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abustany 2011-12-30 08:12

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by gbence (Post 1142057)

After some days of active usage I found some incoming and outgoing calls (on recent calls list) in their pure numeric form so they were not matched against the phonebook's database although there were such entries.

In another thread (that was opened by me, and so a thanks go to Jalyst who pointed me to this one) Soppa noted that generated / fetched / synchronized data are involved in this special case.

Why doesn't the phone match synchronized data against call lists?

Hello gbence,

in the next update (yes, I know, that's my usual answer :p) you'll see in the contact card where details come from. There are basically to categories of services:
- Social services, like facebook/twitter → for those there is *no* phone or email resolving. That sucks, and that's due to some technical constraints which could have been solved if we had more time...
- Other services, like IM or Mail for Exchange (and of course local contacts) → For those phone/email resolving *should* work.

Now there is also an issue where sometimes the daemon that decides who can use the CPU on the phone will block the database when a call is incoming (they have a race condition somewhere, and unfortunately never got to fix it AFAIK), therefore preventing the number to resolve to a name for 4 or 8 seconds (I don't remember). That's a pretty nasty issue, and I wish it had been fixed, unfortunately it's not under our control... I'm not sure if this gets better in the next update, as I'm not working on Harmattan myself anymore.

jalyst 2011-12-30 18:14

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1143370)
I'm not sure if this gets better in the next update, as I'm not working on Harmattan myself anymore.

Can you please arrange for someone else to monitor this thread then.

See 2nd and 3rd section of this post (1st answered)

And also this....

Thanks for all your time/help over the past few mths.
Tis very much appreciated.

thedead1440 2012-01-02 11:23

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hi all,
Is any developer able to implement a communication history feature on the n9.

For example, the ability to view the past 5 communications with a contact in the contacts app.

Also, the ability to view the call history with a contact like missed calls, received calls and dialled calls with call duration for each of those calls.

It could be implemented either in the phone app or using the search feature. Using search now will give you the messaging history of a contact. Something similar for calls would be great.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Those from a Blackberry background would get what exactly I'm mentioning.

ejasmudar 2012-01-02 16:53

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hmm when contacts are stored by availability, the starred contacts are no longer given preference. I understand that this may be by design, but it would be better if the starred contacts are shown after the online and busy contacts. This is because, in this mode, quick scroll to diferent letters are not possible (we can only scroll to online, busy, pending, offline) and hence finding contacts is difficult.

BW~Merlin 2012-01-08 05:17

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Not sure if this is the right place for this or if it has already been mentioned but if you have a contact that has a instant messenger/service entry you do not get the option to then email them using that instant messenger address unless you manually add that instant messenger address as their email address.

For example, I have a contact that when I click on their name I can see their phone number, address etc and I can see which services I can instant messenger them using (gtalk/skype/msn etc) but I have no option to just email them instead of sending an instant message.

somedude 2012-01-08 20:57

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
i have been experiencing a really weird issue with messaging lately, i will be chatting on Skype and the message delivery is way too late, it gives me the notification that i received a message bit i am not able to view the message in messaging app. Right now i received a notification like 30 minutes ago saying i have a message from one of my contact but i am not able to view, and sometimes text messages show that its still sending but the receiving party has already received the message and replied

jalyst 2012-01-09 17:38

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
*bump* @abustany or colleagues! (below)
If you're on holidays, then I totally appreciate you not being able to respond.


Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1143566)
Can you please arrange for someone else to monitor this thread then.

See 2nd and 3rd section of this post (1st answered)

And also this....

Thanks for all your time/help over the past few mths.
Tis very much appreciated.

Maemomd 2012-01-09 23:47

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Thanks Jalyst. I forgot about this thread. Whenever I had to reset my exchange account due to email issues, the contacts would disappear...I would love to know how to keep the contacts in case the email reset has to occur again. I really want to like this phone like I did the N900.

jalyst 2012-01-10 15:03

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Maemomd (Post 1148109)
Thanks Jalyst. I forgot about this thread. Whenever I had to reset my exchange account due to email issues, the contacts would disappear...I would love to know how to keep the contacts in case the email reset has to occur again. I really want to like this phone like I did the N900.

NP, I fear the dev's disappeared w/o bothering to put someone in his place...
Sergey's been more active (even on holidays) over recent wks in the MfE/Email thread.
We need to complain to whomever necessary to enure someone else "steps up".

abustany 2012-01-10 15:07

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I'm still alive, just being quite busy with some stuff here :) I will come back to you, eventually.

tratrafe2 2012-01-12 20:49

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
sorry for the noob question, and if it was answered previously, it would be great to put it on the first comment of this topic;p
how does Gitorious work? and how im i supposed to have qtcontacts-tracker on my n9? ;) thankyou

abustany 2012-01-12 20:53

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
you can look at, make a clone of it and propose back your changes as a merge request. However, keep in mind that all changes need to be approved not only by core devs, but also by the management... And unfortunately you can't (as far as I know) replace system packages with your own, however there are tricks to bypass that restriction that I have mentioned in an earlier post :)

abustany 2012-01-12 20:54

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
(and you already have qtcontacts-tracker on your N9, it's the contacts backend :) )

tratrafe2 2012-01-12 21:03

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
thanks for the quick reply...thats great and i would love to take place in the project...unfortunately my level of programming is not that great :/ ;p
so... i just copy the files from the project to my n9's root?
my problem is that contacts do not refresh their information when im connected to my e.g. facebook account
the qtcontacts-tracker will do the job right?

mcdull 2012-01-13 04:14

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I posted the issue on another thread, but I think I should just repost it here again:

I noticed FB and Gtalk will fail if I have them online on mobile network (on T-Mobile US) and later connected to a Wifi network.

Both of them will show Incorrect Password upon reconnection, other MSN, Yahoo and Skype can reconnect without problem.

The Incorrect Password will not go away even if I keep trying to go online on FB and GTalk.

That problem can be "fixed" if:
1. Connect to mobile network manually.
2. FB and GTalk will go online without problem after swtich back to mobile
3. Go offline on both.
4. Connect back to wifi
5. FB and GTalk will now go online again. However, FB sometimes might ask for the password again.

It seems like you have to sign off on FB and Talk before switching network or some connection states will be messed up to prevent login from the new network?
And in this case, the FB might occassinally lose the password too.

abustany 2012-01-13 06:28

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by tratrafe2 (Post 1149682)
thanks for the quick reply...thats great and i would love to take place in the project...unfortunately my level of programming is not that great :/ ;p
so... i just copy the files from the project to my n9's root?
my problem is that contacts do not refresh their information when im connected to my e.g. facebook account
the qtcontacts-tracker will do the job right?

If you don't feel perfectly confident with programming and the Harmattan platform, I'd advise against trying that. Actually, just modifying files on your phone will brick it... And Facebook contacts are handled differently, so touching qtcontacts-tracker wouldn't help anyway :) What do you mean by "Information is not refreshed"?

abustany 2012-01-13 06:31

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mcdull (Post 1149848)
I posted the issue on another thread, but I think I should just repost it here again:

I noticed FB and Gtalk will fail if I have them online on mobile network (on T-Mobile US) and later connected to a Wifi network.

Both of them will show Incorrect Password upon reconnection, other MSN, Yahoo and Skype can reconnect without problem.

The Incorrect Password will not go away even if I keep trying to go online on FB and GTalk.

That problem can be "fixed" if:
1. Connect to mobile network manually.
2. FB and GTalk will go online without problem after swtich back to mobile
3. Go offline on both.
4. Connect back to wifi
5. FB and GTalk will now go online again. However, FB sometimes might ask for the password again.

It seems like you have to sign off on FB and Talk before switching network or some connection states will be messed up to prevent login from the new network?
And in this case, the FB might occassinally lose the password too.

It seems that the single sign on (SSO) system is having hiccups, unfortunately I have little idea what might be the cause (since contacts and SSO are two different things) :/ I think other people had the same issue as you did (and it's indeed a very annoying one), but I don't know of a simple solution to that, except crossing your fingers and waiting for the next update hoping it'll fix this...

abustany 2012-01-13 06:36

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
To answer jalyst:
- generic XMPP support: definitely dropped by management. Sad.
- My contacts with first name starting with 'Ch' appear under 'B' instead of 'C' in the N9 address book -> Errrr that is not supposed to happen :) Does the contact have a nickname too? What happens if you switch to "last name first name" sorting, and back?
- Facebook avatars only in contacts, not in messaging -> not sure how that would happen, Facebook info (phone number etc.) is private to contacts but avatars are public -> in the shared database -> messaging should show them. Does a reboot help?

abustany 2012-01-13 06:38

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1144524)
Hi all,
Is any developer able to implement a communication history feature on the n9.

For example, the ability to view the past 5 communications with a contact in the contacts app.

Also, the ability to view the call history with a contact like missed calls, received calls and dialled calls with call duration for each of those calls.

It could be implemented either in the phone app or using the search feature. Using search now will give you the messaging history of a contact. Something similar for calls would be great.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Those from a Blackberry background would get what exactly I'm mentioning.

All the data for this is in the central database, Tracker. You can lookup how to query it using QSparql, and look for all the nmo classes (nmo:Message, nmo:Call...).

abustany 2012-01-13 06:39

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 1144690)
Hmm when contacts are stored by availability, the starred contacts are no longer given preference. I understand that this may be by design, but it would be better if the starred contacts are shown after the online and busy contacts. This is because, in this mode, quick scroll to diferent letters are not possible (we can only scroll to online, busy, pending, offline) and hence finding contacts is difficult.

My various fights to change that (as well as not showing the "authorization pending" contacts on top when accounts are offline) never yielded any results... Engineers unfortunately can't override designers' decisions.

abustany 2012-01-13 06:41

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by BW~Merlin (Post 1147335)
Not sure if this is the right place for this or if it has already been mentioned but if you have a contact that has a instant messenger/service entry you do not get the option to then email them using that instant messenger address unless you manually add that instant messenger address as their email address.

For example, I have a contact that when I click on their name I can see their phone number, address etc and I can see which services I can instant messenger them using (gtalk/skype/msn etc) but I have no option to just email them instead of sending an instant message.

There is actually no (reliable) rule that would allow us to know when a messaging service can be used as an email address... That's why we don't do it :)

abustany 2012-01-13 06:42

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 1147570)
i have been experiencing a really weird issue with messaging lately, i will be chatting on Skype and the message delivery is way too late, it gives me the notification that i received a message bit i am not able to view the message in messaging app. Right now i received a notification like 30 minutes ago saying i have a message from one of my contact but i am not able to view, and sometimes text messages show that its still sending but the receiving party has already received the message and replied

That would hint at either the DB notifications being screwed, or the messaging app not reacting to them... Did the problem persist, or has it disappeared since?

abustany 2012-01-13 06:43

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Maemomd (Post 1148109)
Thanks Jalyst. I forgot about this thread. Whenever I had to reset my exchange account due to email issues, the contacts would disappear...I would love to know how to keep the contacts in case the email reset has to occur again. I really want to like this phone like I did the N900.

If you delete an account, then all contacts "belonging" to that account are removed too (in the next update, there'll be a dialog to chose if you want that behavior or not on removal). Why do you have to reset your MFE account? And if so, try to disable only the email part, not the whole account maybe (not sure if that has the same effect though).

BW~Merlin 2012-01-13 07:07

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1149879)
There is actually no (reliable) rule that would allow us to know when a messaging service can be used as an email address... That's why we don't do it :)

What about providing a hold down (I don't know the correct term for when you hold your finger on an item and additional options come up) option along the lines of "use this services address to email this person" or even just show the service address so we can copy and paste it.

tratrafe2 2012-01-13 12:04

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1149872)
If you don't feel perfectly confident with programming and the Harmattan platform, I'd advise against trying that. Actually, just modifying files on your phone will brick it... And Facebook contacts are handled differently, so touching qtcontacts-tracker wouldn't help anyway :) What do you mean by "Information is not refreshed"?

you missunderstood me dude ;)
i love programming, and i love messing with my phone, and i corrupted lots of systems, and succesfully restored them...its just im not that good to develop... YET!
can anyone please add me on skype: tratrafe2 to chat and help me how to solve my issue?
i just want the facebook contacts that have changed any information on their profile to be changed on my phone when going online as well(birthdays,pictures etc)

quipper8 2012-01-17 21:04

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
using mc-tool to configure a gabble/jabber account connecting to the xmpp server on an old zimbra install, I had to add two more options than what the examples were floating around out there


hope that helps someone else

jalyst 2012-01-18 18:03

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Well done, I didn't think you'd catch many...
But you seem to have addressed almost everyone you missed ;)
So as you're moving on soon, who will be replacing you?


Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1149876)
To answer jalyst:
- generic XMPP support: definitely dropped by management. Sad.

Senior Management? :mad: So this is a waste of time? :(

The community's since done much towards better supporting IM.
But there's limitations as to how well it can be supported/integrated right?
Thanks to the closed nature of some components...


- My contacts with first name starting with 'Ch' appear under 'B' instead of 'C' in the N9 address book -> Errrr that is not supposed to happen :) Does the contact have a nickname too? What happens if you switch to "last name first name" sorting, and back?
Here is the original poster...
Best to quote them, in case they're monitoring for quotes!
I've PM'd them too....


- Facebook avatars only in contacts, not in messaging -> not sure how that would happen, Facebook info (phone number etc.) is private to contacts but avatars are public -> in the shared database -> messaging should show them. Does a reboot help?
Errr, I'm not sure which post you're answering here.
According to my post you should be addressing this one:

Although looking at the separate thread he links to:
You seem to be saying the issue is fixed, but simply didn't make it to 1.1.

Can we assume that this fix is now definitely coming with 1.2?
Some claim it's resolved in 1.1.1 in that thread, so surely it's coming.


Maemomd 2012-01-19 05:13

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1149883)
If you delete an account, then all contacts "belonging" to that account are removed too (in the next update, there'll be a dialog to chose if you want that behavior or not on removal). Why do you have to reset your MFE account? And if so, try to disable only the email part, not the whole account maybe (not sure if that has the same effect though).

MFE is very glitchy/unfinished. I wish there was a way to keep contacts even if MFE stops working correctly. This email issue is being addressed on the email thread. It just seems that explanations and fixes are not occurring for many contacts issues including mine. Disabling email has no effect either, none. Majorly flawed, unfortunately. Never had these basic issues on the N900 at pr 1.1 or before that or. :confused:

erendorn 2012-01-19 10:13

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I have allready voted on the bug on harmattan-bugs, but it feels very important to me so I'll repeat it there:
It is very annoying that there is no way to synchronise contacts to a server with some open protocol (ie CardDav/SyncML instead of MfE).

This is the only way to allow some little choice in one's cloud service (ie, if you don't want to be forced to use google), and mail and calendar allready have a good implementation of sync protocols (IMAP/CalDav), so I really hope it will be coming also for contacts at some point.

jalyst 2012-01-19 18:26

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1152705)
I have allready voted on the bug on harmattan-bugs, but it feels very important to me so I'll repeat it there:
It is very annoying that there is no way to synchronise contacts to a server with some open protocol (ie CardDav/SyncML instead of MfE).

Can you recall the bug #? I will vote for it too!

alephito 2012-01-19 23:05

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Today I started to suffer this problem:

1) I merge manually (or automatically) contacts.

2) My battery starts to drain since tracker-store reach over 95% of CPU usage. Once I left it running more than an hour to see if it dies eventually (it did not) and the phone got really hot.

3) I execute 'tracker-control --kill=store' to stop the battery draining process.

4) Some of my contacts split. I think all of them are contacts with Skype accounts.

Anyone else with this problem?

Any solution?


alephito 2012-01-20 12:18

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Apparently, disabling and re-enabling my Skype account calmed tracker-store down.

erendorn 2012-01-20 12:20

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1152926)
Can you recall the bug #? I will vote for it too!

More synchronization options for contacts, it is assigned, I just hope it ends up fixed.

Also another point:
I keep switching between the alphabetical view (for my favorite contacts) and the status view (for my online contacts), and it needs 3 actions each time, which seems a lot to me. I don't know if other people do the same, but if so, a faster switch would be apreciated (there is space in the middle of the toolbar for example)

Watchmaker 2012-01-20 14:19

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I checked this thread but I don't have the time to read the whole of it, so sorry if this has already been asked.

I noticed that my facebook contacts don't get updated in my N9 contacts list, I've added several on the web in the past few days but they don't show up on my phone. Is there a way I can sync them? Shouldn't it do it automatically? I've tried to "import" them via the import function of the address book, but it complaints that I already have a facebook account (which in fact I have :P).

jalyst 2012-01-23 14:21

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
*BUMP* @abustany


jalyst 2012-01-23 14:45

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by alephito (Post 1153245)
Apparently, disabling and re-enabling my Skype account calmed tracker-store down.

That's weird, I've not seen anyone report that before...
Probably best to report it in the bug-tracker, especially if it's reproducible.
Even if it's not, it still may be worthwhile if you've gathered logs etc.

jalyst 2012-01-23 14:50

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1153248)
Also another point:
I keep switching between the alphabetical view (for my favorite contacts) and the status view (for my online contacts), and it needs 3 actions each time, which seems a lot to me. I don't know if other people do the same, but if so, a faster switch would be apreciated (there is space in the middle of the toolbar for example)

Lodge an enhancement request in the bug-tracker...
It'll probably end-up as a WONTFIX (esp. if a certain dev sees it :rolleyes:) but it's better than not trying.
If you put the the request in your sig, & mention it at every opportunity, others will vote.

Watchmaker 2012-01-24 01:37

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Watchmaker (Post 1153292)
I checked this thread but I don't have the time to read the whole of it, so sorry if this has already been asked.

I noticed that my facebook contacts don't get updated in my N9 contacts list, I've added several on the web in the past few days but they don't show up on my phone. Is there a way I can sync them? Shouldn't it do it automatically? I've tried to "import" them via the import function of the address book, but it complaints that I already have a facebook account (which in fact I have :P).

Sorry for the auto-quote ;)

Can anybody please tell me if this is a known issue I missed, or something new? Is there a solution?

Watchmaker 2012-01-27 20:33

Thanks to an helpful user on the my-meego forum I found out how/when Facebook contacts are synced with the phone contact list... and that is when you set your availability to 'online'! I never figured it out because I rarely use Facebook chat.

Hope this info will be helpful to someone else, to me it sure is...

cevenn 2012-01-30 18:09

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I'm sorry, but I can't find anything about contacts groups (I'm french, and sometimes it's hard with english...:o).
I've got a problem, to send sms to a group of contacts: for some of them, the phone number used isn't mobile number, but "home" or "work" fix number!
How is it possible to fix that?
I tried to edit each contact, no way...
With N900, it was possible to choose wich kind of numbers you should send sms, I can't find nothing like that with N9...

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