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arkanoid 2010-05-17 12:03

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Well, they *could* make a better back cover. But they did not, so i am not buying it.

geneven 2010-05-17 12:06

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
The size is not bothersome while using it. I keep mine for special occasions.

God's Toy 2010-05-17 12:21

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Does the memory card still work while using the bigger batt?

zimon 2010-05-18 03:12

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by God's Toy (Post 662261)
Does the memory card still work while using the bigger batt?

Yes it works now with the redesigned back cover, also camera.

God's Toy 2010-05-18 05:30

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Ah good! Nothing I hate more than not being able to have a play cos your concerned about when you can next charge it next..

Rocketman 2010-05-18 05:45

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I've purchased several Mugen extended batteries for previous devices (N95 and N810) and had no problems with the batteries themselves, but the quality of the covers in both cases left much to be desired. In both instances, I had problems with the plastic latch hooks coming off or failing to adequately secure the cover to the device.

There is great potential for an extended capacity battery and a cover that fixes some of they issues with the N900's poorly engineered official cover. Namely, including a full device width kickstand with multiple lockable angles, a camera cover that doesn't actively interfere with taking a proper photo (haze effect) and make sure the cover lets the n900 lay perfectly flat and level on a desk. It would be nice if it was somewhat rubberized so that it stays put, too.

Unfortunately, even the revised version 2 cover that Mugen started shipping leaves much to be desired. Given my experience, I really don't trust them to engineer a cover I would want to buy.

geneven 2010-05-18 06:19

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I didn't have any problems with my N810 Mugen cover and haven't had any with this.

God's Toy 2010-05-27 07:20

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Ive got one a few days ago and I'm loving the 8+ hours of nonstop Internet/angry birds use! Before it i would be back to the charger at least twice a day.

Also call me mad but I kinda like that it's more brick like now! Yep nuts I know but at least people know now it's not just a 'phone' trying to do everything but a powerhouse device able to do anything.

Lol thats how I see it anyway. (and going on feedback received)

Raubtier 2010-05-27 13:16

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
how much heavier does it become (approx)?

how long does it take to fully load the battery?

Raubtier 2010-05-27 14:29

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
just got the email from mugen in: The HLI-N900XL battery weighs 51gr and adds 6mm to the width of your device

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