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RockCreek1 2010-02-02 19:10

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
When I used a G1, Pianobar was my favorite app. Glad it's becoming available for the N900. Thanks!

fatalsaint 2010-02-02 19:14

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by RockCreek1 (Post 507326)
When I used a G1, Pianobar was my favorite app. Glad it's becoming available for the N900. Thanks!

Just to avoid confusion:

That's "Pandora Radio" ;). I use it all the time on my G1 as well. Pianobar is a Linux client that allows us to listen to Pandora Radio because Pandora itself has not made an app for the N900.

pyPianobar is a frontend to pianobar. However, when compared to the official Pandora app for the G1... pianobar and subsequently pyPianobar actually have more features. Tired being one of them, and - I don't get harassed about skipping music.

fatalsaint 2010-02-03 07:46

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by Thorprime (Post 507318)
I've attached thumbs up/down button images as well as transparent versions of play, pause and skip

I'm having problems with the transparency that has me ready to through the damn computer out the window.

I assigned your new graphics to the buttons.. and according to all documentation on QT I can find - background-color should "shine through semi-transparent" parts of the image. Well.. it's not.

I get nothing but black in all of the transparent with one exception: If I CLICK on the graphic and hold the mouse button.. THEN it shows the damn background color. WTH?!?

I know it's showing the background color.. because if it's set to black, clicking on it does nothing, if it's set to white - hey.. I see white. But I cannot for the life of me get it to shine white through all the time without it having active focus. This is seriously frustrating.

Now that I have thumb icons I'm half-tempted to say screw the colors and just release it as is. I assume the new layout is good enough since nobody has really commented on it all... that just tells me must be fine.

Thorprime 2010-02-03 18:45

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 508055)
I get nothing but black in all of the transparent with one exception: If I CLICK on the graphic and hold the mouse button.. THEN it shows the damn background color. WTH?!?

Did you set the ":pressed" background-color? It sounds to me like only the pressed color is being set (perhaps a bug in Maemo's QT implementation?). I wonder if setting both the regular and the pressed would fix it.

Also, I think you mentioned earlier that you added 4 menu's, but in some of your testing only 2 showed? Just letting you know on my N900 only Station/Create and Station/Delete show. There are no options for things like username.

Finally, I think the images I sent earlier have the thumbs up and down facing the same direction, which will probably look bad in the app. When I get home tonight I'll go ahead and send you a set of the thumbs-up buttons with the hand facing the other way, as well as with a pre-highlighted version that you can use if the bg-color part still doesn't work.

fatalsaint 2010-02-03 18:58

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by Thorprime (Post 509085)
Did you set the ":pressed" background-color? It sounds to me like only the pressed color is being set (perhaps a bug in Maemo's QT implementation?). I wonder if setting both the regular and the pressed would fix it.

Nope.. but I'll try setting both and see what happens. It's very frustrating. All my googling with QT and transparency shows very little because it seems most people are just fine using transparent PNG. I just suck, obviously.


Also, I think you mentioned earlier that you added 4 menu's, but in some of your testing only 2 showed? Just letting you know on my N900 only Station/Create and Station/Delete show. There are no options for things like username.
Yup.. same thing I'm seeing in the SDK... so the SDK is not broke. Dangit... everything shows on Desktop Linux, *and* the N810.. so it's something with N900's implementation of the menu system. Very annoying. Now I know it needs to be fixed, though.

Thanks again for the graphics. You do a better job than I can with those. Also, for the highlight color - I'm thinking just do white.. instead of orange. Orange is more theme-specific, and since I can't seem to pull the theme-colors I think just a straight Black/White app is more universal and shouldn't clash with much.

fatalsaint 2010-02-04 07:52

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I've submitted pyPianobar-1.0-1 to the repositories and it should be up within the hour or so. I'm going to let you guys use this one for a few days to see how it goes.

Thor - If you get me the other thumbs up/down I'll push out a -2 before I go to promote to Extras-Testing. I want some feedback on this for a few days before I bother. If anyone could provide me a screenshot of it running in an N900 that would also be appreciated.. I updated the OP with screenshots that I can do but the N900 isn't one of them.

The menu I think will work now... 5 options in there. Username/Password, LastFM Username/Password, Station Create and Delete, and Snooze. The "-" sends the tired signal for a song. Album Art is retrieved from SlothRadio covers... the search on SlothRadio is very picky, so not all albums will be found, unfortunately.

Comments/Feedback desperately needed :). Enjoy.

Thorprime 2010-02-04 18:51

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
1 Attachment(s)
I've attached some more images for pianobar GUI use (Bratag, feel free to use them as well).

Here are a couple screen shots of the current version on my N900

Here are a few issues.
1: Your current username is not pre-poplated in the username screen.

2: Clicking out of the username menu to cancel crashes the app. (Or at least it quits, not sure where the crashlogs would be if it had crashed)
Closing other menus this way such as "station/create" doesn't cause the issue.

3: White border on active buttons (probably a Qt issue you may be aware of)

4:Probably should change "Snooze" to "Sleep" or "sleep timer", as this is what it is called on most TV's, ect. (But the feature works great! Awesome)

Just wanted to thank you again for putting this thing together. The issues above are fairly minor, but the crash issue should prob be fixed before pushing the app to testing.

fatalsaint 2010-02-04 18:59

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Thank you for the excellent report and screenshots Thor!! Very awesome.


Originally Posted by Thorprime (Post 510826)
Here are a few issues.
1: Your current username is not pre-poplated in the username screen.

Easily fixed and good point. I really ought to add for it to restart pianobar with the new username/password (for lastfm too) so that you don't have to close out and re-open to use the new account.


2: Clicking out of the username menu to cancel crashes the app. (Or at least it quits, not sure where the crashlogs would be if it had crashed)
Closing other menus this way such as "station/create" doesn't cause the issue.
Ahhhh... I think this was me. I added it as a failsafe because it's (normally) a reactive prompt to pianobar asking for a username.. if you don't provide one there's no point in continuing. I just connected the same methods to the menu button.. guess a check is in order.. Thanks.


3: White border on active buttons (probably a Qt issue you may be aware of)
This is a result of the my transparency battle with QT. The button refuses to just show the underlying color with a transparent GIF unless it's "clicked"... so my work around was to manually set the "down" attribute on the button making it look like it's constantly clicked. It worked a lot better than having no colors at all I thought and didn't really mind the border.... although - come to think of it - I might be able to just change the border color and see if that "blends" it so-to-speak.


4:Probably should change "Snooze" to "Sleep" or "sleep timer", as this is what it is called on most TV's, ect. (But the feature works great! Awesome)
Yeah.. I wasn't sure what to use. I'll change it to "Sleep Mode". I was also wondering if I should add a timer somewhere that you can watch it count down.. but don't know where to put it on the UI.

Again - BIG Thanks for Feedback. I enjoy seeing others getting use out of my apps. Thanks for additional icons as well.. I'll check them out.

fatalsaint 2010-02-04 19:20

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by Thorprime (Post 510826)
I've attached some more images for pianobar GUI use (Bratag, feel free to use them as well).

Thanks for No Image Found! Skipped-white is completely white.. I see nothing but a blank white image?

Also.. thumbs-up-right looks cool but thumbs-up-trans still points the other way :D. Can I get a transparent of the right one?

Appreciate this!

Thorprime 2010-02-04 19:32

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 510869)
Thanks for No Image Found! Skipped-white is completely white.. I see nothing but a blank white image?

Also.. thumbs-up-right looks cool but thumbs-up-trans still points the other way :D. Can I get a transparent of the right one?

oops, here are the correct images.

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