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cryox92 2010-04-19 08:54

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
To the OP:
You should not be pressured by all the no-lifes trying to act cool.They are miserable people in real life,so they are trying to show off their e-peen here,where no one can see them,behind their keyboards.The iPhone will definetly not be improved that much,but it looks rather satisfactory.If you are an average user there are many apps that will make your life easier.And no,the advertisments are false.All the people saying that the device does what it was advertised for should careully watch the advertisment located in the "Videos" section,then we might talk again.The device is half-baked,its a fact.There has been no progress in the last couple of months whatsoever,especially in the software department.The opennes of the device is of no use,literally.Maybe you can make some small tweaks and modifications but why dont u fix the Media Player?Guess what,you cant.Why?Its closed.So how open is the device actually?Not open enough so that people can make significant changes to it.So if you want to go with another device,go for it.The device is open but its the fanboys that arent able to look beyond their "pink,concript world",their minds are closed.So dont bother with them.The best of luck to you my friend.

daperl 2010-04-19 14:11

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Nice flamebait. You don't seem worth it, but maybe I'll bother lighting you up later. Responding to your ignorance is warranted, but your lack of maturity and paragraph structure render what ever point you were trying to make inert. Regardless, for the time being you should just f*ck off.

kryptoniankid17 2010-04-19 16:48

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
i have to go wirh the iphone 4g it fits better in my size 16 skinny jeans. chicks dig seeing my left testacle on my right leg. n900 is way to big.

ysss 2010-04-19 17:16

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
*Can you feeeeel.. the loooooove... toniiiiiight....* :D

Reportedly it has 960x480 screen, noise cancellation system (dual mic), slightly larger battery (only about 17% more)... the other 'upgrades' are nothing new: front side camera, main camera with higher resolution and flash.. Apple branded Cortex A8 cpu.

UNderworld 2010-04-19 17:32

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by AznR00t (Post 616974)
I like the full Bluetooth keyboard support that will be enabled with iPhone OS 4.0. Is Maemo upgradable on the n900 and is full Bluetooth keyboard support a possibility?

apple releases "upgrades to new OS" for the iphone whereas Nokia releases "bug fixes" for the N900 - AND we have been waiting since Feb..:D

cryox92 2010-04-19 17:34

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 617714)
Nice flamebait. You don't seem worth it, but maybe I'll bother lighting you up later. Responding to your ignorance is warranted, but your lack of maturity and paragraph structure render what ever point you were trying to make inert. Regardless, for the time being you should just f*ck off.

Oh boy looks who's talking about maturity and paragraphs. The usage of words such as "****" definetly makes you look mature. Go back to kindergarden you might learn a thing or two about being polite. Yeah im definetly ignorant,am i the one defending a device? And please in the next post swear more ,i ADORE it when kids rage ;).

daperl 2010-04-19 17:48

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by cryox92 (Post 618024)
Yeah im definetly ignorant

I didn't expect you to take my advice, but at least you've accepted the truth. It's a start.

Jeffgrado 2010-04-19 17:49

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
That screen resolution.. that is what we need on Meego devices

Laughing Man 2010-04-19 18:25

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by cryox92 (Post 617329)
The opennes of the device is of no use,literally.Maybe you can make some small tweaks and modifications but why dont u fix the Media Player?Guess what,you cant.Why?Its closed.So how open is the device actually?Not open enough so that people can make significant changes to it.So if you want to go with another device,go for it.The device is open but its the fanboys that arent able to look beyond their "pink,concript world",their minds are closed.So dont bother with them.The best of luck to you my friend.

Or you could just run another media player. Though I will give you that Nokia's closed areas of the Maemo OS is quite annoying at times when it comes to other aspects of the device.


Originally Posted by ysss (Post 617996)

Reportedly it has 960x480 screen, noise cancellation system (dual mic), slightly larger battery (only about 17% more)... the other 'upgrades' are nothing new: front side camera, main camera with higher resolution and flash.. Apple branded Cortex A8 cpu.

Sounds like the competition finally got Apple moving. :)

cryox92 2010-04-19 18:36

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 618053)
I didn't expect you to take my advice, but at least you've accepted the truth. It's a start.

That`s your best argument? Im sure you can think of something better even tho you are quite plain.

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