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dugby 2006-09-03 14:01

BRAND: Rikaline
WORKS?: yes, very well with Maemo mapper, on IT2006
Startup Time (avg): 22 secs timed.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: very small unit, lithium battery good for ~10 hours, is bluetooth v1.2 Overall a very fast and accurate gps.

gigabites 2006-09-09 11:18

BRAND: Rikaline
WORKS?: Oh yeh! paired in a few seconds and no need for a pairing number.
Startup Time (avg): between 20 to 25 seconds
Personal Rating: 10 out of 10
Other Comments:

The unit came with 2 metal discs with adhesive. It holds onto them very well. Under the battery lid you can see what looks like 2 tiny rare earth magnets.

It has a port for a high gain antenna which it seriously doesn't need (this thing even worked inside my house away from a window!). But if you have a lot of trees like we do in Oregon, it might be a help. Personally I am thinking of getting one so I can place the actual unit in my glove box and only expose the antenna to the direct heat and light of the sun.

Resync time is under a second, I swear. I went into a medium tunnel and it didn't give up until about 1/4 of the way in and resynced the same distance before I left the tunnel.

My unscientific test was that I got 4 days of use before it needed a recharge. I would say I used it 2-3 hours a day. It does come with a car charger. It supports an auto mode where it turns on/off when your car is on/off, if you are using the car adapter

At aroud $90 - 100, this is totally worth it. Side to side comparision it fairs way better than my friend's tomtom or the little garmin that looks like a tomtom.

maxilogan 2006-09-28 12:01

Brand: belkin GPS F8T051
Type: Sirf II XTrac
Works: yes
Startup time (avg): 30-60 sec
Personal Rating: 10/10

I bought through an eBay auction for 50$, together with its software (unusable both with my 770 and my TH55 :( ).
The receiver is fine, tough, good sensibility and good battery life. Immediately paired with the 770 and worked fine apart from the /dev/rfcomm trick which I performed after having experienced the link problems


brendan 2006-12-08 20:14

BRAND: Pharos
Works ?: yes indeedy
Startup Time (avg): ~ 30 secs
Personal Rating: 8/10
Other Comments:

Gnubbel 2006-12-13 17:46

WORKS?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 20 secs for position lock.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: very small unit, lithium battery good for ~10 hours, chargeable via "car-charger_2_USB adapters".

sbike 2007-01-17 06:02

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
MODEL: 737 (2nd generation unit)
Works ?: Perfect
Startup Time (avg): 40-60 seconds
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: Very nice. Associates perfectly (just click scan), auto powers off when not in use. Auto powers on when I tell the meamo mapper to connect. It usually gets locks to 6 or 7 sats of 7 or 8 inside my house not particularly near any window, and the window has a big curtain. In the car it works well inside the armrest of my subaru (where I have a power adapter). Comes with a wallwart -> usb and car adapter -> usb. Basically perfect, never had to reset BT.

Not bad for $70 ish and 65-70 grams or so.

At the moment I have 8 of 9 sats and an average signal strength of, er, I guess it doesn't say. Now I'm at 9 of 10.

Usually 10 or 11 of 11 of12 when outside. The tracks I've recorded so far
look pretty clean.

Claims to last for 20-25 hours of use or somewhere around 10 times
that for standby, I've not verified either claim.

jpj 2007-01-23 04:15

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Qstarz
TYPE: MTK Bluetooth GPS
Works: Excellent
Startup Time (avg): ~30 sec cold, 1 sec hot start
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments:

Similart to i-Blue 737 with redesigned shell, higher capacity Li-Ion battery (1100 vs. 1000 mAh). Manufacturer claims up to 32 hours navigation per charge, 400 hours standby. Tracking sensitivity -158 dBm, 32 channels, Bluetooth V1.2.

After initial pairing, Auto On/Off works like i-Blue for smart power control. Built-in non-slip back. Rock solid tracking (avg. 9 or 10 satellites) from car center console bin or coat pocket, no need for dashboard or other visible mounting. Fine companion for N800 with Maemo Mapper.

carbon 2007-02-05 00:50

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: i-Blue Edition 2
MODEL:i-Blue 737
TYPE: MTK MT3301+MT3179
Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 35 seconds
Personal Rating: ...9/10
Other Comments: battery lasts up to 25 hrs, and the gps will go into sleep mode when Maemo Mapper not active. Cost $70 at

ankle biter 2007-02-17 03:29

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
i also have the 737
MODEL: 737
TYPE: Blue Tooth GPS
Works ?: great
Startup Time: 40-60 sec.
Personal Rating: 10/10
i love it. works perfectly with maemo mapper. also it has a great battery life, is very accurate, and a reasonable price. if you are looking for a gps receiver for maemo mapper, I strongly suggest that you get the i-blue 737.

howardcb 2007-02-18 15:50

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Holux
MODEL: GPSlim 240
RATINGS: Nothing to compare with. Works great.
COMMENTS: Very small !! Has an attachment point for a lanyard to wear around your neck while hiking.


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