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aflegg 2006-07-01 08:11


Originally Posted by Milhouse
The frustrating thing is that the bug/enhancement is receiving no attention from Nokia, so we don't even know what their plans are for the future. If they posted a comment along the lines of "Taking ownership, too late for initial release but will patch into a later update" then great. Instead, chuff all. Not good.

Yeah, but it's not just this - it's well known both outside and within Nokia that the bug-handling process is sub-optimal.

At least it's (slightly) better now than it was back in November.

For example, if anyone raised bugs on the beta: are they fixed in the release version? If so, I bet there's no movement on your bug in bugzilla :-(

Bowie 2006-07-01 16:10


Originally Posted by =DC=
What resolution are you using Bowie? I had issues playing video at 352 x 208 at 30 fps, but was able to get it working at 15 fps.

I use the Media Convertor app thats been floating around..the lowest resolution it offers.

rattis 2006-07-02 06:31


Originally Posted by NokNok770
Whatever you do, don't flash your 770 to support 2 gig card. It gave me the white screen of death. I'm going to try and reload the 2006 image again.

Were you able to un-white screen your 770? Mine white screened while I was trying to upgrade (the linux flasher failed a few times, and when I switched to windows it failed).

NokNok770 2006-07-02 14:17

UOTE=rattis]Were you able to un-white screen your
770? Mine white screened while I was trying to
upgrade (the linux flasher failed a few times, and when
I switched to windows it failed).[QUOTE]

a simple reflash using the new windows wizard worked for me.

rattis 2006-07-02 15:45


Originally Posted by NokNok770
a simple reflash using the new windows wizard worked for me.

Tried both the windows wizard and the linux flash (got to work), neither one worked.

ploum 2006-07-02 16:23

So, is the 0S2006 released and is there a way to flash my 770 from a Dapper box ? (no windows available)

ploum 2006-07-02 18:03

answer to myself : use flasher-2.0 (not easy to find) and it works. 2006 OS seems great. I only wish I could disable those "applications is open/close" sounds without disabling other sounds.

The network connectivity is awesome !!!

NokNok770 2006-07-02 23:11


Originally Posted by rattis
Tried both the windows wizard and the linux flash (got to work), neither one worked.

Try flasher-2.0? Holding down home while powering up. Does it give you usb icon at top right corner?

mike v 2006-07-03 01:55

what eye candy first impresion is very good do the maemo download the .net framework then the download and bang it works very nice interface nice colors also ill be busy for a while toying with new software so cya

darcon 2006-07-03 01:57

Woohoo! Audio player supports adding multiple tracks to a playlist :)

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