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nonsuch 2020-09-03 05:26

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1569017)
When a situations ends, it should restore settings like wifi state to the value before that situation was activated. So there is no need to do it explicitly.

I am amazed that this bit seems to work flawlessly, even when I disable the app or switch off the phone!


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569040)
I will now test how it fares when I leave home, and if it generally switches Wlan off reliably.

Recording network cells with all different modes in Settings => Mobile network seems to have helped, as well as reducing two situations to one.
With 8 cells recorded now, I need to move pretty far from my house before Wifi switches off (looong after it looses connection to my access point) but that's OK because I live in a residential area where it's unlikely that Wifi access points scan who's moving about (like e.g. in a mall).
I guess I can still fine-tune this by re-recording the cells under slightly stricter conditions (yesterday I even held out the phone over my balcony).

One more thing I'd like to ask:
When I start Situations it often seems to think that the phone is charging (What = Charger) even though no cable is connected.
Any idea what could be going on there?

peterleinchen 2020-09-03 11:31

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
One question:
I do not have
Device- Charger
even all feature modules installed and on v3.2.258
Where/how to enable?

hhaveri 2020-09-03 17:42

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569080)
When I start Situations it often seems to think that the phone is charging (What = Charger) even though no cable is connected.
Any idea what could be going on there?

Hmm... no idea, but I'll check if I manage to reproduce the issue somehow. Charger state is currently read from /var/run/state/providers/udev/Battery/ChargerType. Should be quite straightforward but I don't know how reliable that source is.


hhaveri 2020-09-03 17:43

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1569092)
One question:
I do not have
Device- Charger
even all feature modules installed and on v3.2.258
Where/how to enable?

You can find it inside the Accessory condition.


nonsuch 2020-09-04 04:44

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1569102)
Hmm... no idea, but I'll check if I manage to reproduce the issue somehow. Charger state is currently read from /var/run/state/providers/udev/Battery/ChargerType. Should be quite straightforward but I don't know how reliable that source is.

With no charger connected, that file has no content.
After connecting to the Computer it still has no content - well, it takes as long as it took me to write this to change state, it's now 'usb'.

However, there's another file in that directory called 'IsCharging' - that one is '0' with no charger connected, and immediately changed to '1' with a charger connected.

The same happens when I disconnect the charger - 'IsCharging' changes to '0' immediately, 'ChargerType' takes longer to become empty again.

It's the same with a wall plug although the lag is shorter for 'ChargerType'.

Wouldn't 'IsCharging' be more reliable, since Situations doesn't differentiate between types of chargers anyhow?

Since I have your attention, one more question:

Erasing network cells seems to be taking as long as recording them.
In fact, atm it seems to be stuck on 5 cells (was 8).
Why? Isn't it just erasing files?

BTW, my Sailfish device is a Sony Xperia XA2.

Thank you for all the good work.

hhaveri 2020-09-06 06:51

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569110)
Wouldn't 'IsCharging' be more reliable, since Situations doesn't differentiate between types of chargers anyhow?

Perhaps, but the problem is that the condition is supposed to detect a charger being connected regardless of any charging actually happening (for example battery already at 100%). Anyway, I'll check if 'IsCharging' can be used for that.


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569110)
Erasing network cells seems to be taking as long as recording them.
In fact, atm it seems to be stuck on 5 cells (was 8).
Why? Isn't it just erasing files?

Erasing is the opposite of recording - that is, from the recorded list of cells, it erases only those seen by the device. If you want to clear the condition, you can just move it to trash and create a new condition.

Not having erased all the 8 cells just shows how different internal & external conditions may affect which cells the device connects to.


nonsuch 2020-09-13 12:22

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1569137)
Perhaps, but the problem is that the condition is supposed to detect a charger being connected regardless of any charging actually happening (for example battery already at 100%).

Oh, that makes sense and I didn't see it that way.


Erasing is the opposite of recording - that is, from the recorded list of cells, it erases only those seen by the device.
Wow, this is some advanced logic.


If you want to clear the condition, you can just move it to trash and create a new condition.
That's what I did in the end.

Anyhow, thanks again. Glad to be using this app.

P@t 2020-09-30 15:44

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
I upgraded to the newly released 3.4 (OS update) and situations seem not to work anymore. It launches but then vanishes.

hhaveri 2020-10-02 18:57

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1569448)
I upgraded to the newly released 3.4 (OS update) and situations seem not to work anymore. It launches but then vanishes.

Thanks for the report! I will have a look at the platform update as soon as possible.


hhaveri 2020-10-04 14:18

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Could someone try installing the new release package at ?

Not quite sure what was causing the problems with the latest platform. I recompiled against the latest SDK and app seems to start again at least for me.

There have been some very small changes since the previous official release - perhaps the most significant one being a new "night" icon.


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