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Texrat 2008-08-26 13:55

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 217618)
Graduate student; working in aerospace, and more specifically aero-optics, with emphasis on the controls side.

I am so jealous.

On the other hand, I just visited the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Virginia, so there. :p

Baloo 2008-08-26 14:03

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Senior games developer (9 years and counting) for a large Dutch based firm; I'm based in the UK though.

theflew 2008-08-26 14:18

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Senior Enterprise I/T Architect

gochito 2008-08-26 14:33

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
So we are the Geek Squad with a medical twist!

jmk 2008-08-26 14:37

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Laboratory analyst.

tso 2008-08-26 15:23

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?

Originally Posted by gochito (Post 217673)
So we are the Geek Squad with a medical twist!

heh, not impossible. i recall i tried to study chemistry at one time, but the school system and me dont mix...

brendan 2008-08-26 15:31

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
i can neither confirm or deny my alleged existence, much less what you are asking.

chayzer 2008-08-28 03:13

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Electronics systems engineer with a minor is comp. sci...

I work on rigs in northern Alberta for the money.

abond 2008-08-28 03:55

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
Network Specialist is my title... work for a large California school district (80+ sites covering 75 square miles) for over 20 years now doing networking and server administration (mostly Windows, dabble in Linux, despise OS/X - at least for a server OS), and other duties as assigned.

My "specialties" include communications (BBS anyone?) and remote access, controller-based WiFi systems (currently implementing campus-wide WiFi systems at all of our sites), server virtualization, and SAN's. And a bunch of other stuff that, well, no one uses anymore (BBS anyone?).

I started out an electronics guy --- circuit design and board level repair type of stuff. Built my first computer in 1978 (Elf II anyone?). I used to machine code on 1802, 65xx and z80 processors, and some higher level languages later on, but it's hard to find the time these days. Maybe when I retire some day....

Hobbies include collecting ancient computers (although in recent years I have been selling them off... they take up sooo much room), gadgets, an occasional XBOX game, and and as much time in my Jeep as I can get. Oh, and my new pup.

I am always impressed with the depth of experience and abilities of folks these forums bring together. I am also impressed with the maemo community and some of the incredible software packages you have developed! Kudos!

BTW, I always wanted a really cool job like forest ranger....

Texrat 2008-08-28 04:20

Re: What is your occupation? Or what are you majoring in?
On the serious side, here's the list (so far):

Plumber's Apprentice (at 15)
Journeyman Plumber (at 21)
Dental cabinet assembler
Journeyman plumber
Defense Avionics Drafter/Designer
Lighting designer/technician
Semiconductor fab layout designer
Mechanics tool designer
PDM Administrator
Lighting product specialist
Medical R&D lab technician
Data Analyst (current)

...cripes, it's time to retire! :eek:

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