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zaidk9 2013-10-01 12:35

Instagraph updated to 4.0.6.. Downloading

Kroll 2013-10-05 20:56

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
4.0.6 works a bit different, but result is the same:

Error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: device

zaidk9 2013-10-06 08:35

Yes :(

-via Maemo Talk app

sviox 2013-10-06 10:08

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 1378847)
4.0.6 works a bit different, but result is the same:

I think I might be able to make this app work in a future version of Hydra. It uses Nokia platform services, which are currently not enabled, but I've done some initial work on them already long long time ago. Problem is mostly that Nokia's documentation of the API is broken (a lot of 404 errors online) so it's kind of detective work trying to reverse engineer how the API is supposed to work.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, the app relies on some native components (namely, the "API Bridge"). But it only uses it for uploading the images, so I think there might be a way to overcome this.

Zelig 2013-10-07 00:43

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
made it the way Jorge described in #157 #159… version 4.0.1, just changed the version variable in instagraph.js to 4.0.6… upon login I got one undescribed error, but after that it just logged in…

later I've got a mail from Instagram - they reset my password due to "some suspicious activity that suggests your Instagram account may have been compromised"… logged in again with Instagraph, now with the new password, and made my first upload :)

well, I'm aware this way is not really acceptable regarding the license, but maybe something could be arranged with the author… looking forward to buy it in case put in OVI Store… 2013-10-07 00:55

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
do you plan to publish it also on ?

related :

Zelig 2013-10-07 00:57

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
well, I'm not the author, it's really not up to me to do it… I could contact the author and ask him…

Zelig 2013-10-07 01:12

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I've just send one polite mail to Venetasoft asking them to make 4.0.1 (with forcing the update removed) available to n9 users. In OVI Store, or on… hope they'll find some interest… I'll keep You informed…

Zelig 2013-10-07 09:22

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Author replied - he'd like to have the N9 version available… now we're trying few options to try to establish if the latest version could be run on N9…

in this 4.0.6 there is a menu on the home screen in which there is an option called "alternative uploader" by which old 4.0.1 engine is used - it works on N700 and N8, as author said... the problem is, of course, that I don't even get the home screen - after few seconds of "Loading, please wait" I get that old notorious "Error: RefferenceError: Can't find variable: device"… hope he'll solve it…

sviox 2013-10-07 16:21

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Zelig (Post 1379122)
Author replied - he'd like to have the N9 version available… now we're trying few options to try to establish if the latest version could be run on N9…

in this 4.0.6 there is a menu on the home screen in which there is an option called "alternative uploader" by which old 4.0.1 engine is used - it works on N700 and N8, as author said... the problem is, of course, that I don't even get the home screen - after few seconds of "Loading, please wait" I get that old notorious "Error: RefferenceError: Can't find variable: device"… hope he'll solve it…

Hold on there. I've already uploaded a couple of pictures using the "alternative uploader" which seems to work 'out of the box' simply adding support for a couple of simple new Symbian WRT APIs. Now if only I had the time to finalize this version.

Zelig 2013-10-07 16:27

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
oh, I see... great!… btw the author of the Instagraph Uploader is a nice guy, very helpful - if You need some help and haven't already contacted him I could PM You his email adress…

Kroll 2013-10-21 15:04

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
So how its going? :)

sviox 2013-10-23 14:47

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 1381681)
So how its going? :)

Unfortunately my day-work has kept me quite uncomfortably busy these last weeks and I really have had only brief moments to concentrate on Hydra.

Also, the release of next version will likely take a bit longer than usual because I'm doing some major refactoring on the code base (you'll see why soon enough...) that will require longer than usual testing period.

Kroll 2013-10-23 19:44

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I do understand you, to much work, thats why it took 2 weeks for me to ask about Hydra project :D
Stand strong! It gets a little better every day :)

BTW If you need testers, you know where to get one...:rolleyes:

someoneleme 2013-10-24 09:48

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
hello and congratulations for the great work! i am new to this and i don't understand what's going on here very well( i think :p)

i have installed the free version, should i pay for it ? is there any difference between them?
(this is a stupid question,isn't it?)

is there any "database" with working apps? from the firefox marketplace, or tizen etc.

thank you

and what do you mean with opera widgets?

i want a better browser! is there any way to get it ? :p (like dolphin, opera with meego keyboard..)

sviox 2013-10-26 08:03

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by someoneleme (Post 1382145)
hello and congratulations for the great work! i am new to this and i don't understand what's going on here very well( i think :p)

i have installed the free version, should i pay for it ? is there any difference between them?
(this is a stupid question,isn't it?)

is there any "database" with working apps? from the firefox marketplace, or tizen etc.

thank you

and what do you mean with opera widgets?

i want a better browser! is there any way to get it ? :p (like dolphin, opera with meego keyboard..)

Thank you for the feedback :)

The fee version is, as you said, free. There are no restrictions to it's usage. However, if you like what I'm doing and want to support it, I encourage you to purchase the PRO version. The main benefits of PRO version are that it always gets the latest new features first and that it supports data encryption.

There is currently no database of working apps. I simply don't have enough time to test all the apps out there. If you find an app you would like to use but find it not working, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to make it work in future versions.

Opera widgets are a legacy widget platform based on draft versions of W3C's widget standards. There used to be a community site ( where you could download widgets for desktop and mobile devices (using "Opera Widget Manager" application available for S60 and Windows Mobile), but Opera decided to discontinue that their widget platforms. The stupid part about the decision was that they also pulled the plug for, which makes finding those widgets quite hard.

I don't really know what to comment on the browser part. I have been thinking about creating a browser based on Hydra core, but then again there are quite many available browsers already.

sviox 2013-12-08 14:10

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Version 1.4.4 is about ready for deployment to the Store (if the store still accepts anything..).

Symbian Instagraph widget's "Alternative upload" method is confirmed as working. Also, JavaScript APIs used by "Browse Gallery" have been implemented, but the native component required to actually upload the pictures is not yet supported (I'll get back to this later..).

Please note that downloading S60 widgets from Nokia Store using N9 is currently not possible (stupid Store limitation). If you happen to find Instagraph or any other widget package in downloadable format from some other, less legal site, please remember to also purchase the app from Nokia Store to support the developer(s) for their hard work.

Here is the full changelog:
* Implemented frame skipping for scrolling to improve responsiveness
* Implemented support or reacting to widget setting changes dynamically (excluding network access policy)
* Implemented support for disabling data encryption
* Added TCP port (when non-standard) to list of allowed network addresses shown on details view
* Added translation for Finnish language
* Improved some of the installation error messages
* Core support for desktop build
* Fixed file selection sheet scroll position not resetting when opening a new folder
* Fixed Symbian WRT widget.openApplication() support for UIDs prefixed with "s60uid://"
* Fixed Symbian style content request handling with absolute file paths (i.e. using file protocol instead of trying to use drive letter)
* Fixed handling view modes defined in configuration document to use proper priority order
* Fixed handling of scandic characters within Mozilla manifest files by properly converting text from UTF-8
* Experimental support for Symbian WRT Platform Services 1.0 Location API
* Experimental support for Symbian WRT Platform Services 1.0 Media Management API
* Experimental support for Symbian WRT Platform Services 1.0 System Information API
* Experimental support for Symbian WRT Platform Services 1.0 AppManager API

As you can see, there are a lot of changes. The biggest, and yet quite invisible, is some major architectural refactoring to enable building the app for other platforms besides N9. I've used desktop as a test platform but there are no intentions to distribute Hydra for desktop (at the moment at least). Next actual target is of course the Sailfish OS and possibly Android later on when Qt becomes fully supported.

I'm also considering open sourcing Hydra. At first, this would be with licensing model that allows contribution but prevents distribution beyond 'official' releases. Anyone here interested in doing some development work towards Sailfish compatibility?

zaidk9 2013-12-09 05:18

Need some links to symbian widgets!!

imaginaryenemy 2013-12-22 04:25

1.4.4 is working great. Uploading pictures with Instagraph is working without errors. It prompts me to download the APIBridge at every start up. I just have to hit cancel and it opens up no problem.

kapu2 2014-01-03 07:55

hey sviox, today i bought the pro version of hydra to support your efforts and also wanted to say thank you for the great app! :) i'm particularly interested in firefox os apps. in the free version i was able to access the store, but after buying the pro version the firefox marketplace won't open. i install it in hydra and click "launch" but nothing happens. also, after i close the app and reopen it the marketplace is no longer listed as being installed. tried rebooting the device, uninstalling/reinstalling hydra but the issue persists. any ideas? :confused:

Lucazz990 2014-01-06 19:01

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1403275)
hey sviox, today i bought the pro version of hydra to support your efforts and also wanted to say thank you for the great app! :) i'm particularly interested in firefox os apps. in the free version i was able to access the store, but after buying the pro version the firefox marketplace won't open. i install it in hydra and click "launch" but nothing happens. also, after i close the app and reopen it the marketplace is no longer listed as being installed. tried rebooting the device, uninstalling/reinstalling hydra but the issue persists. any ideas? :confused:

Same here... :confused:

sviox 2014-01-26 09:44

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1404338)
Same here... :confused:

Sounds weird. Have you tried booting the device and then reinstalling the marketplace widget? Also, are you using encryption and have you tried without it?

Lucazz990 2014-02-02 21:12

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1409018)
Sounds weird. Have you tried booting the device and then reinstalling the marketplace widget? Also, are you using encryption and have you tried without it?

Yes but marketplace won't start... I can't disable encryption,because the toggle in settings is locked :confused:

imaginaryenemy 2014-02-02 22:19


Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1410526)
Yes but marketplace won't start... I can't disable encryption,because the toggle in settings is locked

You have to uninstall all widgets before you are able to change encryption settings, I believe.

kuba 2014-08-02 08:41

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I have a PRO version of Hydra 1.4.4 and tried to install LINE from Fireofx OS marketplace. Unfortunately, I am received an error: "Failed to extract the config file" followed by "App installl error: INVALID_MANIFEST". Is there any fix for this?

jalyst 2014-08-02 08:56

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Any plans to cooperate with Jolla in order to bake something like this into Sailfish?
From the earliest days they claimed that they wanted to be equally serious about HTML5 "eventually", but we've heard very little since. 2015-02-10 09:39

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I am asking do you similar webruntimes that are supported on android

I am looking at tizen API supports particularly outside tizen system

ink 2015-07-04 08:37

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

First of all thanks for your effort. Secondly, since ovi store has been shut down could you publish the latest version for N9 on which is a community store replacement for N9?

Someone published older version, but maybe you could provide an update.

Thanks in advance

jalyst 2015-07-04 10:04

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by ink (Post 1475675)
First of all thanks for your effort. Secondly, since ovi store has been shut down could you publish the latest version for N9 on which is a community store replacement for N9?Someone published older version, but maybe you could provide an update.

See the OP, BluesLee isn't the the dev for this app/platform, you'll have to reach out to the dev from outside of TMO, as they're unlikely to get your msg here.


Actually it's looks like the dev's registered here at TMO...
Might be best to PM them too, just in case they're no longer sub'd to this thread.

sviox 2015-10-06 06:43

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by ink (Post 1475675)

First of all thanks for your effort. Secondly, since ovi store has been shut down could you publish the latest version for N9 on which is a community store replacement for N9?

Someone published older version, but maybe you could provide an update.

Thanks in advance

Hi everyone.

I have been planning to address the store shutdown and generally status of this app but unfortunately I've been quite busy these last months.

I will definitely upload the app to at some point in the near future.

Also, Sailfish port is still alive, although I'm very much unhappy about some Qt decisions regarding their web components that pretty much forced me to rewrite most of the code and still not get all the functionality I was able to put together for N9. Schedule for this is open at the moment and hasn't really progressed nearly as fast as I would have wanted to.

EDIT: Near future is here.

claustn 2016-02-23 08:43

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
is.there a way to run telegram for firefox os on n9?
i have istalled hydra but the market won't start, with or without encryption 2016-07-30 11:20

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
bottom links on 1st post are no more working

can you please update where to get it and also edit this page :

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