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hvacengi 2008-10-08 03:45

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers

I love bubble messages, I hate never knowing if the app even launched!

Looks like I'll have it on hold till I get to work tomorrow. I'm sure that I backed up my defaults list, but can't find it here to do the update properly.

And the UI, I didn't do that much. Every time I open it I think of something I'd like to change, but I've just not made the time. Again thanks!

qole 2008-10-08 16:36

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Hey pipeline, I'm just figuring out how to upload stuff to extras-devel. You should too! This would be a great app to add to the repositories. :)

hvacengi 2008-10-08 21:47

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Don't you need an invite and some other list of qualifications before you get access? When I was setting up my mlbviewer port that section scared me off from trying to use the repository.

qole 2008-10-08 22:39

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
I just asked for an invite and I got one. I can't see why you'd be denied, this is a seriously useful app.

pipeline 2008-10-08 23:16

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers

Originally Posted by qole (Post 231702)
Hey pipeline, I'm just figuring out how to upload stuff to extras-devel. You should too! This would be a great app to add to the repositories. :)

Thanks... hopefully i'll get free time to look into it.

pipeline 2008-10-08 23:26

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers

Originally Posted by hvacengi (Post 231527)

I love bubble messages, I hate never knowing if the app even launched!

Looks like I'll have it on hold till I get to work tomorrow. I'm sure that I backed up my defaults list, but can't find it here to do the update properly.

And the UI, I didn't do that much. Every time I open it I think of something I'd like to change, but I've just not made the time. Again thanks!

Ah no problem, thanks for the work you did! Baseball season (and fireworks) definately take priority for free time :)

I didnt do alot of changes (none to the ui), but should be more useful to people who dont want to know how it works.

I see you've been invoking Media Player by dbus huh? I've done a little of this, and qole has accumulated quite a bit of dbus nuggets... sure would be nice if Nokia published all these interfaces!

hvacengi 2008-10-09 03:07

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Well to be honest, I used your dbus shim as a starting point to try and figure out what I needed to talk to in dbus. I still couldn't make it work in native python though. I ended up reading through 70% of gpodder's code in order to find out I needed to use A list of dbus methods would be great, from the documentation, it looks like you use an xml file to define the methods, so how hard can it really be to use that to generate even a plain list of all the methods and interfaces for the modules?


Originally Posted by qole (Post 231885)
I just asked for an invite and I got one. I can't see why you'd be denied, this is a seriously useful app.

I'll have to look into asking. The way khertan has pypackager setup it would really be slick to upload python apps. My primary project is about to go into a dead season, but I'll hopefully be starting up some new ones to take it's place. Thanks!

pipeline 2008-10-17 01:41

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
I got around to installing qole's latest debian image and it works great.

To support it (better), I made a new v1.2.2 release in which I added OpenOffice Writer, Calc, and Impress as handlers, but i left the default of doc and xls to use gnumeric and antiword->pdf. So if you want doc or xls to use openoffice, change the selected handler using the dbus switchboard gui.

So now you can have all major office formats (powerpoint, excel, and word) on demand simply by opening them from websites or from file manager.

I also :
- added fullscreen toggle
- perform basic checks to only prompt you to save if you've been in an edit dialog
- added more commented mime samples (pdf, mp3)

Note :
In order for 'open from web' functionality to use debian handlers i had to copy out of /var/tmp to /home/user so debian could see it... if you open many attachments from web, clean /home/user out once in awhile since they wont be deleted automatically on reboot.

qole 2008-10-17 02:43

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
pipeline, thank you very much for this! I've been meaning to ask you for this but I kept forgetting.

Should I start binding /var/tmp in my scripts as well? Would that help you?

I'm looking forward to seeing this in the repositories :)

pipeline 2008-10-17 03:32

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Sure... if its easy and if there is no downside you could phase that in. That (any my eventual removing of the hack) would prevent build up of files in /home/user. Otherwise, its pretty easy and reliable to detect launches of 'debbie' script, that i could just refine hack if needed.

Debian looks great, adds alot of power and value to the IT and you've done great job with scripts and making worry-free. Lotta cool tech i'd like to reverse engineer! Thanks for continuing to improve it.

Thanks to debernardis for sample.

I guess after debian, uploading to extras was easy... I'll try to follow your thread on that and see if i can put a package together for this python app. Any way you send me or upload the file you uploaded to maemo (without any personal keys or data which might be sensistive)?

Let me know if I missed any useful debian associations or if any should be changed, but for now i'm enjoying them as is.

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