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F2thaK 2012-04-17 12:56

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
You rock.


Sorrow 2012-04-17 14:32

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Wouldn't it be better to wait till PR1.3? It may delay it probably

itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-17 15:05

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Sorrow (Post 1193281)
Wouldn't it be better to wait till PR1.3? It may delay it probably

I deliberately released INCEPTION 0.1.1 with an exploit vector that was already fixed in the next firmware release. :) The new exploit that aims to provide PR1.3 compatibility remains classified.

Sorrow 2012-04-17 15:25

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Oh, cool )

Maj3stic 2012-04-22 01:55

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
when I try to incept opensh it says incept: no such file or directory. Thanks to whomever points me in the right direction.

Arie 2012-04-22 21:19

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Maj3stic (Post 1195650)
when I try to incept opensh it says incept: no such file or directory. Thanks to whomever points me in the right direction.

Did you activate pasiv after installing inception?

Did you try and incept opensh with /usr/sbin/incept opensh....deb?

I bet one of those is stopping you.

Maj3stic 2012-04-23 01:49

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Thanks for the response Arie and ye I did invoke pasiv with the given command and inception was installed fine with no errors. Yeah that's the command I used and still it says incept: no such file or directory I even checked with filebox and that directory exists hence my confusion.

Arie 2012-04-23 01:59

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Maj3stic (Post 1196129)
Thanks for the response Arie and ye I did invoke pasiv with the given command and inception was installed fine with no errors. Yeah that's the command I used and still it says incept: no such file or directory I even checked with filebox and that directory exists hence my confusion.

Reinstall inception, reinvoke pasiv.

Then try to incept opensh.

itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-23 02:19

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Maj3stic (Post 1196129)
Thanks for the response Arie and ye I did invoke pasiv with the given command and inception was installed fine with no errors. Yeah that's the command I used and still it says incept: no such file or directory I even checked with filebox and that directory exists hence my confusion.

Did you enter the entire path to incept, that is, /usr/sbin/incept? If you're using the Terminal directly on the phone, you'll have to do that so it can find what to run.

explit 2012-04-24 21:54

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Hello Boys and Girls.

Only a question.

My situation is:

E-yes Patched Dualboot Openmode Kernel
INCEPTION 0.1 was installed
OPENSH was incepted and installed
AEGISCTL was incepted and installed
Developer Update was done on 16.04.2012
INCEPTION 0.1.1 was installed today.
/usr/sbin/passiv was run afterwards

No I have in the Application list:

INCEPTION (installer) 0.1.1
INCEPTION (sec. policy) 0.1

is this correct, or the INCEPTION (sec. policy) must be also 0.1.1?
If yes, how I must update it?

Best regards


itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-25 02:02

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by explit (Post 1197224)
Hello Boys and Girls.

Only a question.

My situation is:


No I have in the Application list:

INCEPTION (installer) 0.1.1
INCEPTION (sec. policy) 0.1

is this correct, or the INCEPTION (sec. policy) must be also 0.1.1?
If yes, how I must update it?

Best regards


Nothing wrong with that - I just didn't bump the version number for that component as there weren't any changes. :)

Hacker 2012-04-27 20:47

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
I just donated $5, in part because I need a little extra troubleshooting help and in part because I want to help get you that n9 for this excellent work.

So, I am get the following error when I try to incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb:

"incept: Package syntax invalid"

I am using the following command to produce this error: /usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb (there is a single space between ".../incept" and "opensh_1.00 . . .")

History of problem: The inception package installed successfully on my device. I downloaded the opensh deb file using the wget command, and the sha1sum command worked fine for me using the "sha1sum opensh_1.00_armel.deb" command, so this is error message is confusing. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling inception and the opensh package, but I end up with same result.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-27 21:20

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Hacker (Post 1198380)
I just donated $5, in part because I need a little extra troubleshooting help and in part because I want to help get you that n9 for this excellent work.

So, I am get the following error when I try to incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb:

"incept: Package syntax invalid"

I am using the following command to produce this error: /usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb (there is a single space between ".../incept" and "opensh_1.00 . . .")

History of problem: The inception package installed successfully on my device. I downloaded the opensh deb file using the wget command, and the sha1sum command worked fine for me using the "sha1sum opensh_1.00_armel.deb" command, so this is error message is confusing. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling inception and the opensh package, but I end up with same result.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

Thanks for the donation. :)

As for the problem at hand...are you sure that the deb file is actually a valid package? If the wget failed, it might have left behind an empty file, which incept won't understand.

Try re-downloading the package and running incept again. Note that you'll probably need to add a --no-check-certificate to wget, as it's broken and doesn't verify the site's certificate correctly. Failing that, try installing the package with dpkg -i opensh.... If that fails, incept definitely isn't going to work. Otherwise, try incepting the package again, over the previous install.

Hacker 2012-04-27 22:36

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Thanks! That command made all of the difference.:-)

Morpog 2012-04-28 17:39

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
How to donate via Paypal? I really would like to thank you for your hard work on this.

zapotek 2012-04-28 17:56

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
i cant incept after the password its say package syntax invalid what to do?

chrisp7 2012-04-28 20:09

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Dared (Post 1196292)
All you have to do is the following:

Install inception (which you've done)

Go to terminal. Type:

devel-su -c /usr/sbin/pasiv

Go to the inception site in your web browser on your n9 and download the opensh file and aegiscti file

Incept them by typing the following in to terminal:

rootme (that's your default password)
cd /home/user/MyDocs/
/usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_arml.deb


cd /home/user/MyDocs/
/usr/sbin/incept aegisctl_1.2_armel.deb

and voila! both of those files are incepted. Just wait until the Opptimizer program is released, then you'll be able to overclock easily :)

All good until I actually try and icept - I can get to /home/user/MyDocs but when typing in: /usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_arml.deb

I get "no such file or directory" I bet I am doing something basic wrong!? :)

itsnotabigtruck 2012-04-28 20:28

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1198736)
How to donate via Paypal? I really would like to thank you for your hard work on this.

I've been trying to avoid using PayPal, as they aren't exactly known for their honest business practices...I could set up an account though if people would like to donate that way.

If you have any of the major credit/debit cards it should be possible to donate via WePay, though of course you can't charge your PayPal balance that way.

In any case, thanks for the thought! :)

@chrisp7: Are you sure the file is where you think it is? (do ls) Failing that, try devel-su -c 'mkdir -p /var/cache/inception'
@zapotek: Check out my reply to Hacker and see if that helps.

AndyNokia232 2012-04-28 21:08

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
As I just said in my note to you on the donation page, I am a total noob and don't know the first thing about hacking, coding or Linux terminal commands. But I fully appreciate the work you have put into this, and as it opens the door to everyone who does know how to create useful apps and tweaks for the N9, I'm sure it won't be long before I benefit from Inception.

Hope you're a little closer to getting your N9 now!


Morpog 2012-04-28 21:58

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by itsnotabigtruck (Post 1198817)
I've been trying to avoid using PayPal, as they aren't exactly known for their honest business practices...I could set up an account though if people would like to donate that way.

If you have any of the major credit/debit cards it should be possible to donate via WePay, though of course you can't charge your PayPal balance that way.

In any case, thanks for the thought! :)

In my country credit cards aren't that usual for paying stuff. Because of that I don't have have one. Only a vacation to the USA would force me to get one :-)

I'm sure lots of european community members will donate via paypal if you offer us that option.

zapotek 2012-04-29 06:50

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
i tried but no luck aegis reject the package!

koe 2012-04-29 11:44

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
write here what you did exactly and what aegis says.

zapotek 2012-04-29 12:25

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
1 Attachment(s)
:o im stuck here

thedead1440 2012-04-29 15:05

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
download opensh from the inception site, save it to MyDocs,

then run on terminal:
/usr/sbin/incept /home/user/MyDocs/opensh*

Tman 2012-05-16 16:37

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
i have instaled inception, opensh but unable to instal. aegisctl installation failed (256). Please help out

coderus 2012-05-22 19:13

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
opensudo succesfully compiled by me.
you can use it instead of opensh.
opensudo will ask you for user (!) password (default user password is empty, just press enter key for proceed, but you can set password by passwd commant in user shell) every time you work with it (you can modify time by editing /etc/sudoers file)

sudo -s force you to shell same as opensh
sudo -i force you to root shell with all credentials

opensudo deb -

patch for sudo_1.6.8p12.orig.tar.gz from PR1.2 Sources DVD - 2012-05-22 22:23

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1210915)
opensudo succesfully compiled by me.
you can use it instead of opensh.
opensudo will ask you for user (!) password every time you work with it (you can modify time by editing /etc/sudoers file)


thx for this contrib

can you share the sources of :

* sudo_1.6.8p12-4osso28+0m6_armel.deb
* opensudo_1.6.8p12-4osso28%2B0m6_armel.deb

I plan to rebuild it for shared repo ...

coderus 2012-05-23 07:22

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
sudo sources in sources DVD iso (you haven't it?)
opensudo diff will be shared soon

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 07:54

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
whats the password for opensudo?

coderus 2012-05-23 08:20

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
@rzr, opensudo.patch for sudo_1.6.8p12.orig.tar.gz patch to opensudo included in post
@ibrakalifa, user password, read post carefully.

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 08:36

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
I never set the user password before, :confuse:

coderus 2012-05-23 13:53

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

- and set password you want.

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 14:10

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
the password for users cant be changed, lol, duh

Maverick92 2012-05-23 14:13

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Hi,i am new to the N9 and also new to Inception...i did as asked on the inception website...i scanned the UR code with the MeeScan to get the inception installer...then it went to the installation screen and it showed that it was installing after a while it just went off without any notification...(is that normal???)rite after that...i opened the terminal and followed the instruction..which is the "devel-su -c /usr/sbin/pasiv" command...but i didn't change the password as asked(will that affect anything???)once that was done i am lost at this part :-

Ensure that the N9's package management subsystem will not interfere:
killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock

i keep on keying in that command and nothing seems to be happening...can anyone help me out on this...i am really interested in this....

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 14:15

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Yes, nothing gonna happened, but, that should be ok

coderus 2012-05-23 17:56

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
@Maverick92, run commands as root. run twice.
@ibrakalifa, lol? passwd user, then, if hands are broken ~.~

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 18:10

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
lol, okay sir, :D

Maverick92 2012-05-24 07:29

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

run them as root???and run them twice??what do you mean???can you please give me an example....sorry i'm pretty bad in this....

coderus 2012-05-24 14:20

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
pkill pkgmgrd
pkill pkgmgrd

cvp 2012-05-25 11:29

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
hello, is there a list of modifikations over Inception?
imean, what i can do more than without inception?

I read:
- Install other Kernel
- Overclocking
- Notification LED....

... but nothing more.

thanks a lot

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