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pichlo 2014-11-19 23:58

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by kaktux (Post 1448238)
If anyone bought the keyboard and does not have a need for the coupon and so would like to give it away I would be a taker as I would rather like to give Sailfish than Android a try.

Sure, you can have mine, as soon as I receive it. In fact, I expect this thread filling up with discount codes as soon as the Kickstarter campaign is up.

gsalone 2014-11-21 10:28

Re: Jolla discount codes
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

Thoke 2014-11-21 11:53

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by gsalone (Post 1448578)
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

After the TOHKBD Kickstarter ends, you'll have plenty to choose from... (that is if Jolla doesn't make the discounts personal and non-tranferrable which I see no reason for them to do)

And hey Dave, I smell more countdown material available :D

szopin 2014-11-21 11:54

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by gsalone (Post 1448578)
I could use the code too! i need a second jolla :)

supposed 100e discount code:

jolla <3 slush

gsalone 2014-11-21 12:24

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1448592)
supposed 100e discount code:

jolla <3 slush

yes it works!!!!!
thank you!!!! you know how long or how many times it can be used?

MINKIN2 2014-11-21 15:40

Re: Jolla discount codes
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet but Jolla are offering a Celebration sale price for the phone as they have reached the $1000000 on indiegogo

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-21 15:52

Re: Jolla discount codes
You can use the code with the discount to get a Jolla for only €150 now. That is a steal.

Morpog 2014-11-21 15:52

Re: Jolla discount codes
Hurry up, you won't get it any cheaper than now guys!

tommo 2014-11-21 15:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
That's a crazy price, anyone who bought one last week will be pissed!

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-21 15:56

Re: Jolla discount codes
I doubt it's intentional. I think the discount code will be scratched any moment now.

MINKIN2 2014-11-21 15:58

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by gsalone (Post 1448597)
yes it works!!!!!
thank you!!!! you know how long or how many times it can be used?

Can confirm this code works! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

I have just bought a Jolla for €164.00 / £130. That's an absolute mental price :)

pichlo 2014-11-21 16:03

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1448637)
I doubt it's intentional. I think the discount code will be scratched any moment now.

Why did you have to say that?
Coupon code "jolla <3 slush" is not valid.
Congratulations to anyone who successfully bought a Jolla for €150.

txus 2014-11-21 16:04

Re: Jolla discount codes
Apparently 1 fscking minute too late! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-21 16:09

Re: Jolla discount codes
Will they honour the 149 order?

MINKIN2 2014-11-21 16:23

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1448641)
Will they honour the 149 order?

How far through the transaction were you?

Dave999 2014-11-21 16:25

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1448638)
Can confirm this code works! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

I have just bought a Jolla for €164.00 / £130. That's an absolute mental price :)

How did you manage to do that?

249 is not a cracy price. Its basically the standard price now.

164 is the prize jolla should go to to call it crazy. Damn it. I need my Code? where is it...Toooo late :cool: I just want another jolla battery :(

We need a new 200€ discount code :D

brunelli 2014-11-21 16:48

Re: Jolla discount codes
Wow. I missed the early Black Friday deal. :(

€149 + €15 for shipping would be a so great offer!

Dave999 2014-11-21 17:07

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by txus (Post 1448640)
Apparently 1 fscking minute too late! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I was working on my code, drinking coffee so and my knowledge about the force is not that great yet so...I missed this opportunity. EDIT: But my code compile/validation OK so it was SUCCESS either way. Commit and run ;) It΄s friday...

n900user259 2014-11-24 10:03

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by tommo (Post 1446941)
This is good news :) I guess u are in Finland?

EDIT: mine just arrived in England, now to send it to the lucky user of the code!

Didn't get a chance to send in a message earlier.
I received the Aloe TOH! :)
Again thanks!


HtheB 2014-11-24 10:11

Re: Jolla discount codes
I still didn't receive my Aloe OH?
Anyone else who didn't received it yet? (Yes, my code was used..)
Edit: seems like something went wrong with the discount codes, I will still receive my OH after contacting Jolla Care :)

froztheart 2014-11-24 10:29

Re: Jolla discount codes
Hey HtheB,

I'm new to this forum, but anyway.
Got news from a fellow forum member that you can help me.

How do I PM/ contact you?


tommo 2014-11-24 10:33

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by n900user259 (Post 1449055)
Didn't get a chance to send in a message earlier.
I received the Aloe TOH! :)
Again thanks!


No worries mate, glad it sailed there safely.

Dave999 2014-11-24 13:10

Re: Jolla discount codes
Anyone got a discount code for jolla battary? I need a spare. Mine is worse than my 5 year old n900 Battery.

nieldk 2014-11-24 13:18

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1449103)
Anyone got a discount code for jolla battary? I need a spare. Mine is worse than my 5 year old n900 Battery.


tmi 2014-11-24 15:19

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1449057)
I still didn't receive my Aloe OH?
Anyone else who didn't received it yet? (Yes, my code was used..)
Edit: seems like something went wrong with the discount codes, I will still receive my OH after contacting Jolla Care :)

My answer from the Care was that they are in the process of shipping the Aloe TOHs but have just not yet sent them all.

No mention of anything going wrong. Maybe yours was just an exception or they sorted it out, hard to say.

HtheB 2014-11-24 15:54

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by froztheart (Post 1449061)
Hey HtheB,

I'm new to this forum, but anyway.
Got news from a fellow forum member that you can help me.

How do I PM/ contact you?


Hi welcome on board!

Sure, I can re-ship a Jolla phone or Jolla Tablet :)
I just sent you a PM, as far as I know, you can reply to the PM

froztheart 2014-11-24 16:03

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1449138)
Hi welcome on board!

Sure, I can re-ship a Jolla phone or Jolla Tablet :)
I just sent you a PM, as far as I know, you can reply to the PM

Thanks for welcome!

Yep, that's what I am talking about!
I've seen your PM but I don't see where I can click to reply you though.. :(

Is it because my account is still new? :confused:

Dave999 2014-11-30 19:43

Re: Jolla discount codes
The code... if you want 100 euro discount for jPhone.


peterleinchen 2014-11-30 19:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
This one will be valid until TOHKBD campaign ends and those coupons will get distributed.
And after that (next year) official price will fall to that 249?

where did you get known to this?
hu? Was that link already there? :confused:

Dave999 2014-11-30 19:59

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1449985)
This one will be valid until TOHKBD campaign ends and those coupons will get distributed.
And after that (next year) official price will fall to that 249?

where did you get known to this?
hu? Was that link already there? :confused:


I have a magic mailing list ;)

pichlo 2014-12-01 06:32

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1449985)
where did you get known to this?

It's printed in big friendly letters on the cover of Jolla shop. No magic necessary.

The thing I do not like about it is that it changes the game a bit. The "regular" price was €349, reduced to €249 during Slush. Without any code! Which gave a hope that, should you have a code, such as after the TOHKBD2 campaign, you could reduce it further to €149.

Now the €249 is not a temporary reduction but a price with a code. Gone is the hope to use another code to reduce it further :(

Dave999 2014-12-01 06:58

Re: Jolla discount codes
At the same time Jolla constantly pushing new codes so in reality price is 249 Euro. 149 should be the new coupon price after new year.

Keyboard users contribute heavily to Jolla ecosystem so we deserve a better price.

peterleinchen 2014-12-01 07:30

Re: Jolla discount codes
Not going to happen.

Or do you expect them to give all their stock away as christmas present?
Yes, they could do ... and shut the lights off!

149 is a bargain (which at least one has made, unfortunately not me ;)) and can surely not feed any Jolla member!

pichlo 2014-12-01 09:12

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1450041)
Not going to happen.

Weel it should. Tech prices go down all the time. It is ridiculous that Jolla still sells their Mark 1 at the same price they did a year ago. THAT is not going to attract many new customers.

peterleinchen 2014-12-01 12:50

Re: Jolla discount codes
I was referring to the 149 (or 249 with discount).
I agree a price drop to 249 is needed.

But the way they chose is via discount, atm.

Morpog 2014-12-01 13:57

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1450061)
Weel it should. Tech prices go down all the time. It is ridiculous that Jolla still sells their Mark 1 at the same price they did a year ago. THAT is not going to attract many new customers.

Erm, a year ago I paid 399€. Not 249€ as nowadays (or 349€ since a ferw months).

pichlo 2014-12-01 14:36

Re: Jolla discount codes
See above. "Nowadays" the price is €249 only because Jolla benevolently releases a voucher from time to time, but the regular price is still €349. Granted €349 is better than €399 but I would expect a bigger drop after a year.

Morpog 2014-12-01 14:43

Re: Jolla discount codes
And in the same time you are preordering a Neo900........

pichlo 2014-12-01 14:57

Re: Jolla discount codes
Apples (a custom-made product that has not been released yet) and oranges (a commercial product that was released a year ago). They both happen to be fruit (phones). Yes, I can understand it may seem confusing to some people.

Morpog 2014-12-01 15:11

Re: Jolla discount codes
So, why are you mixing different fruits together when it comes down to price of small startup Jolla device compared to gigantic companys or cheap china ODM's? Are you confused by yourself in the end?

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