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eris0xff 2010-10-11 02:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
On the notes conversion from iPhone format.

Never mind. I found the error. :-/ Don't ask :-)

BillyTheFish 2010-10-21 22:34

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Is anyone getting the dreaded "json_get_note_list() returned NULL" when syncing at the moment?

I'm using -I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Also tried re-authenticating...

conny 2010-10-22 07:44

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Just tried, sync works fine here. If you start conboy from the terminal and send me the output I might find the problem.

BillyTheFish 2010-10-22 10:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Hi Conny, thanks for looking into this. It get:

BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

~ $ conboy
Starting conboy, Version
INFO: Looking for plugins in: /usr/lib/conboy
INFO: Loading plugin description: /usr/lib/conboy/conboy_storage_xml.plugin
INFO: Loading library: /usr/lib/conboy/
INFO: Loading 128 notes took 471343l micro seconds
INFO: Accelerometers enabled
INFO: DBus said orientation is: landscape
INFO: Accelerometers disabled

I have also tried:

$ gconftool -g /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_rev
~ $ gconftool -g /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_time
~ $ gconftool -u /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_rev
~ $ gconftool -u /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_time
~ $ gconftool -g /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_rev
No value set for `/apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_rev'
~ $ gconftool -g /apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_time
No value set for `/apps/maemo/conboy/last_sync_time'

and then re-authenticating but I still get the same error. UbuntuOne was down for me for notes for a while maybe one or two weeks ago for a couple of weeks. Could it be anything to do with this?

conny 2010-10-22 11:02

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
That message is usually a result of U1 not responding as expected. It could be that they really send you something invalid, or that Conboy simply has wrong expectations :)

Anyways, I wasn't completely clear. What I would need is the console output that you get during a sync. Not the output of Conboy starting up.

Resetting the gconf keys is (should be) done whenever you reauthenticate, so usually it shouldn't be necessary. Still, good that you tried already :)

BillyTheFish 2010-10-22 11:28

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Ah, sorry, here is the end of the message in terminal (I get a very verbose output when syncing which appears to contain all my notes -terminal won't let me scroll far enough upwards to see what appears at the top of the notes in the message).

"create-date" : "2010-05-22T13:27:14.0000000+01:00" } ] }
ERROR: The sever rejected a note, because the UUID was already used in the past. This is a server bug.
ERROR: Could not parse the following JSON string:
Could not save note record: ResourceConflict(('conflict', 'Document update conflict.'),)
ERRRO: Message is: <none>:1: Parse error: unexpected identifier `Could', expected keyword
ERROR: json_get_note_list() returned NULL
INFO: Setting to orientation: landscape
INFO: Accelerometers disabled

I'm guessing the problem is the "UUID" duplication? Would it be easiest to delete all the notes in Conboy on my phone and then resync so I get them all back from the server? -If so, how would I do this? Please let me know if you would like me to do any more tests first...

I'm using Ubuntu One with Tomboy on a Linux system and on a Windows system by the way.

conny 2010-10-22 12:02

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
What you posted is exactly what I needed. The problem is indeed Ubuntu One. I filed a bug about this long time ago, but it's still not fixed:

You could indeed pull all notes from U1 to your phone again, at least if you don't have any important unsynced notes on your phone.

If it's ok to loose all unsynced notes from you phone, do the following:
  • cp -r /home/user/.conboy /home/user/conboy.bak (create a backup, just in case)
  • rm /home/user/.conboy/* (deletes all notes)
  • Reauth with U1
  • Sync

That should download all U1 notes to you phone and sync should work again.

Let me know if that worked for you.

BillyTheFish 2010-10-22 12:50

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Thanks Conny, that all worked perfectly and it's syncing fine now :-)

It's amazing just how much I've come to rely on conboy. I was feeling very lost without my notes around with me everywhere!

Thanks for your help, I really, really appreciate it.

conny 2010-10-22 12:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I'm happy to hear that it worked for you :)

acewent 2010-10-26 06:58

Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

I just updated pr 1.3, now i'm unable to restore conboy from the backup.

Message is that cannot install conboy liboauth0 is missing.

Where to find this package and how to install it ? Application manager cannot find it ?

Thanks for everybody


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