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darlomrh 2010-03-02 07:35

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
*UPDATE*: A provisional win I think. I called T-Mobile CS again last night and tried to ask why is this happening to one of the overseas call centers.

They hadn't got any idea what I was talking about and did the sensible thing and passed me on to a guy in Tech Support (Mark I think his name was).

I explained this issue and told him that on Handset as Modem I had no issues but now I'm back to WnW Plus the services are blocked again and so on.

So he went away to do some digging and within 15 min called me back. He though the issue was an option called "Capped Daily Rate" which was enabled.

That has been removed and at the moment msn/facebook plugins seem to be working OK on my WnW plus plan. I haven't tested that much as I'm at home and connected via WiFi but initial tests look promising.

m165 2010-03-02 11:59

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by darlomrh (Post 552094)
*UPDATE*: A provisional win I think. I called T-Mobile CS again last night and tried to ask why is this happening to one of the overseas call centers.

They hadn't got any idea what I was talking about and did the sensible thing and passed me on to a guy in Tech Support (Mark I think his name was).

I explained this issue and told him that on Handset as Modem I had no issues but now I'm back to WnW Plus the services are blocked again and so on.

So he went away to do some digging and within 15 min called me back. He though the issue was an option called "Capped Daily Rate" which was enabled.

That has been removed and at the moment msn/facebook plugins seem to be working OK on my WnW plus plan. I haven't tested that much as I'm at home and connected via WiFi but initial tests look promising.

I just tried it (i'm on the standard web & walk package) and I kept getting a network error.

darlomrh 2010-03-02 12:25

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
It took a couple of minutes and I am on WnW Plus so there may be more restrictions on WnW

lasman 2010-03-05 20:32

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Is your problem different to mine then? I was on the standard web n walk and couldn't connect to msn. I was upgraded to web n walk plus for a few days and was able to connect. But you cannot connect to msn on web n walk plus? That right?

Guy on tmobile customer services told me web n walk plus and mobile as modem were the same.

mickeyjaw 2010-03-10 20:44

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I would just like to chip in my tuppence worth...

I have been experiencing the same problem and am on WnW Plus. I also have another T-Mobile contract which I have had for ~4 years with web and walk plus.

My old sim would connect to MSN but my new one wouldn't. More importantly I couldn't connect to anything on port 21 (FTP) with my new contract either (couldn't really give a toss about MSN tbh). Bizarrely, port 22 (SSH) was open though, which was lucky as I could use it to SSH to my home PC, pull down the file and resend it from my home PC over SFTP.

I called T-Mobile twice about this today. The first time, they insisted it was due to content lock being activated, despite me having it deactivated as the first thing i did when i received my fone (and having no trouble browsing 'Adult' web content over HTTP via 3G). The CS claimed that this would fix my problem, and encouraged me to hang up the line to check. Needless to say, this didn't help one iota.

After having spent a few hours perusing and t-mobile's terms and conditions, I called tech support again. This time, I was connected to possibly the most unhelpful person in the world, a guy called Scott. Scott claimed that any use of WnW Plus other than WWW was unsupported, and that it was just hard luck.

He outright refused to even try to do anything about my problem at all, and tried repeatedly to get me to hang up, which I refused to do. I asked to speak to his manager and he tried to fob me off with a 2 hour call back promise, which I also refused, insisting instead on staying on the line until my problem was resolved. He even tried to claim that I was being unreasonable in expecting anything other than web access. When I tried pulling out the 'not fit for purpose' line, he threatened me with cancellation of my contract and to transfer the entire charges for the length of contract remaining to a debt collection agency and inferred that this would ruin my credit rating and it would serve me right for complaining !!! Eventually, after about an hour of me refusing to hang up until my problem was resolved (I have a funny feeling T-Mob's CS reps are unable to hang up on you so rely on you dropping the call), he finally relented and put me through to his manager - Paul.

Paul, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what was going on. I suggested removal of capped daily rate as suggested here, and he concurred, suggesting that it was the only difference between the two contracts I have. The instant he disabled said 'service' (ironic isn't it?) MSN connected on my phone, and FTP worked too.


1) If you have any issues with blocked ports, get 'capped daily rate' removed from your account and everything should be fine.

2) The lower level monkeys at T-Mobile are either unable or not allowed to hang up on you, so just keep them on the phone until you get what you want. Bonus points if you call just as their shift is about to end and they want to go home...

darlomrh 2010-03-10 20:47

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Sorry for the delay....

I can confirm that my issue was the capped daily rate. I have always been on WnW Plus from the start. I went for the £5 for life of the contract.

There is a subtle difference between WnW plus and broadband as modem. The latter allows VoiP such as sipgate etc. For another £5 on top again I didn't think it was worth it.

Hope this helps

zail 2010-03-10 21:04

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by mickeyjaw (Post 562973)
2) The lower level monkeys at T-Mobile are either unable or not allowed to hang up on you, so just keep them on the phone until you get what you want. Bonus points if you call just as their shift is about to end and they want to go home...

Hmm.. unless you end up speaking to the ones on VOIP which manage to drop the call for them!

So, if I was to ring and speak to TMobile and try and get the daily cap lifted on an ordinary Web and Walk account would that work do you think?

Spotfist 2010-03-10 21:27

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
im really confused... I just signed up to a 2 year conract with tmobile (to get the best phone ever of course hehe) the guy at carphonewarehouse said it was good for skype, youtube etc i have checked on a number of occasions and yes i get skype, youtube and all that but now hear people having problems with skype. I suppose my questions is, whats the crack?

dscobsct 2010-03-10 21:34

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
should be in fmms thread but i thought id get better help her, can anyone give me the correct configuration for fmms on tmobile uk its doin my swede in.

zail 2010-03-10 22:09

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by dscobsct (Post 563024)
correct configuration for fmms on tmobile uk

These are the correct ones as opposed to the one T-mobile will tell you which are not... The whole MMS wiki is worth reading too...

Don't forget to install fAPN too if you already haven't so you can set up the 2nd APN for mms and keep the settings for Web N Walk too.

You need to be connected to the mms APN to both send and recieve. You will get ordinary SMS to tell you that an MMS has been sent - then you can switch to the mms APN to collect it via fMMS.

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