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dvergin 2010-11-25 07:24

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 881945)
A way to solve this is to get to a fresh start.
  • Close Conboy
  • Delete notes in /home/user/.conboy
  • Reauthenticate with the server
  • Sync

That will pull everything from the server again, but you will loose changes on your N900 that have not yet been synced.

Being cautious, I mv'ed the directory to .conboy.bak and created a new .conboy directory with the same permissions. The result was not as hoped. I have 91 note files. The new sync downloaded only 8 notes -- and some (most?) of those were broken. A pretty startling and distressing outcome.

In the new .conboy directory there also appeared a file called synced_notes.txt which listed the synced files.

Perhaps I should mention also that when I visited Conboy's settings after emptying the .conboy directory, the syncronization URL was already there and the Authenticate button did nothing. (Looked like maybe it was grayed out.) After discovering this, I presumed that the authentication info was somewhere other than the .conboy directory (where?) and I did _not_ need to reauthenticate. So I went ahead and tried syncing. And got 8 files (as mentioned above).

You said this was "_A_ way to solve this..." I thought I'd try to find a more focused approach, so I tried a diff on the Conboy/Tomboy filename lists from the N900 and my laptop.

I found one file on each machine that was not on the other (in both cases it was a general Tomboy info file). This situation may have been generated by a recent experiment with syncing a _third_ machine. I deleted both files. (After exiting the app on each machine.)

I've done a couple syncs at both ends since the deletes. Things seem to be okay. I'll report back if there are further problems.

Hope this helps someone else.

conny 2010-11-25 08:32

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Yea, sorry, there should really be a re-authenticate button. You reauthenticate by changing the URL. E.g. remove and add the last character. After that the button works again.

Re-authentication is a important step as it resets the information about what is already synced. Only then it will download everything from the server again.

mjakl 2010-11-25 22:03

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I'm trying to to update from Fremantle Extras repository, but it always fails with message that libauth... can't be found anywhere.

dvergin 2010-11-26 00:07

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 882754)
...reauthenticate by changing the URL. resets the information about what is already synced...

So where _is_ the authentication and other settings info stored. I poked around in ~/ and /etc but couldn't find it.

conny 2010-11-26 08:29

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
The settings are in gconf under /apps/maemo/conboy/

etuoyo 2010-11-28 14:21

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Is there a script or programme that can change the conboy/tomboy .note files to .doc (without all the programming language stuff showing as it does if you just do copy and paste.

I want to be able to view my notes in google docs. I know I can view in ubuntu but there is no structure or organisation with the ubuntu cloud system. Google docs on the other hand is well organised.

conny 2010-12-12 20:38

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Etuoyo, I don't know about such a script and since no one else replied it looks like there is none.

There is however a script that converts Conboy notes to HTML. It's used if you use the sharing feature of Conboy.

travik 2010-12-23 00:10

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Been using Conboy/Tomboy synced using Ubuntu One for about a month now, works great, best note-taking solution I've found so far; i even use it for most of my word processing, as I like its simplicity, organization, and instant save functions.

One thing I was wondering, though -- why don't Maemo autocomplete suggestions come up while working in Conboy on the N900? It seems like the default for most other applications, including fairly straight ports from desktop linux programs, is to have autocomplete suggestions show up while inputing text. If this is a simple fix, I would suggest adding it into the next release, as it would give a bit of a boost in typing speed.

conny 2010-12-23 05:42

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
The text handling was already implemented on Maemo4 and unfortunately it turned out that the way we handle text is not compatible with the autocompletion feature of Maemo5. I looked at it, but there is no easy way to fix that. Sorry :/

clownzee 2010-12-23 06:56

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
is there anyway to sync Conboy notes with Android or perhaps Google docs?

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