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Flandry 2010-01-01 14:25

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 448850)
For free software community feedback is a good thing. The entire point of releasing betas is to find out how they fare in real use. If you're not even going to test the thing you're contributing nothing at all.

Nor do i moan and whine about things i'm not willing to help with. I have three separate port projects for Fremantle to keep me busy, thanks.

It's more the maturity level of the feedback and quality of the testing reports that i'm pointing out. "It sucks." isn't helping anybody make it any better. The adolescent references to sexual dysfunction are just juvenile on top of that.

I suspect posting the feedback in a coherent form here would probably be more useful.

niklas87 2010-01-01 15:37

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I really like Fx 3.5 even it is not the fastest browser for windows.

But Fennec is definitely too slow! The only benefit is the possibility of using Weave...

guy2die4 2010-01-01 15:51

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
yes..its too slow. i prefer microb. it is 10 times faster than fennec.

Milhouse 2010-01-01 15:59

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Performance of Firefox 1.06bpre improved significantly with firmware 2.2009.51-1, to almost (but not quite) MicroB levels.

However this 1.0rc1 release is a step backwards in terms of stability, and it's integration with the virtual keyboard is woeful (so bad I wonder if anyone even bothered testing with the keyboard closed). Accessing bookmarks when the hardware keyboard is closed is a complete pain.

Performance of the rc1 has improved slightly over 1.0b6pre, but this is nowhere near ready for release.

Other than plugins/addons, I really can't see what this has going for it on the N900.

colnago 2010-01-01 18:31

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 448611)
Hmm I've tried the geo-location addon on the N900. It keeps saying I'm in Austin, TX which I am not..

Doesn't seem to use the GPS at all when determing location.

Is that one "IP based"? I used the "Near Me" plugin, and its exactly the kind of app I was looking for (to replace Windows Mobile "Live Search"), but it doesn't seem to have much "range". Only finds (4) pizza places "near my address", and none of the big chains (Pizza Hut, Dominoes). Doesn't seem to be a way to "expand" the search area or return "more than (5) results.

azz 2010-01-01 20:07

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Posting with rc1 version. I am a die hard firefox fan and I thought this version runs better than the previous one. still not as fast as microB tho. ONE annoying thing I encounter was the amount of accidental opening of links when I am scrolling up and down. It's either too sensitive or wrong in some way. Opening firefox and getting to this post to create this reply alone had me closing about 5 unwanted tabs.

I like the addons but at the moment, I want speed and usability instead of feature. I totally understand mozilla's aim to keeping fennec faithful to firefox but this is mobile browser, not desktop.

Laughing Man 2010-01-01 20:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by colnago (Post 449064)
Is that one "IP based"? I used the "Near Me" plugin, and its exactly the kind of app I was looking for (to replace Windows Mobile "Live Search"), but it doesn't seem to have much "range". Only finds (4) pizza places "near my address", and none of the big chains (Pizza Hut, Dominoes). Doesn't seem to be a way to "expand" the search area or return "more than (5) results.

It could be IP based. I've only tried it with my Verizon DSL service, I'll hop onto TMobile and see if it puts me in Kansas like Speedtest does.

Edit: Hmm doesn't work at all with the TMobile internet. I'll disable this and try out Near Me.

Edit: Going to Flickr and using their location also puts me in Texas.


ewan 2010-01-01 21:08

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 448824)
It also appears that the Mozilla folks don't know how to run a repository properly, otherwise we'd be getting update notifications.

So; I was wrong. I now have a friendly flashing update notification.

Now for more testing...

evil_m0nkey 2010-01-01 21:12

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Fennec is slow, unresponsvive, no zoom

Why firefox why?

anapospastos 2010-01-01 21:17

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Double tap for zoom. No circular zoom like on MicroB.

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