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Laughing Man 2010-02-20 01:13

Re: N900 RSS reader
Feed Circuit caches the article from where-ever the RSS Feed is coming from onto the device itself. FeedingIt caches the RSS feed (minus images) but not whatever the RSS feed is linking to.

klinglerware 2010-02-20 02:25

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 537597)
Feed Circuit works great for me, and Feedingit is also very cool; I'm really torn as to which to use. So I'll switch off from one to the other till I develop a preference.

So Feed Circuit is working perfectly for you? George has been working feverishly trying to get things working for me, e-mailing debs for me to try, etc.

I'm wondering now if there is something peculiar to my configuration or use case that is causing my issues (basically, we've figured out that the app hangs on the final stage of the final feed refresh.).

SaintGermain 2010-02-20 22:17

Re: N900 RSS reader

I am currently trying Feed Circuit and I'm experiencing a freeze at the final stage (i.e. "Deleting...") of the update process.
It seems that the RefreshProgressWindows is killed (I don't know why) but stays stuck on the screen and preventing the user to do anything.
I've editted the code and remove the RefreshProgressWindows. Now all the updating process is done without a progression bar, but it's working.

Is someone else experiencing the same issue ?

SingingDwarf 2010-02-21 09:17

Re: N900 RSS reader
i am experiencing exactly the same problem - a freeze during the deleting phase. how can i obtain a copy of the app with the code removed please?

SaintGermain 2010-02-21 12:40

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by SingingDwarf (Post 539434)
i am experiencing exactly the same problem - a freeze during the deleting phase. how can i obtain a copy of the app with the code removed please?

It is in Python, so you just have to edit the code on your N900 without downloading anything !

If you're not familiar with terminal, root, or code editing, I would recommand that you wait for the official patch.

Anyway here is the ugly 'patch'. Edit as root the file /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/feedcircuit/



    def update_feeds_async(self, feeds_configs):
        self.__progress_window = RefreshProgressWindow(self.__window)
        self.__thread = Thread(target = self.update_feeds, args = (feeds_configs,))
            if == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
                self.__aborted = True
            self.__progress_window = None



    def update_feeds_async(self, feeds_configs):
        #self.__progress_window = RefreshProgressWindow(self.__window)
        self.__thread = Thread(target = self.update_feeds, args = (feeds_configs,))
            #if == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
            #    self.__aborted = True
            self.__progress_window = None

SaintGermain 2010-02-21 12:43

Re: N900 RSS reader
Combining FeedCircuit with FeedingIt would be very welcome.
The 2 are really complementary and would benefit a lot.

The feeds and articles presentation and navigation in FeedingIt is very intuitive. The caching of article and associated filters in FeedCircuit is excellent.

fareastcoast 2010-02-22 08:34

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by SaintGermain (Post 539588)
Combining FeedCircuit with FeedingIt would be very welcome.

I agree. And I would like a desktop widget too so I can scan quickly scan headlines - pretty much the only good thing about the bundled RSS app.

sorodoros 2010-02-26 21:22

Re: N900 RSS reader

ultranalog 2010-02-28 18:12

Re: N900 RSS reader

I found 'grr' in the repos yesterday. It is what a lot of you have asked for.

It kicks the stock RSS reader's ***, sure it needs some more features such as sharing, folders and offline mode, but it's absolutely fantastic and even worth the missus giving me the silent treatment for being stuck with the app all day long :)

sorodoros 2010-02-28 18:26

Re: N900 RSS reader
Isn't tied to google reader only?

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