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pasko 2017-10-20 09:00

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

My bad.
This problem also happens with the native call recording feature in SailFishOS X, so I don't think there are any problems with call-recorder app.


juiceme 2018-03-08 09:00

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just noticed that the built-in Call Recorder function does not work on my XperiaX running Lapuanjoki

Does Call Recording application work OK?

explit 2018-03-08 13:38

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1542143)
Just noticed that the built-in Call Recorder function does not work on my XperiaX running Lapuanjoki

Does Call Recording application work OK?

Yes. For me it works fine

TMavica 2018-06-04 15:06

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
seem call recorder can record, but no sound come out when it is play

explit 2018-06-05 14:52

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1545113)
seem call recorder can record, but no sound come out when it is play

Can confirm. With no sound when playing recorded files.

With it was fine.

Author is informed

pasko 2018-06-05 15:05

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by explit (Post 1545149)
Can confirm. With no sound when playing recorded files.

With it was fine.

Author is informed

I made a small test this morning, after updating to 2.2 and it worked fine.... This is weird.....


TMavica 2018-06-06 02:10

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
sometimes play sometimes not, mostly is not

juiceme 2018-06-06 03:59

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Is it just playback that's failing, does it record correctly?

TMavica 2018-06-06 07:14

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1545170)
Is it just playback that's failing, does it record correctly?

I don’t know it can record or not, because I play with no sound

pichlo 2018-06-06 09:31

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1545175)
I don’t know it can record or not, because I play with no sound

Surely a new entry would appear, even if it does not play back.

(FWIW, I use the stock Jolla's call recorder and it works fine.)

nthn 2018-06-06 10:14

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
It's working fine for me, with the default maximal FLAC compression and 32kHz sample rate. Both old and new recordings play back just fine.

Your recordings aren't saved on the SD card by any chance, are they?

TMavica 2018-06-07 02:14

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1545184)
It's working fine for me, with the default maximal FLAC compression and 32kHz sample rate. Both old and new recordings play back just fine.

Your recordings aren't saved on the SD card by any chance, are they?

They are saving in sdcard, but some can play , some cannot

juiceme 2018-06-07 10:39

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just checked and on my device all recordings are correct

TMavica 2018-06-07 14:31

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just found out, the audio only can listen in outgoing call. Incoming call havent

juiceme 2018-06-18 19:43

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
The problems might be that 2.2.0 Mouhijoki updated pulseaudio which probably breaks the source/sink configuration in CallRecorder;


Originally Posted by "changelog
PulseAudio and its modules updated to version 11.1

Now it just needs to be checked why it only affects incoming calls; as far as I understand the cards configuration is same regadless of the call direction; both should map to "Active Profile: voicecall-record"?

pasko 2018-06-27 10:54

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Yesterday I noticed the same problem: no incoming call recording.Traces back to last SFOS update to
However what puzzles me is that the native call recorder works fine with both incoming & outgoing calls.
I have also noticed that harbour-callrecorder records a small instant of the ringtone before going silent. It's not easy to notice it at first time..
I think a bit more testing is necessary and I also agree with @juiceme: the update to pulseaudio 11 might be related....


juiceme 2018-06-27 12:43

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I cannot vouch for this since I have not checked it but I have a feeling the pulseaudio update in 2.2.0 modified the behaviour of sinks&sources so that callrecorder sets wrong profile for incoming calls.

As for why the native caal recording function works; of course it was tested against the updated pa and fixed.

peterleinchen 2018-06-30 21:33

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
And another:
for me it works (on Jolla C)!
Just remembered there were problems witb CallRecorder after updating to 2.2. So I recorded an incoming call and I can play it back. :confused:

pasko 2018-07-12 12:24

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
@peterleinchen, @juiceme could you please ellaborate a bit more about profiles or something?.
I'm so clueless here that I don't know how to start my troubleshooting. ;)
Also, I don't like pulseaudio since it's also 'disturbing' me in my headless server as well.... :mad:

Thanks in advance.


juiceme 2018-07-12 19:57

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now

Originally Posted by pasko (Post 1546187)
@peterleinchen, @juiceme could you please ellaborate a bit more about profiles or something?.
I'm so clueless here that I don't know how to start my troubleshooting. ;)

Well, for starters you could check how pulseaudio in your device behaves when you place or receive a call;

- check what's displayed by "pactl list cards" when there is no call
- check what's displayed by "pactl list cards" when incoming call
- check what's displayed by "pactl list cards" when outgoing call

Compare the outputs, see what changes in different situations


Originally Posted by pasko (Post 1546187)
Also, I don't like pulseaudio since it's also 'disturbing' me in my headless server as well.... :mad:

Well guess who's the author, rings any bells... :D
Both pulseaudio and systemd share the mentality that they are complex, extensible and used in many places.

peterleinchen 2018-07-12 20:45

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
3 Attachment(s)
For the records of a working Jolla C.
As 'expected'.

Diff between idle and incoming/outgoing:

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ diff Documents/cards_idle.txt Documents/cards_incoming.txt
<              voicecall-record: Call mode record (sinks: 0, sources: 0, priority: 0
, available: no)
>              voicecall-record: Call mode record (sinks: 0, sources: 0, priority: 0
, available: yes)
<      Active Profile: default
>      Active Profile: voicecall-record

(no difference between incoming and outgoing)

pasko 2018-07-18 13:19

Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Thanks for your advice.
I followed these steps and I had exactly the same results posted by @.peterleinchen.

Now I think it has to be related to the app itself instead of pulseaudio.....will take a look at harbour-callrecorder in github....
Will also check that pulseaudio profile called 'voicecall-record'


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