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jhoff80 2007-12-14 15:31

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
FYI, if you try using this and maemo-spellcheck at the same time, Microb loads very slowly.

Akai Kenshi 2007-12-14 19:00

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Got it installed and working, subscribed to EasyList. The ability to block ads is a beautiful thing, especially when on a cellular connection. However, it does make the browser noticeably slower and less responsive. Hopefully this can be fixed in a later release.

johsua 2007-12-14 21:56

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by tonikitoo (Post 108350)
tomaz has uploaded a new greasemonkey .deb file ... (webaddon-greasemonkey....-9.deb) please get it, and feedback us if it solves the greasemonkey and other extensions incompatibility problem

I get the following error when I try to reinstall greasemonkey, after uninstalling it to install adblock:

application packages missing: libhildonmime0 (>=1.10.1)

smammon 2007-12-15 03:22

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Had it installed and working, but... Found the performance hit in the browser unacceptable. Mostly in simple things like scrolling. Especially using the d pad. Back to using my hosts file for now but looking forward to future releases.

gerbick 2007-12-15 03:51

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Tuxedosteve (Post 108516)
I don't think you'd even need Privoxy now. All I use on my desktop PCs are Adblock and a decent filter list.

Excellent extension. One we've been waiting for a long time. Excellent work chaps.

I'm actually going back to Privoxy only. There's a perfomance hit with this like no other.

pablo 2007-12-15 05:19

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by johsua (Post 108791)
I get the following error when I try to reinstall greasemonkey, after uninstalling it to install adblock:

application packages missing: libhildonmime0 (>=1.10.1)

I get the same problem, latest version I could find is 1.10.0-1 in the repos. A typo in the dependencies perhaps?

rok 2007-12-15 12:29

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by smammon (Post 108875)
Had it installed and working, but... Found the performance hit in the browser unacceptable. Mostly in simple things like scrolling. Especially using the d pad. Back to using my hosts file for now but looking forward to future releases.

Ever tryed to disable the adblock icon in the lower right corner?
I've got the feeling after disabling the scrolling is much better.

But currently I don't know how to get it back. :D

edit: I should read the announcement more carfully! :)

edit2: Yes, scrolling is much faster without the icon!

YoDude 2007-12-15 13:15

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by rok (Post 108955)
Ever tryed to disable the adblock item in the lower right corner?
I've got the feeling after disabling the scrolling is much better.

But currently I don't know how to get it back. :D

Try going to the browsers drop down menu > Tools > Components, and see if the Adblock Plus box is checked.

Incidently, this may be a better way to enable/disable this service.

rok 2007-12-15 13:25

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Thanks for the hint!
But for enabling/disabling the whole service I have to restart the browser.

edit: It doesn't work for me. The icon only disappears using the preferences window chrome://adblockplus/content/config.html .

noventa98 2007-12-17 17:35

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I could not install AdBlock Plus (which I use on Firefox) on the n810. I got this message:

Installing adblock-plus-webaddon 0.0.1-1
Failed to fetch http://browser-extras.garage.maemo.o...0.1-1_all.deb: Could not open file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/partial/adblock-plus-webaddon_0.0.1-1_all.deb - open (30 Read-only file system)
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock
file:///media/mmc2/tmp/Adblock%20log.txt: Read only file system

I do not have greasemonkey installed.

It is just a mistery, I cannot figur out what is wrong. Could it be linked to the blocked/corrupted internal memory?


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