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Milhouse 2010-01-18 11:34

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
It's a shame Mugen can't get it on with Powermat and release a larger capacity battery that can be charged inductively without wires... that would be icing on the cake. :)

Though they can't make it too big - increase the back to be flush with the camera (stopping the wobble at the same time!) but no more. And drop the highly reflective chrome trim, which is a big mistake by Nokia (you'd think the largest camera manufacturer in the world would have identified such mistakes by now).

gohan2091 2010-01-22 16:43

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
Would this Mugen battery for n900 offer twice the power storage of the original battery? As much as I would love a better battery, the larger size of the battery is a real problem...

colnago 2010-01-22 16:52

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by gohan2091 (Post 488967)
Would this Mugen battery for n900 offer twice the power storage of the original battery? As much as I would love a better battery, the larger size of the battery is a real problem...

If Mugen follows suit with Seidio extended batteries, there is usually a 1:1 correlation between battery size, mAh rating, and operating time. My Seidio for my Motorola Q is 2x as thick, has 2x the mAh (2100), and lasts 2x as long (4-5 days).

thinh 2010-02-09 15:08

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
it's out!!!

Rob1n 2010-02-09 15:11

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by thinh (Post 517794)

Well, almost out. It's obviously not far enough out for them to have actually got one they can take a photo of though, so I'll be waiting until I can see what it really looks like.

ToJa92 2010-02-09 15:12

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by thinh (Post 517794)

Wow. That does not look usable at all if you even consider putting your N900 in a normal pocket any time.

romanianusa 2010-02-09 15:14

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
NO thanks!

#1. Looks uGLY as hell.
#2. $87.95?? Wow...what exploitation. Not worth it.

I am not going to give you ALMOST $100 for this bull crap!! This crap is not even worth $40 imo.

tangs 2010-02-09 15:14

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
if they can give a bag with it..... :)

Corwin 2010-02-09 15:42

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
That is surely not nice. I really would prefer a normally sized Battery which really HAS a little more, maybe 1500 mah. THis one is way to big for me plus too expensive. Sorry :(

philh 2010-02-09 16:32

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

I think I`ll wait for the official photo and possibly some reviews but I`m affraid I`ll end up with a normal spare battery anyway. $80 ish is just too much and that is actually a special discounted price for people who preorder if I`m not mistaken?

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