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tso 2009-06-09 03:42

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by Architengi (Post 294582)
They created a myth around iPhone mainly because is an american product and they buy american.

And thanks to the rest of the world tech press apparently using the US one as a guide, said view is exported globally...

tso 2009-06-09 03:45

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 294702)
Apple releases iPhone 3GS, a faster iPhone

NYTimes. Quite impressive, even if Steve wasn't presenting.

I cant help wonder, does NYT do blow by vlow when microsoft have a keynote at a developers conference? I have the distinct impression that apple is the only tech vompany that gets that kind of mainstream press attention (ok its a blog but still)...

qole 2009-06-09 04:25

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
I like the open-endedness of the N900's Maemo architecture. If you want to run web-based apps, you can install a web server and php or ruby on rails or whatever you want... right on your device! The N800s have already shown me that they can run Java applets, including graphical ones, using OpenJDK and IcedTea. This is only going to get better as Sun focusses on embedded platforms (thanks for the link, Bundyo!)

Basically, if you want to write an app in your favorite programming language, there's a very very good chance you'll be able to compile it to run under Maemo 5. With Dalvik being ported to run under Ubuntu, we might even be able to just "apt-get install Dalvik" to run Android apps.

All of the other competing devices are walled gardens. Very pretty gardens, but with high walls. That one over there, with the big Apple tree by the gate, notice how they frisk you before entering to make sure you don't take anything they consider dangerous inside? And that one with the Robot guard; notice how the walls are glass, so it looks nice and open, but you still can't take your own stuff inside? And that tropical garden with the big Palm tree; they make you balance on a big web as you walk. Only things that can balance on that web are allowed in.

Maemo is like a meadow; sure the flowers are a bit wilder and things aren't layed out in nice, neat flowerbeds, but the meadow just keeps going and going, and there's a place for everyone. Look, over there, there's a bunch of people camped out, playing guitars by the campfire. And over there, there's a whole town built in the treetops by people who like to live up high. And there's a group over there who have built their town into the caves. All of these towns have built their own gardens, and everyone is helping to tend the flowers.

(Wow, that metaphor got out of control... :) )

qole 2009-06-09 04:29

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by Thesandlord (Post 294842)
See, now we know it will be difficult if not impossible to play emulators on the n900, its almost pointless.

Sorry, what? Did I miss something? Who said what?

Thesandlord 2009-06-09 05:15

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Qole, nice metaphor. Really summed it up.


1) Hedge trimmers never hurt
2) The sun roof is open
3) I can't comment about WebOS yet.
4) Yes, but the Meadow has bad soil, so only the irradiated and genetically enhanced survive, not some many fresh new plants. (aka desktop ports vs from scratch products)

Also, have you noticed Unix is taking over the world. The four best (IMO) mobile operating systems (Maemo, iPhone, Android, webOS) are all Unix based. All desktop and server OS aside from Windows is Unix based. Isn't anyone afraid of a single virus that will take down their servers, desktops, and phones! WOW!

For games, I mean the (lack of) Dpad and smaller keyboard. Will make emulators more difficult. Not impossible. Maybe a little better than multitouch on iPhone, but...

benny1967 2009-06-09 06:23

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 294702)
Apple releases iPhone 3GS, a faster iPhone

NYTimes. Quite impressive, even if Steve wasn't presenting.

i can't say myself if it's impressive or not... i'm so far outside their target group, they could give it away for free and i wouldn't take one. but i do read apple-related news on my daily news sites, and of course i read the readers' comments below.

what i read yesterday and this morning about the new iphone even by die-hard fanbois was nothing but disappointment. - some very few pointed out that wow, now they have MMS and copy&paste, but then: weren't they told before that both things are useless on a phone? also it's hard to go "wow!" for something that's standard for everybody else.

some iphone 3g users commented positively about the promised speed improvements: "i hope the text messages application will start up faster then. it takes ages now."

far from "impressive", i'd say, at least for those consumers who have signed the apple hardware subscription.

daperl 2009-06-09 07:11

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
qole, A+. Keep up the good work.

Architengi 2009-06-10 03:37

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Did NOKIA loose the competition with Apple?

Today NOKIA N97 was launched in US, trough the back door like a shy and wet and frozen Finnish guy...

While only the announcement of iPhone 3GS was a big, huge celebration, Nokia N97 does not have any operators at US launch, same as 5800 XM...Shame on Nokia marketing and sales team, shame on Nokia!!!

From other posts:

What Does The iPhone 3G S Mean For Symbian?
Neither of these phones from Nokia [N97 and 5800 XM) are available through any carrier, and are only really carried in Nokia’s 2 Flagship stores, one in Chicago and one in New York. Contrast that to the iPhone being offered in all of Apple’s retail stores, all of AT&T’s corporate stores, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy, well, there’s not much more to say.

However, since Symbian has a single-digit market share in the U.S., that’s not really going to impact them much.

For starters, it seems like every part of the new iPhone is available for developers, via API - how true is this of Symbian?

The new iPhone 3G S has onboard video editing. Nokia’s smartphones used to have this, but it’s since been removed on newer phones - I wonder if we’ll see it appear again on future Symbian Foundation releases?

With iPhone OS v3.0, you can rent any video from the iTunes store straight to your iPhone, via WiFi or 3G.

Do you agree that this is the end of the line for the hopes of an increased presence in the U.S.?


I sometimes wonder if Symbian users truly realise just what the iPhone is capable of. Have they seen Firemint's, Real Racing? Do they know that the front cover The New Yorker magazine was hand painted on an iPhone? Are they aware that Wivi Band can simulate the Trombone, French Horn, Alto Saxophone plus over 10 other wind instruments with astonishing accuracy? I'm not sure that there are, or perhaps they are but consider the ability to multi-task an IM app to be more important to them...

Getting back to your question. I agree, I think that the American public will choose pocket computers over smartphones, which is why I think that Symbian's days are numbered in that market.


Symbian, in my humble impression, is not so sttractive for software developers (an example: tom tom is coming to iphones and not to symbian), and you can't find so many new and updates apps for symbian phones like you can find for iphone os every day.
Even if Nokia 5800 and Omnia HD are out, I did not noticed a noticeable increase in apps developing for symbian. the opposite.


Brushes for iPhone produces natural looking paintings, not only that but it also has a PC/Mac counterpart application that re-draws every last brush stroke at a much higher resolution hence making it possible to produce a 5 mega pixel magazine cover on a iPhone which only has 128mb of RAM!
Add to that the fact that Brushes is around $5 and is automatically updated with new features (for free!) every couple of months and you begin to see the attraction of the iPhone. Stunning apps, for free or cheap, that keep getting better and better with every free update. Sure there is a lot of fluff in the App Store, but there is also a great deal of substance.

The whole iPhone ecosystem oozes potential.

[For Nokia] it's just difficult to see how it will fulfil that potential without the North American market on side.

qole 2009-06-10 03:58

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Seriously? Nokia has no US carriers for their new high-end N-series?

Thesandlord 2009-06-10 04:11

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Can someone please explain the advantage of a SIM unlocked phone?

Ok, you pay $700 for the phone (v.s. $200) and pay the same for data and voice.

What is the advantage?

I realize that you CAN opt for a cheaper plan, but in the long run, the two kinda equal out (because it is subsidized) but with the locked phone you get a better plan.

What is the minimum "iPhone" plan compared to the minimum plan. If it is only 15 dollars a month difference (say $30 vs $15), 24 months = $360.

So a 32GB iPhone is really approximately $1020.
And a n97 is $700 + $15 * 24 = $1060.

So you get a (theoretically) worse plan, have to pay more upfront (or buy on credit), and what for?

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