet targeted Harmattan for whatever reason.

SamGan 2011-10-17 04:15

Re: Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
jalyst, I understand there's not going to be a huge repository of apps, commercial or not but the trend now is discouraging. I've been following Ovi store since N9 started shipping and I don't see useful apps coming every day. It may have been the case for the past 2 months but not now. There are lots of useless RSS feed apps but useful utilities seem to be frozen.

I'm talking about apps like wi-fi analyzer, wi-fi file transfer, bar code reader, QR code reader, gps parking, lyric search, Shazam, ebook readers (yes, I know there is a beta one), MS Office editor, etc which are staples in any platform.

I don't make a distinction between commercial or non-commercial apps. If the developers here want to go commercial it's up to them. Have you noticed that most of the games in which were once free have gone commercial?

There's really no need to scour around the net looking for sources of N9 apps. Any new apps will be reported in Any other source you can find are just repeats. Well, reports a 1 or 2 new apps every few days. Pretty discouraging. You can say N9 has only started shipping but this is wishful justification. Nokia has already given developers a head start months ago. So why are the apps still coming at a trickle?

I'm not ranting against Meego developers here, I'm only expressing my disappointment. Yes, Elop has done all he could to contain N9's mass market appeal but I didn't expect the Meego/Maemo community to just cave in and surrender. Look at N900, there are far more useful apps than N9 now and they were developed by enthusiasts and given free because there was no commercial potential anyway. But now we have the N9 with some commercial potential but the Meego/Maemo community have given Elop an easy victory.

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