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hamoud younes 2012-10-30 19:51

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
the keyboard with number that I talked about befor, is it available in N9 QTweak ??

MK99 2012-10-31 08:12

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
3 Attachment(s)
New transparent theme. Installation to blanco-theme.
Copy .keyboardtheme-folder to MyDocs.

Edit: Added package with "space" text to space-key.


sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

lorenzo 2012-11-01 15:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1286583)
Do you mean like this?

<key><binding label="←" action="left"/></key>
<key><binding label="→" action="right"/></key>

Copy those your own .xml-file and remember save it to UTF-8.

where is this file? thanks

thedead1440 2012-11-01 15:50

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by lorenzo (Post 1288609)
where is this file? thanks

find your language's .xml in:



Schturman 2012-11-01 23:49

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1287949)
New transparent theme. Installation to blanco-theme.
Copy .keyboardtheme-folder to MyDocs.

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

I tried your vkb, it's looks nice, thanks.
But you forgot to add changes to the .xml file in your scripts.
That mean I have a regular vkb with your theme, but I don't have word space and arrows ;)

dcastrog 2012-11-02 01:27

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1287949)
New transparent theme. Installation to blanco-theme.
Copy .keyboardtheme-folder to MyDocs.

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

sh /home/user/MyDocs/.keyboardtheme/

how do you enable the left and right arrows on the VKB? seems usefull :)

MK99 2012-11-02 04:56

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1288769)
I tried your vkb, it's looks nice, thanks.
But you forgot to add changes to the .xml file in your scripts.
That mean I have a regular vkb with your theme, but I don't have word space and arrows ;)

Are you using finnish keyboard? ;):p
Or is it easy one line script to put it same time to all language keyboard?

efion 2012-11-02 05:00

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
any idea how to resize the key?
*big thumbs here*

dannejanne 2012-11-02 06:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by efion (Post 1288844)
any idea how to resize the key?
*big thumbs here*

There's an option for that in n9qweak. In vkb mods... Only works on landscape mode though.

Schturman 2012-11-02 11:27

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1288842)
Are you using finnish keyboard? ;):p
Or is it easy one line script to put it same time to all language keyboard?

Yep, I mean to all lang...

MK99 2012-11-02 12:27

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1288939)
Yep, I mean to all lang...

Tell me the script which replace a pattern which matches the pattern.
I can only replace a line which matches the pattern.
Almost every .xml has different line about space-key.
Or maybe change all keyboard and if somebody has already made changes, it replace them off...

ps: I just starting learning to scripting...

Schturman 2012-11-02 14:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Write me a changes that you did to your language and i will check if i can do the same for other languages..

mariam 2012-11-02 15:33

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
my KB
only girls
im sure all girls wish to have it KB.rar

superjunior 2012-11-02 16:16

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by mariam (Post 1289019)
only girls

only for girls :´( :D:D

thedead1440 2012-11-02 16:22

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by superjunior (Post 1289043)
only for girls :´( :D:D

Due to this Schturman updated it so fast in N9QT :p

I've never seen him put up an update this fast :D

His change log:


* Tweak D - updated, added two new vkb themes. One of them for girls only

mariam 2012-11-02 18:57

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by superjunior (Post 1289043)
only for girls :´( :D:D

but i didnt mean only for girls
its just a name i liked to call the KB by..
i guess it will be better to call it girls only ... :))

mariam 2012-11-02 19:06

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1289049)
Due to this Schturman updated it so fast in N9QT :p

I've never seen him put up an update this fast :D

His change log:

well i think n9 developers have to think about girls also ( i mean guys pls there r some girls using n9 and need girly features ,themes , we heart it app. :p ect... ,hehehe)
anyway i can help ad long as im not busy (cuz i have to study)
actually i made this KB long time ago

Schturman 2012-11-02 19:30

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1289049)
Due to this Schturman updated it so fast in N9QT :p

I've never seen him put up an update this fast :D

His change log:

I talked with Mariam a few days ago :p :D
And i got her files 2 minutes before packing of version 9.3.9 :D

Dragoss91 2012-11-02 21:38

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1286583)
Do you mean like this?

<key><binding label="←" action="left"/></key>
<key><binding label="→" action="right"/></key>

Copy those your own .xml-file and remember save it to UTF-8.

It doesn't work for me , it just makes a square char ...

thedead1440 2012-11-03 04:33

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1289178)
It doesn't work for me , it just makes a square char ...

Did you check your line endings are unix not windows?

Also would it be possible for you to post your .xml file here? Maybe it can be debugged :D

MK99 2012-11-03 07:43

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1289178)
It doesn't work for me , it just makes a square char ...

Arrows doesn't work on Bubble view, but everywhere else where you write, those working. I don't know why and i think nobody knows.

Kozzi 2012-11-11 13:03

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
Lime square (perhaps a different color next time :D)
Installation like in first post

Kozzi 2012-11-11 15:42

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
WIP, Iphone style.

I have no idea how to change key color to black so that function keys stay white, anyone here know to do it?

thedead1440 2012-11-11 15:49

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293028)
WIP, Iphone style.

I have no idea how to change key color to black so that function keys stay white, anyone here know to do it?

Yes :D

Kozzi 2012-11-11 15:52

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1293035)

I think that's the one I talked about, instead of modifying everything, I only want those alphabets in black and function keys stay white like in original iphone vkb.

thedead1440 2012-11-11 15:54

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293037)
I think that's the one I talked about, instead of modifying everything, I only want those alphabets in black and function keys stay white like in original iphone vkb.

Yup those will change the alphabets to black and keep function keys at white from what I remember the last time I changed them...I'll find my post here of the kb designs I posted; it had alphabets in black and function keys in white...

Edit: Could you have a look at these 2 posts (1 & 2)? The code earlier is to achieve the colours as in these 2 posts...

Kozzi 2012-11-11 16:01

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1293038)
Edit: Could you have a look at these 2 posts (1 & 2)? The code earlier is to achieve the colours as in these 2 posts...

Nice, too bad the "?123" key changes according to key_color, but I guess It's okay. Thanks

thedead1440 2012-11-11 16:06

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293042)
Nice, too bad the "?123" key changes according to key_color, but I guess It's okay. Thanks

Yup sadly that's the case...Maybe you want to try adding and additional line below



Kozzi 2012-11-11 16:11

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1293045)
Yup sadly that's the case...Maybe you want to try adding and additional line below


I changed FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD from #FFFFFF to #000000, restarted.. still white :confused: I don't think adding an additional line would help since it's not used in libmeego-keyboard.css

thedead1440 2012-11-11 16:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293049)
I changed FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD from #FFFFFF to #000000, restarted.. still white :confused: I don't think adding an additional line would help since it's not used in libmeego-keyboard.css

Did you turn off your phone and start it or did a simple reboot? Do the former...

Also you may want to try switching to another theme then back to your current theme to see the changes...


Ignore the earlier post and change it in /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/constants.ini


;This constants are required for the input method

FONT_KEYBOARD                = $FONT_FAMILY bold 3.2mm;

I didn't realize blanco has its own constants.ini which overrides base's constants.ini hence you can't see the changes :D

I usually do my changes on custom themes so never noticed it, Sorry!

Edit 2:

In /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmeego-keyboard/style/libmeego-keyboard.css

you can change the font-colour of the extended keys...Currently its $COLOR_FOREGROUND you can change it by putting the hex code of the colour...Any colour field with a $reference value can be changed to a # code literal colour...

Kozzi 2012-11-11 16:45

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1293052)
Edit 2:

In /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmeego-keyboard/style/libmeego-keyboard.css

you can change the font-colour of the extended keys...Currently its $COLOR_FOREGROUND you can change it by putting the hex code of the colour...Any colour field with a $reference value can be changed to a # code literal colour...

np :)

Restarted and it works now:

in MImAbstractKeyAreaStyle, only two use COLOR_FOREGROUND, I know what is selected key for but no idea about highlighted (caps lock mode in Shift key ?)


  key-selected-font-color: $COLOR_FOREGROUND;
    key-disabled-font-color: $FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD;
    key-highlighted-font-color: $COLOR_FOREGROUND;

thedead1440 2012-11-11 16:48

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Yes I think highlighted is when Caps lock key is highlighted...

You can change to #000000 instead of $COLOR_FOREGROUND to see what it does :D

dcastrog 2012-11-11 17:59

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293057)
np :)

Restarted and it works now:

in MImAbstractKeyAreaStyle, only two use COLOR_FOREGROUND, I know what is selected key for but no idea about highlighted (caps lock mode in Shift key ?)


  key-selected-font-color: $COLOR_FOREGROUND;
    key-disabled-font-color: $FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD;
    key-highlighted-font-color: $COLOR_FOREGROUND;

could you please post the theme with the code edited ready to install?

optimaxxx 2012-11-11 18:15

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Anyone have any luck with customising Swype keyboard?
Epic soz if this is wrong pace to be asking!

Kozzi 2012-11-11 18:20

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1293058)
Yes I think highlighted is when Caps lock key is highlighted...

You can change to #000000 instead of $COLOR_FOREGROUND to see what it does :D

I wanted to have the Enter/Search/Go button in browser in white so I changed in blanco-theme ExtendedKeys (Lime theme doesn't have *keyboard.css file) font-color and key-selected-font-color entry from $COLOR_FOREGROUND to #FFFFFFF, no effects, text still in foregound color (which is #282828). Changing the COLOR_FOREGROUND entry in constants.ini from #282828 to #FFFFFF works though, but it results in all white text on white background in Web-address bar :D
Oh well this is enough, mess some more and I might have to flash the phone.

Kozzi 2012-11-11 18:44

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by dcastrog (Post 1293073)
could you please post the theme with the code edited ready to install?
Here is image files and The second one is for those who use Blanco theme.


You will have to edit constants.ini if you use a theme other than blanco.

*go to the bottom and change bolded part*


*to #000000*

dcastrog 2012-11-11 20:13

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1293083)
Here is image files and You have to edit key color yourself according what theme you currently have in use though. I really have no idea how to make it easier.

You will have to edit

*go to the bottom and change bolded part*


*to #000000*

wonderful mod, tried it and it was awesome, however i like the all-dark slick theme of my N9 and removed it after 5 minutes, would like to see a dark themed iphone keyboard :)

thedead1440 2012-11-12 03:24

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

One more suggestion :p, can you change $COLOR_FOREGROUND to $COLOR_KOZZI in the extended keys font color and add in constants.ini one more line named $COLOR_KOZZI with your desired color...

darkphantom93 2012-11-12 13:40

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
the attached file had changed the FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD = #FFFFFF
*to #000000*??? cuz after i installed it, the font color still white. Help

thedead1440 2012-11-12 13:42

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by darkphantom93 (Post 1293351)
the attached file had changed the FONT_COLOR_KEYBOARD = #FFFFFF
*to #000000*??? cuz after i installed it, the font color still white. Help

From Kozzi's post:


You will have to edit

*go to the bottom and change bolded part*


*to #000000*
So do it manually ;)

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