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tachi 2012-02-26 19:53

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
so elemental what will u add in the next update ?

elemental 2012-02-26 20:55

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by tachi (Post 1170115)
so elemental what will u add in the next update ?

First major thing is "Advanced Launch" page where you can customize the emulation before it is even started. It is really needed for BIOS selection, PAL/NTSC and many others like memory size, recompiler/interpreter selection. When these settings varies between saved states it makes these states incompatible though. Many things in the core library was changed in order to make it. For now only NES emulation will benefit from it (explained why later). But of course every emulation will get their own settings in the future.

Many customizations for touch screen:
- buttons are back - harmattan styled (as an option)
- grid (like in the image at wiki, as an option)
- haptic feedback
- fancy look of settings - provides the same view of buttons and grid as in the emulation, so you can easly customize it to your needs
- configurable d-pad and right buttons area size
- configurable diagonal area size
- l2/r2 in psx

I have started with NES when it comes to improving quality and performance of emulation. I know you would see others to be improved but I needed easy one to start with "Advanced Launch" functionality:
- APU replaced (partially done)
- recompiler (partially done)
- PAL timings correction
- 6502 cpu interrupts timing fixed
- mapper 5 glitches fixed
- pal/ntsc switch
- more settings (partially done)
With the recompiler and new apu added it will be blazing fast and sound glitches will be no more in the NES emulation.

- finish NES APU rewrite
- finish NES CPU recompiler
- finish some minor things and add couple of settings to nes emulation
- add states browser where you can see how much space they takes, you will be able to run the game directly from the state, ability to backup and restore all states, and most importantly state converter will be added, so you will not worry about current states. I think you would really like this feature
- script for faster sixaxis configuration
- and few others ...

Many small things improved, like: emulation and settings in one view -> no more floating windows, improved quality of rendered icons that goes to home screen, bug in gba config parsing - fixed -will make some games more playable or make them able to run at all, many optimizations, .....

And I must tell you that I am targeting PR1.2 now.

Please donate

Nosph3ratu 2012-03-04 10:09

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but if you have created a shortcut to one of your ROM's on the homescreen the only way I found to delete it is by going to /home/user/.local/share/applications and deleting it from there.

@elemental thank you for this amazing application. I'm not sure how your time constraints are but you might want to consider giving the user an option to manage/delete the shortcuts created.

elemental 2012-03-04 10:15

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by Nosph3ratu (Post 1174020)
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but if you have created a shortcut to one of your ROM's on the homescreen the only way I found to delete it is by going to /home/user/.local/share/applications and deleting it from there.

@elemental thank you for this amazing application. I'm not sure how your time constraints are but you might want to consider giving the user an option to manage/delete the shortcuts created.

It's already here, just press and hold the disk (the one which the icon is created for) and select "Remove Icon from Home Screen". The icon is also deleted if you delete the game from EmuMaster. I do not recommend deleting files directly through USB mass storage because everything (icon, states, cover, ...) associated to this file will be not deleted.

PS: All of the above informations are already present in wiki 2012-03-04 10:53

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
something you can also have a look is x48
I did start porting it but it needs more integration :

Nosph3ratu 2012-03-04 10:57

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1174025)
It's already here, just press and hold the disk (the one which the icon is created for) and select "Remove Icon from Home Screen". The icon is also deleted if you delete the game from EmuMaster. I do not recommend deleting files directly through USB mass storage because everything (icon, states, cover, ...) associated to this file will be not deleted.

PS: All of the above informations are already present in wiki

Wow... I had a look at the wiki but did not find it. I probably didn't look hard enough. Thanks for taking the time to answer, its really appreciated :)

elemental 2012-03-04 11:19

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by (Post 1174039)
something you can also have a look is x48
I did start porting it but it needs more integration :

Sorry, but I am busy with the current set of emulations and in the future it will be N64 which come first as new one.

Weirdfisher 2012-03-06 06:51

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Hi, is it possible to run gbc games on gba emulator?


elemental 2012-03-06 08:08

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by Weirdfisher (Post 1175029)
Hi, is it possible to run gbc games on gba emulator?

No, it is not possible

kb61 2012-03-07 16:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
psx games are incredibly slow and laggy, not really like to see this app work properly ;)

elemental 2012-03-07 16:56

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by kb61 (Post 1175990)
psx games are incredibly slow and laggy, not really like to see this app work properly ;)

After the big list of features mentioned couple of posts before (they are coming in the next release + something more :), I will make psx and amiga much better.... id really like to see a donation from you ;)

kb61 2012-03-07 17:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1175997)
After the big list of features mentioned couple of posts before (they are coming in the next release + something more :), I will make psx and amiga much better.... id really like to see a donation from you ;)

im looking forward to it...
another question: i just tried to run gba game but emulator didnt seem to recognize it although i put the file in the right directory.
what format is needed for gba games working?

Arie 2012-03-07 17:34

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1175997)
After the big list of features mentioned couple of posts before (they are coming in the next release + something more :), I will make psx and amiga much better.... id really like to see a donation from you ;)

Best post of the day right here.

elemental 2012-03-07 17:59

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by kb61 (Post 1176009)
im looking forward to it...
another question: i just tried to run gba game but emulator didnt seem to recognize it although i put the file in the right directory.
what format is needed for gba games working?

They must have "*.gba" extension (remember that names are case sensitive). It's all mentioned in the wiki here:

kb61 2012-03-07 21:13

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1176036)
They must have "*.gba" extension (remember that names are case sensitive). It's all mentioned in the wiki here:

thx for reply, i will try again :)

rayluc25 2012-03-08 07:10

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Hey there,

LOVE the EmuMaster app, can't believe how smoothly it runs compared to fPSe on my HTC Amaze. The Nokia N9 with EmuMaster does it better! Amazing.

Problem though, I have no idea how to load my memory card files. I tried both .mcr and .mcd and both aren't being recognized by EmuMaster, though I did put them in the psx directory. Does it need some other type of memory card file?:confused:

elemental 2012-03-08 07:36

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by rayluc25 (Post 1176346)
Problem though, I have no idea how to load my memory card files. I tried both .mcr and .mcd and both aren't being recognized by EmuMaster, though I did put them in the psx directory. Does it need some other type of memory card file?:confused:

You should put them in "/home/user/.emumaster" as "psx_mcd1.mcr" or "psx_mcd2.mcr"

Muzimak 2012-03-11 15:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Hey guys, I'm battling to find good titles to download, mainly because of one reason, how do I check which game are compatible? Which games can U recommend, tested & reliable?

Arie 2012-03-11 15:43

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Check the Wiki

bmate 2012-03-11 19:02

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Quick question:

Would someone check the About page in EmuMaster 0.2.2 whether it says 0.2.0 or not? Because it does for me.

elemental 2012-03-11 19:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by bmate (Post 1177977)
Quick question:

Would someone check the About page in EmuMaster 0.2.2 whether it says 0.2.0 or not? Because it does for me.

Yes it says 0.2.0, my bad. Check your version in Settings->Applications->Manage instead.

tachi 2012-03-11 22:38

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
when will the version ur working on will be released it took very long ;(

elemental 2012-03-11 22:46

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
I think it will take about 2/3 weeks to create all functionality I wanted to implement. Please be patient, I suppose you won't be disappointed. (it's taking so long because I had hard time last month)

tachi 2012-03-12 03:51

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
looks like ur working on something really big o.o i think its more than u said before couple of posts anyway since ur taking so long why dont u fix the whole emumaster , means psx genesis etc, it'll be much better for ppl besides u'll take long so ppl wont mind if u take little longer right ?

Parre 2012-03-12 15:03

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
I've had Emumaster long and now I have this burning urge to get to play
Ports of call and I have no idea what the following Jimbo Jambou means :rolleyes:


If you want to use AMIGA emulation you must supply your own kickstart.

You must copy the bios to the following path: "emumaster/amiga/kick13.rom" (remember that names are case sensitive).

In one of next versions you will be able too choose one of many files. For now it is not supported.
I downloaded amiga kickstart bios and made a folder in emumaster/amiga and named it kick13.rom
then added the kickstart 1.2.rom
Where did I go wrong?

elemental 2012-03-12 17:49

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Filename should be: kick13.rom
It should be placed in: emumaster/amiga not emumaster/amiga/kick13.rom

Parre 2012-03-12 21:05

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1178490)
Filename should be: kick13.rom
It should be placed in: emumaster/amiga not emumaster/amiga/kick13.rom

Thanks from fast answer and help :)
Game seems to be running smoothly but the keyboard and mouse buttons don't seem to work...

bmate 2012-03-13 01:38

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1177990)
Yes it says 0.2.0, my bad. Check your version in Settings->Applications->Manage instead.

No prob, I already checked in the App Manager. I just thought that maybe somehow a problem occured when I installed Emumaster and that, that was the reason some games didn't work(i.e. compatibility list said Pokemon FireRed works on doesn't, edited it to reflect that)


lyluushalyluri 2012-03-14 08:20

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Hello,just wanna ask if anyone find a trick on making saving work when playing suikoden 2,using v 0.2.2?

automagic68 2012-03-14 23:16

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
It seems there is something in PR 1.2 that makes EmuMaster occasionally lag? Is anyone else experiencing this issue and is this something that will be fixed in PR1.3 or needs to resolved in EmuMaster?

LimBoSinKeR 2012-03-15 04:29

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
Regarding the possibility of Nintendo 64 emulation because I'm really itching to play good ol' Paper Mario 64 on my N9. How far along are you with the donations to jump start your motivation :D I commend you for bringing emumaster to the community, since games are really scarce in N9.

elemental 2012-03-15 19:33

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by LimBoSinKeR (Post 1179663)
Regarding the possibility of Nintendo 64 emulation because I'm really itching to play good ol' Paper Mario 64 on my N9. How far along are you with the donations to jump start your motivation :D I commend you for bringing emumaster to the community, since games are really scarce in N9.

Right now I am busy with making current set of emulations better and better. If you are so curious about the amount of donations it is 190$ out of 400$ for N64 emulation.

Sniper_swe 2012-03-15 19:38

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
C'mon folks lets donate the remaining 210$ to get the n64 emulator:)

jflatt 2012-03-16 04:05

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
mupen64plus for ARM will compile and run with minimal changes. I don't really have the time to package it all up though. I can put the binaries out there, but it requires some serious open-mode action to run.
Long term, it needs rotation, joystick, better touchscreen handling, native gui, and updated to latest source. There's some funky bug in it where the FPS drops to near zero after a while.

itsnotabigtruck 2012-03-16 04:14

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
@elemental Have you considered uploading this to Apps for MeeGo? It has the potential to be a central point for open-source apps apart from Ovi, but at the moment there's a shortage of quality content - which could be changed by adding apps like this one.

elemental 2012-03-16 11:01

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by itsnotabigtruck (Post 1180124)
@elemental Have you considered uploading this to Apps for MeeGo? It has the potential to be a central point for open-source apps apart from Ovi, but at the moment there's a shortage of quality content - which could be changed by adding apps like this one.

Apps for MeeGo uses OBS packaging system which is complicated. Why anyone should learn OBS when it's not even popular. Why would not we have a repository like extra-devel and extra-testing like N900 has? Why? It would be much simpler and it definitely would be used by developers.

itsnotabigtruck 2012-03-16 13:31

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1180180)
Apps for MeeGo uses OBS packaging system which is complicated. Why anyone should learn OBS when it's not even popular. Why would not we have a repository like extra-devel and extra-testing like N900 has? Why? It would be much simpler and it definitely would be used by developers.

As long as you can produce a Debian source package (.dsc/.tar.gz) from your code, it's a lot easier than it seems to use OBS - I'm not sure what the procedure for doing that using Qt Creator is though.

Sniper_swe 2012-03-16 14:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by jflatt (Post 1180121)
mupen64plus for ARM will compile and run with minimal changes. I don't really have the time to package it all up though. I can put the binaries out there, but it requires some serious open-mode action to run.
Long term, it needs rotation, joystick, better touchscreen handling, native gui, and updated to latest source. There's some funky bug in it where the FPS drops to near zero after a while.

I plan to use sixaxis Ps3 Controller when n64 emu is added:)

cddiede 2012-03-16 14:48

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2

Originally Posted by jflatt (Post 1180121)
mupen64plus for ARM will compile and run with minimal changes. I don't really have the time to package it all up though. I can put the binaries out there, but it requires some serious open-mode action to run.
Long term, it needs rotation, joystick, better touchscreen handling, native gui, and updated to latest source. There's some funky bug in it where the FPS drops to near zero after a while.

Let's not forget that if you actually want to RUN it on the N9, then a UI with on screen buttons must be authored from scratch. No small task really.

I ported a Sega Saturn emulator to the N900 and it was really no problem at all because I had a standard QWERTY to control it with. While I can get that program to run on the N9, the real challenge would be to make it playable.

trayhoper 2012-03-18 08:53

Re: EmuMaster 0.2.2
You are doing great job , keep working :)

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