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cpitchford 2011-11-08 14:38

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
It spent 15 mins trying to update real golf.. then that update failed :-o
Now its trying NFS Shift left, all the others passed..

vitaminj 2011-11-08 14:47

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Mine's still going strong after the update (not really using it too "hard" at work), but it did reboot when I asked it to shut down, which is suspicious. I'll give it until tomorrow lunchtime to (properly) disappoint me before I continue my original plan to fling it at the nearest post office.

cpitchford 2011-11-08 14:51

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
All updates installed now (retry required for golf) It seems much more even.. I'll have a play and report back

strongm 2011-11-08 15:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1119478)

Hmm - they seem to want a Swedish Social Security number a part of the ordering process. Which obviously I don't have. Any non-Swedish people here who have managed to order from clickok? And if so, how?

ggabriel 2011-11-08 15:17

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Hmm - they seem to want a Swedish Social Security number a part of the ordering process. Which obviously I don't have. Any non-Swedish people here who have managed to order from clickok? And if so, how?
I think somebody said in the past that it wasn't a required field (or you put a space or something).
You might want to check as well - I ordered there, still waiting for it to be shipped.

strongm 2011-11-08 17:00

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1120067)
I think somebody said in the past that it wasn't a required field

Well, it is required. But I just put in 12 * 1 and that seems to have passed through OK. It would appear that I have successfully placed an order with clickok (thanks to Google's translator). And the price, including shipping (and Sweden's 25% VAT), is a few pounds lower than Handtec's ...

Mind you, I suspect I'll have to buy a UK adapter for the USB charger cable

vitaminj 2011-11-08 17:01

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Nope, it just froze up in Settings. Power button 8-second death-grip required to kill it.
Back in your box, Mr. N9! Post office time!

mikemx 2011-11-08 17:08

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
While i did not obtain my N9 through Handtec i found my device affected
as well. I did install PR1.1 today and found it a substantial improvement.

Unfortunately i still get hangs and spontaneous reboots, though less
frequently. Where before i could get the N9 to crash within a few minutes
(typically in the maps application but also the "desktop") it has improved
I no longer see kernel Oops that caused reboots as well as the frequent
crashes of the SGX graphics kernel. So these were at least to some
extent software related.

However i still have seen crashing applications, a hang of the graphics
subsystem and a few reboots. Also my dmesg output still shows ECC
errors. I would tend to assume the ECC errors may well indicate a HW

ggabriel 2011-11-08 17:21

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Mind you, I suspect I'll have to buy a UK adapter for the USB charger cable
I thought that first, and then I thought I've got so many UK USB chargers that a EU one would actually come handier :-)

vitaminj 2011-11-08 18:16

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
And if any confirmation was needed, it just rebooted randomly rather than freezing. Great!
Although I do have the issue where it says it's got PR1.1, but then quotes the old version number. Maybe I'll try to do a complete reflash tonight (if I can find the appropriate files)

aegis 2011-11-08 18:31

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by vitaminj (Post 1120163)
And if any confirmation was needed, it just rebooted randomly rather than freezing. Great!
Although I do have the issue where it says it's got PR1.1, but then quotes the old version number. Maybe I'll try to do a complete reflash tonight (if I can find the appropriate files)

Bad luck. Sounds to me that you've got duff hardware which is slightly worrying when I've probably got one from the same batch. Mine's working so far and working extremely well. (I'm crossing everything and touching wood).

My N9 updated to PR1.1 perfectly with absolutely zero problems over wifi with it plugged in to USB to charge while doing it.

cpitchford 2011-11-08 22:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Enabled developer mode, so I could get an xterm and check dmesg.... it rebooted as it said it would.. but then its back to the too many reboots, dnsmasq problem..

Good job I can re-flash it with the.. ahh.. crap.. the PR1.1 firmware isn't available as an image (via navifirm) so the phone is hosed and flasher-3.12 won't (and probably rightly so) allow a downgrade so I can't reflash PR1.0

It was good for a few hours.. no random reboots, although apps crashed a few times (maps wouldn't stay open)

Back the phone goes.. damnit

cpitchford 2011-11-09 01:25

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Ok, messing with flasher (set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset) I got my device to boot.. turns out dnsmasq wouldn't start and since it was mandatory, the lifeguard halts the phone (thanks for that!)

Reason it wouldn't start is because the network interface "lo" was not up.. totally unconfigured..

Checking /etc/networking/interfaces and the file is completely blank!!

Seems the developer mode packages can empty this file.. and without this file lo never comes up and therefore dnsmasq doesn't start and therefore BRICKED

So.. this doesn't on the surface seem like a hardware stability issue.. it looks like a CRAP package in the developer mode set.. I'm debugging the inst scripts now to see how bad they are and why they bombed before correcting the /etc/network/interface file.

Eitherway, it can be recovered.. but its a pain and shouldn't happen.. on the surface it looks like it could happen to anyone, stable N9 or flakey N9

jah25 2011-11-09 11:28

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Sent my phone back to Handtec Monday and got my paypal refund Tuesday, excellent customer service. Ordered a new N9 from Amazon Germany Tuesday (saved over £40 compared to Handtec so that's a plus) and it arrives today, the Germans and their efficiency! Here's hoping for a better experience.

dkarpov 2011-11-09 11:34

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Eitherway, it can be recovered.. but its a pain and shouldn't happen.. on the surface it looks like it could happen to anyone, stable N9 or flakey N9
In your post on Nokia discussion forums [1] you mentioned that you might have a patch, you can submit it through me, would be much appreciated - we are working on the problem but cannot reproduce it so far..


strongm 2011-11-09 11:42

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

the Germans and their efficiency!
The Swedes seem less efficient. My Tuesday order (after getting Handtec refund) from has been acknowledged, but not shipped as yet (as far as I can tell)

ggabriel 2011-11-09 12:21

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

The Swedes seem less efficient. My Tuesday order (after getting Handtec refund) from has been acknowledged, but not shipped as yet (as far as I can tell)
Mine should be arriving today at the office, and I'm working from home (sourced in, ordered on Monday). However, they sent it via sh^H^Hcity link, so not sure whether their tracker is telling the truth (I have previous experience with them :) ).

too 2011-11-09 14:46

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by cpitchford (Post 1120403)
Ok, messing with flasher (set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset) I got my device to boot..


dnsmasq wouldn't start and since it was mandatory

Seems the developer mode packages can empty this file..
and without this file lo never comes up and therefore dnsmasq
doesn't start and therefore BRICKED


Developer mode can touch /etc/network/interfaces; the
/usr/lib/sdk-connectivity-tool/bin/ does the editing
of that file.
I've spent a good amount of time to re-check the contents
of that file but cannot find how it could fail (in normal circumstances)...
But I might be blind to the code I've originally written.
Also, we've tried hard to get our test devices to fail, without

But, Is you (or anyone else) finds anything about the developer
mode tools I'm very interested to hear (and will fix any problem

vitaminj 2011-11-09 15:47

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Handtec are getting more 64gbs in - so people sending them back should get replacements if they want them

HughF_UK 2011-11-09 16:15

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I've asked them what codes they are getting - as the 059J1V4 were nearly all duff :P

strongm 2011-11-10 00:01

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by vitaminj (Post 1120724)
Handtec are getting more 64gbs in - so people sending them back should get replacements if they want them

And only 24 hours after they sorrowfully told me that it was going to be weeks, if at all.

cpitchford 2011-11-10 00:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I spoke to handtec this afternoon and they told me that it would be end of december! WTF?! never mind

Anyway, back to the bricking problem


perl -e 'print 1234'
This command should not segfault 1/5 times :(

The stability problems are back with a vengeance on PR1.1. apps failing and reboots coming back. Today in the middle of a call, the phone turned the "speaker phone" on randomly and I was unable to turn it off.. at the end of the call I couldn't hang up either..

There is something seriously wrong here.. Still no conclusive proof it is a hardware error, but PR1.1 certainly hasn't fixed it..

I've also found when developer mode is enable the phone is infinitely less reliable.. the web browser rarely starts, neither does maps.. and contacts only stays open for a few seconds at a time

With regards to the bricking problem. it seems that the script that modified /etc/network/interfaces is a perl script.. and perl has a tendency to bomb, usually complaining of memory problems. It is possible that caused the install of the package to fail.. it is also possible that the kernel prevented the script from writing new contents into the replacement file.. and this lead to it replacing the current file with an empty one.. It's very hard to tell, since the phone probably rebooted not long afterwards.

My package database is corrupted now because dpkg segfaulted during the re-install of klogd.. I can't reflash and I can barely use it.. the thing has to go back..

/defeated.. :(

strongm 2011-11-10 15:26

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1120563)
The Swedes seem less efficient. My Tuesday order (after getting Handtec refund) from has been acknowledged, but not shipped as yet (as far as I can tell)

And they still don't seem to have shipped, and appear to be ignoring my emails ...

strongm 2011-11-11 09:37

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
An answer at last! They shipped 9th Novemebr, but since it is international I should expect delivery beginning of next week rather than today. I'm almost excited again since, when it was working, my Handtec-sourced N9 was a lovely device.

rajveer 2011-11-14 15:58

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just off the phone to Handtec and they said that all next day deliveries of the new batch will be going out today and should be received tomorrow, can't want to receive my N9!

Soundy 2011-11-14 16:01

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by rajveer (Post 1123443)
Just off the phone to Handtec and they said that all next day deliveries of the new batch will be going out today and should be received tomorrow, can't want to receive my N9!

I'm hoping mine will arrive from them tomorrow as well. Hopefully these will all be a new batch and won't have any of the unfortunate problems that the previous lot seemed to have. Fingers crossed!

hoggerz 2011-11-14 17:38

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just out of interest in the UK, which couriers do handtec use for next day or 2-3 day shipping?



vitaminj 2011-11-14 17:52

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by hoggerz (Post 1123506)
Just out of interest in the UK, which couriers do handtec use for next day or 2-3 day shipping?

My next day was with DPD.

In other news, my defective N9 should arrive back with them tomorrow, so I should get a replacement from the new batch this week. Fingers crossed.

Faz 2011-11-15 22:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Anyone receive their replacement N9 today?

My first N9 arrived next day via DPD but replacement looks to be taking 48 hours.
Tracking shows it was collected from Handtec at 7pm yesterday and arrived at their "Sortation Facility" in Birgminghman 7pm today. Fingers crossed it makes it to London tomorrow.

Coincidently my N900's USB port detached yesterday, just 1 week before 2 year warranty expires, collected by UPS today.

rajveer 2011-11-15 22:13

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I spoke to DPD during the day and they said that my phone was still in their sorting depot in Birmingham today as a trailer broke down, so it will be coming tomorrow, must be the same for everybody else too (I too am from London so they'll be sharing the journey together :)).

Soundy 2011-11-15 22:34

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Yup, mine has also been delayed, to Bournemouth. I emailed Handtec about it and they said they will investigate and seek compensation where they can which might be passed on to us.

jpfsn 2011-11-15 23:13

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1121750)
An answer at last! They shipped 9th Novemebr, but since it is international I should expect delivery beginning of next week rather than today. I'm almost excited again since, when it was working, my Handtec-sourced N9 was a lovely device.

Counting for you. Have you received your new N9 yet?

I was a lucky one and my Handtec sourced N9 works fine. Pure delight, so I hope you get yours very soon!

strongm 2011-11-16 00:54

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by jpfsn (Post 1124106)
Counting for you. Have you received your new N9 yet?

I was a lucky one and my Handtec sourced N9 works fine. Pure delight, so I hope you get yours very soon!


Mine was faulty. Return it. Get told no new stock for weeks. Get refund. Handtec immediately announce new stock is actually going to be available in week or so. Stick with new supplier who has them in stock. Handtec announce new stock. Stick with new supplier who is about to ship. Handtec announce new stock is shipping and delivering in the uk. Still waiting on new supplier.

Am not a happy bunny,

HughF_UK 2011-11-16 10:53

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by Soundy (Post 1124097)
Yup, mine has also been delayed, to Bournemouth. I emailed Handtec about it and they said they will investigate and seek compensation where they can which might be passed on to us.

You in Dorset?

Thought I was the only one :)

Soundy 2011-11-16 11:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by HughF_UK (Post 1124307)
You in Dorset?

Thought I was the only one :)

Yes indeed! The tracking shows it's out for delivery to Poole (work) now and should be here around half 3. Can't wait, especially after the disappointment yesterday!

If it can't easily be fooled with some kind of NFC card/hack we might have to get together to unlock the extra Angry Birds levels! :D

BarryB20 2011-11-16 11:13

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

just got my 16Gb from Handtec, and haven' been able to charge to see if it carashes, how the hell do you open the USB cover? Mine seems stuck firm.

If I can't open it, this is giong back :(



rajveer 2011-11-16 11:41

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Got mine an hour ago and so far no crashing yet, just super smooth UI awesomeness...hope I haven't jinxed it! The software version is 10.2011.23-1_PR_001, I'm going to update to the latest version before doing anything such as enabling developer mode.

To open the USB cover there should be a sticker on one side saying "1 push" - you push down on the side closest to the headphone jack and the other side pops up.

BarryB20 2011-11-16 11:57

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

just tried that, no joy this is the second N9 that has had an issue for me, going back for a refund, so so dissapointed.

Not even had the darn thing on!


rajveer 2011-11-16 12:00

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Mine is quite hard to pop down, I have to use a fingernail right on the edge and push with quite a bit of force. Sure you're not just doing it too softly? Mind you I guess if you had another one before this one, you know how to open it.

HughF_UK 2011-11-16 12:08

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by Soundy (Post 1124312)
Yes indeed! The tracking shows it's out for delivery to Poole (work) now and should be here around half 3. Can't wait, especially after the disappointment yesterday!

If it can't easily be fooled with some kind of NFC card/hack we might have to get together to unlock the extra Angry Birds levels! :D

Mine was duff so I sent it back :(

Still undecided if I'm going to get another one... Work for me is near dorchester...

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