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Snubben 2012-07-04 13:56

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by BlinkThinks (Post 1231764)
I dunno if someone have already reported this, there's now an option to 'Insert Face' in the gallery.

This was already in PR1.2

DarkSkies 2012-07-04 14:04

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by rahulthewall (Post 1231756)
The default password is "rootme". Did you try that? It might have been reset.

I did try that. Doesn't work. I am basically running PR1.3 (that's good) without root access now (that's not good).

Diggler 2012-07-04 14:17

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by odradek (Post 1231728)
And again no One-Track-Repeat function in the standard music player... :(

Why not give FlowPlayer a shot. You might like it.

szymeczek34 2012-07-04 15:06

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Battery management is much better now. After a reflash average idle power consumption dropped from 9 to 6 mA.

joshlbs 2012-07-04 15:06

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I've found that when the battery starts getting low, I now only get the "Entering Power Save mode" notification; in PR1.2 I'd get the power save notification and a low battery notification simultaneously.

PR1.3 seems to be addressing loads of little niggles and adding a little bit more polish to Meego. It's really nice!

drvar 2012-07-04 15:08

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by BlinkThinks (Post 1231764)
I dunno if someone have already reported this, there's now an option to 'Insert Face' in the gallery.

That was already in PR1.2

solstice88 2012-07-04 15:15

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Not sure if this is a new feature. After a clean reflash. When i receive a new notifications its highlights it as a darker shade of gray. I didnt have this in pr1.2 it was completely transparent.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-07-04 15:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1231330)
Another small change I noticed:

the multitasking view now shows web page loading its content. Previously it only showed the blue progress bar, but the content remained white until you went back to the browser.

Confirmed! I wonder why none else noticed.
Great fix IMO

thedead1440 2012-07-04 15:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
^ ajalkane has already retracted works only if your page is cached...

Gumster 2012-07-04 15:41

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I had loads of problems logging in to accounts before PR 1.2. PR 1.2 fixed a few of them, MfE, gtalk, skype and so on. Had to log in to them evertime I started the related service.
With PR 1.3 it seems the rest of my log in problems disappeared.

- Logging in to all spotify clients now works without having to enter credentials.
- Logging in to twitter now seems to work everytime, sometimes I had to reenter password.
- Loggin in to Nokia Account now seems to work everytime, sometimes I had to reenter password.

Otherwise it seems a whole lot smoother.

The only problem I still have is this, any ideas welcome:

qwazix 2012-07-04 15:49

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Nasty gtalk always trying to connect bug still there. 2/3 of my major problems unfixed, 3rd unconfirmed. All I know is that all those "snappier, faster, liquider" etc things could be a placebo. Did they really fix anything?

thedead1440 2012-07-04 15:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
like dave999 said they fixed 1000 unknown bugs ;)

qwazix 2012-07-04 15:55

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
And we pinpointed what until now, 10?

Instead of making fenix respond they changed the message. And they made sure we'd notice. Fenix stopped responding thrice the first time I opened it after OTA upgrade. Microsoft mentality spreading inside Nokia.

dommau 2012-07-04 16:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
When i downloaded firefox from store, the phone switched from wifi to 3g (bad wifi, not the phones fault) and it asked if i still want to download the large dependencies file (25 mb) over cellular network. This definitley wasnt there in pr1.2!

ajalkane 2012-07-04 16:42

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1231820)
^ ajalkane has already retracted works only if your page is cached...

Heh well... now that I'm on WLAN it seems to work again. Weird stuff, but seems like it's only when you're on WLAN. Not sure what's the reasoning for that.

drvar 2012-07-04 16:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1231877)
Heh well... now that I'm on WLAN it seems to work again. Weird stuff, but seems like it's only when you're on WLAN. Not sure what's the reasoning for that.

So there is a partial fix only...
I also see this when updated to PR1.3. So it was defenitly not in previos PRs.

Also found it's much faster USB notification (on wich you tick for mass storage/snyc and connect/sdk mode)

slashd0t 2012-07-04 16:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
One thing I've noticed that's new is the LED light when you shutdown the phone.. Old behaviour it would blink and the phone would shutdown and you would have no indication of when the shutdown was done..

New behaviour is the LED light stays ON during the shutdown. Once shutdown is complete, the LED shuts off. Handy for reboots because now you know when you're phone is dont shutting down instead of keep trying to start the phone again and nothing happens.

thedead1440 2012-07-04 16:59

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
^nope...its been around since pr1.1.1...

slashd0t 2012-07-04 17:00

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1231887)
^nope...its been around since pr1.1.1...

Well it just started working for me :)

aironeous 2012-07-04 17:13

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by marrat (Post 1231675)
Stock Browser is still meh, but Opera Mobile does a good job on Symbian, so no, not even Browser performance.

Stock browser score at html5test is now 286. I can't remember the score before.
For reference I'm using firefox beta 14 which gets 311

The Best Isaac 2012-07-04 17:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1231900)
Stock browser score at html5test is now 286. I can't remember the score before.
For reference I'm using firefox beta 14 which gets 311

I get 286 Points and 14 Bonus Points on PR1.2.

An9 2012-07-04 17:45

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I updated my phone with nawifirm and flasher, the two large files, you know, sens there was no update for me jet...
After flashing the phone, i wana check instantly about seem better,i could see more wifi's, but after i restored backup...i realy don't see much change on that issue!
If i request few network service codes like credit's or actual data presence in my account...then there is litle change ugly change, that will give you a litle white glimp from numeric pad, that was not there in v1,2!

jalyst 2012-07-04 19:24

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1231682)
And seems like this is not true after all. Now my browser acts like in pr1.2.

Either I had earlier a glitch, or then being connected via wlan changes the behaviour (that'd be strange).


Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1231877)
Heh well... now that I'm on WLAN it seems to work again. Weird stuff, but seems like it's only when you're on WLAN. Not sure what's the reasoning for that.

After your last 2nd last post (above) someone mentioned it works that way ONLY if the page is cached or some other reason (which I forget).
Maybe check those conditions are/aren't being met when it does/doesn't behave that way.

Lumiaman 2012-07-04 20:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
i still get error message, intermittently, when sending email from my MFE account .

dumpystig 2012-07-04 20:45

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
My phone still makes / receives calls.

That's good :D

aironeous 2012-07-04 20:47

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
According to

Dropian - direct access to dropbox now works on PR 1.3

javiermon 2012-07-04 21:30

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I've noticed that search, contacts, email and maybe other apps query your mail for exchange server for email addresses and such. Also this appears in the actual contact info as a new item: Sync with

Not sure if this is new in everyone of those, but at least in the email app it's for me.

Jaracz 2012-07-04 21:40

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
And still the SMS with Emoji written on iPhone don't get delivered on N9 at all!

I hoped so much, that the bug will be fixed in PR1.3... :/

Markk 2012-07-04 21:54

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Think I found another change: you don't have to click "Done" anymore after rearanging icons/closing stuff in "Open Applications", just click anywhere on the background, which I kinda missed before :)

m4r0v3r 2012-07-04 22:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
i cant retweet for some reason, never could in pr1.2 eiither

guija45 2012-07-04 22:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
That's not new

I'm on pr1.2 and can my n9 has the same behaviour

Don't see anything really new regarding previous posts or anything already given by tweaks/mods

Is it really useful to go on pr1.3 ?

PhatApteryx 2012-07-04 22:11

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by javiermon (Post 1232043)
I've noticed that search, contacts, email and maybe other apps query your mail for exchange server for email addresses and such. Also this appears in the actual contact info as a new item: Sync with

Not sure if this is new in everyone of those, but at least in the email app it's for me.

Pretty sure that was the case in 1.2

alephito 2012-07-04 22:17

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by PhatApteryx (Post 1232051)
Pretty sure that was the case in 1.2

For me it is new behavior in PR1.3.

guija45 2012-07-04 22:17

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
i confirm, it was also on pr1.2

godofwar424 2012-07-04 23:27

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
For all doing a reflash, I wouldn't advise restoring a backup!

It seems to just bring all the old clogged crap you were tryna get rid of back and causes more problems then it solves!

A reflash doesnt lose your contacts/accounts/texts! So just remember your main settings and your apps and your all good to go :)

Win7Mac 2012-07-04 23:42

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Hi, just wanted to report a tiny, but usefull upgrade for the clock:
The buttons for "remind me later" and "stop" have grown... :)
Good idea, since I wasn't always as accurate as wished in the morning after...

Not though for calendar-alerts, that buttons stayed (a bit too small and/or too close to each other) as in 1.2. :(

An9 2012-07-05 00:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by godofwar424 (Post 1232084)
For all doing a reflash, I wouldn't advise restoring a backup!

It seems to just bring all the old clogged crap you were tryna get rid of back and causes more problems then it solves!

A reflash doesnt lose your contacts/accounts/texts! So just remember your main settings and your apps and your all good to go :)

I flashed update fw the two large files on navifirm and it wiped all pics, movies, downloads, docs, apps, music and everything was on phone...lucky i had complet backup on pc.

m4r0v3r 2012-07-05 00:08

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
thats because you flashed the emmc

Win7Mac 2012-07-05 02:34

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
1 Attachment(s)
So this is just an update to PR_1.2 as the device Product Info still says "Meego 1.2 Harmattan", rather than a real new 1.3?

Different kernels through OTA and flash, as I've read?

thedead1440 2012-07-05 03:14

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
you are on pr1.3 for god' sake...meego 1.2 harmattan is the name of the OS. its like iOS then v5 or whatever which is equivalent to pr on our phones...

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