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coderus 2014-01-19 11:49

Re: ApkEnv support module development
i see android boot animation in wrong orientation. and it never ends.

Akkumaru 2014-01-19 11:54

Liar you're still alive! Will try later

milad ghusn 2014-03-07 15:27

Re: ApkEnv support module development
@liar : u still work on run android apps on n9 harmattan ?

liar 2014-06-20 10:20

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by milad ghusn (Post 1415804)
@liar : u still work on run android apps on n9 harmattan ?

yes, at the moment i am trying to get surfaceflinger to run via apkenv so we can make it render into an X11 window, in theory we should be able to run all the android services in a chroot and surfaceflinger via apkenv

irulestar 2014-06-20 11:04

Very very waiting :D

v0id 2014-06-20 13:41

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1430314)
yes, at the moment i am trying to get surfaceflinger to run via apkenv so we can make it render into an X11 window, in theory we should be able to run all the android services in a chroot and surfaceflinger via apkenv

holy mother of f**** :eek:

totaly looking forward to see some progress. still using my n9 as my main phone but i wanted to switch sooner or later to android. now this would bring me to keep the n9

liar 2014-06-21 12:52

Re: ApkEnv support module development
my progess so far can be found here:
currently i get a crash in eglMakeCurrent in and so far i don't know what to do about it, maybe someone with more arm asm knowledge can look into it?

EDIT: actually the crash is in and it seems to be something tls related

EDIT2: no more crashes :)

Akkumaru 2014-06-29 01:27

Re: ApkEnv support module development
@liar are you only working on N9, or also the N900?

salahkhani 2014-06-29 20:26

Re: ApkEnv support module development
So what now is it working on N9

Can i install android apps or what

what is the progress condition for this????

coderus 2014-06-29 20:32

Re: ApkEnv support module development
salahkhani: no, you can start android's surfaceflinger on glibc based systems :)

salahkhani 2014-06-29 20:59

Re: ApkEnv support module development
Thanks for the answer My friend

I presume now that N900 and N9 are left to die slowly with no support for Maemo and Meego

Thanks very much and hope you all the best

coderus 2014-06-29 21:08

Re: ApkEnv support module development
lol. it's development thread. you will notice announcement if something working will be done :)

salahkhani 2014-06-29 21:14

Re: ApkEnv support module development
You are the best and forver shall be dude keep up enlighting us please

May God Bless you Coderus

liar 2014-06-30 17:36

Re: ApkEnv support module development
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1431338)
@liar are you only working on N9, or also the N900?

i am working on the n9 but it should be reusable on the n900

currently i am a little stuck, i can now execute surfaceflinger through apkenv and it renders to the screen (renders over the existing screen content) (which means it behaves exactly like surfaceflinger in a chroot) but once i try to make it render into an X11 window i get a black window only

if somebody wants to experiment with me i've attached prepatched egl and gles libs (this patch: )

query me on irc (freenode, username: krnlyng) if you run into problems or need further instructions

wicket 2014-06-30 18:38

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1431459)
currently i am a little stuck, i can now execute surfaceflinger through apkenv and it renders to the screen (renders over the existing screen content) (which means it behaves exactly like surfaceflinger in a chroot) but once i try to make it render into an X11 window i get a black window only

Are you using Xephyr to render it in an X11 window or are you doing it some other way?

Alternatively, you could forget about starting it in an X11 window and start it on another VT and remap some keys to make it easy to switch back and forth between X11 and SurfaceFlinger.

liar 2014-06-30 19:04

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1431464)
Are you using Xephyr to render it in an X11 window or are you doing it some other way?

Alternatively, you could forget about starting it in an X11 window and start it on another VT and remap some keys to make it easy to switch back and forth between X11 and SurfaceFlinger.

i create the window like in this example: and surfaceflinger uses egl, i hope that explains it a little

and to your other question, i wouldn't know how to do that (probably one of the reasons why i am failing is because i don't know much about graphics)

wicket 2014-06-30 22:11

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1431465)
i create the window like in this example: and surfaceflinger uses egl, i hope that explains it a little

and to your other question, i wouldn't know how to do that (probably one of the reasons why i am failing is because i don't know much about graphics)

Xephyr is an X server can be run inside another X server as a window. To be honest I'm not totally sure that it could be used to run SurfaceFlinger but it might be worth exploring.

VTs (virtual terminals) are what on a Linux PC you would normally switch between using Ctrl+Alt+FunctionKey or the chvt command. It's possible to run separate X servers on each VT should you desire to do that. One would assume you could also run SurfaceFlinger on one of them and switch between that VT and the one running X11.

You would probably need to "modprobe fbcon" and would possibly need compile a kernel with support extra VTs too.

You can find a keymap here which maps Fn+VolumeButtons to change VT on the N900. It should be possible to do something similar on the N9.

liar 2014-07-20 09:40

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1431480)
Xephyr is an X server can be run inside another X server as a window. To be honest I'm not totally sure that it could be used to run SurfaceFlinger but it might be worth exploring.

VTs (virtual terminals) are what on a Linux PC you would normally switch between using Ctrl+Alt+FunctionKey or the chvt command. It's possible to run separate X servers on each VT should you desire to do that. One would assume you could also run SurfaceFlinger on one of them and switch between that VT and the one running X11.

You would probably need to "modprobe fbcon" and would possibly need compile a kernel with support extra VTs too.

You can find a keymap here which maps Fn+VolumeButtons to change VT on the N900. It should be possible to do something similar on the N9.

seems like volkspc are doing something similar, check out

Alexxxl 2014-12-04 08:08

Re: ApkEnv support module development
and whether there is a more affordable installation instructions ( about launch nitdroid of a meego chroot)?
That where the patch? where to get that?
I do not quite understand ((

liar 2015-10-31 17:42

Re: ApkEnv support module development
regarding my chroot method:
Xorg and surfaceflinger are fighting for the framebuffer. Why didn't i think of just pausing one of them? (kill -STOP, kill -CONT) this might allow us to switch between nitdroid and harmattan with minimal latency (no need for a full reboot!)
Once my n9 boots, i will take another look at this.

liar 2015-11-04 18:19

Re: ApkEnv support module development
like this:
(still a work in progress)

VasiliyLiGHT 2015-11-23 22:48

Re: ApkEnv support module development
Hi, guys!
Tell us how you can do the modules on the N900 from file *.so? Or on Windows 7.
I want to try to run a couple of applications, but apkenv requires these modules. And Yes, what is the most extreme version for N900?
I did not install, as it requires libc6>=2.7. I just put in folders the contents of the deb package and did "chmod +x"

(by Google Translate)

VasiliyLiGHT 2015-11-25 16:01

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1487471)
like this:
(still a work in progress)

Чем ты занимаешься? Есть ли прогресс?

VasiliyLiGHT 2015-12-08 15:10

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by VasiliyLiGHT (Post 1489454)
Hi, guys!
Tell us how you can do the modules on the N900 from file *.so? Or on Windows 7.
I want to try to run a couple of applications, but apkenv requires these modules. And Yes, what is the most extreme version for N900?
I did not install, as it requires libc6>=2.7. I just put in folders the contents of the deb package and did "chmod +x"

(by Google Translate)

I found the following scripts:
Who worked with them? Can you help me?
I do not have Linux and Scrathbox. But I can upload files that can be converted.

liar 2015-12-08 19:40

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by VasiliyLiGHT (Post 1489713)
Чем ты занимаешься? Есть ли прогресс?

I tried getting the android EGL/GLESv1/v2 binary blobs to work with the pvrsrvkm kernel module from harmattan but it proved to be too difficult unfortunately, maybe even impossible because the module would need to talk an old version (android) of the protocol and a newer version (harmattan) at the same time and the internals of the pvrsrvkm module differ a lot. Another approach would be porting libhybris to harmattan. Or we could try this with SailfishOS on the n9 (less porting needed because libhybris already talks wayland).

EDIT: If you want to use the method i presented in the youtube video, i can make uploads. If you preffer running nitdroid in a window like harmattandroid does, i will try to implement it (but buffer copying is slow, i hope i can implement buffer handle sharing like we do on the Nexus 5).

VasiliyLiGHT 2015-12-17 01:11

Re: ApkEnv support module development
I look for methods of start of Andriod of applications. The site of the Nitdroid project is closed, I don't know how on N900 to start applications.

Perhaps, it will turn out through ApkEnv, but I need the libraries ported by means of scripts.

You can help?

As it usually happens - there is a desire, but there are no opportunities/skills :) As well as in my case...

Concerning your operation: applications from Android OS work for Sailfish OS if I am not mistaken, through AlienDalvik (which several years announced earlier, but in public access didn't spread).
Whether there is an opportunity to use something from there? You after all about it wrote when mentioned the pvrsrvkm module?

badpixel 2015-12-17 11:16

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1490906)
Another approach would be porting libhybris to harmattan. Or we could try this with SailfishOS on the n9 (less porting needed because libhybris already talks wayland).

I heard in the past that there is only very old (dev showcase before Jolla phone were created) SailfishOS port, which uses Xorg instead of Wayland. Correct me if I am wrong.

VasiliyLiGHT 2016-01-31 22:57

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by VasiliyLiGHT (Post 1491775)
Perhaps, it will turn out through ApkEnv, but I need the libraries ported by means of scripts.

You can help? - *.so files for test in scripts

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