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silvermountain 2010-02-16 04:10

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by gill_za (Post 528693)
I really do hope that n900 gets a maemo6/meego update, but even if it will not the device is great and there is always Mer?

I'd like to extend my welcome to N900 as another legacy device now only having Mer to 'hope for' :)


schettj 2010-02-16 04:25

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Qt is the key here folks. Qt running on maemo 5, Qt on maemo 6, Qt on Meego. Qt on Linux. Qt. Q.... t.

That there is the key. This is the reason you go with an open platform. Because, well, the apps - they just totally, like, compile & run.

gerbick 2010-02-16 04:27

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by jobber99 (Post 528651)
you can if the device is 3 months old AND nokia's been advertising it all over the place. it's not about obsoleting a device naturally, this is like going freakin' dr. krivorkian on it as an infant. usually a device life cycle ends when the device's hardware is too old to keep up. the n900 ain't that yet.
and i know, it's comparing APPLES to freakin' oranges, but this is 2010 and iphone OS, blackberry OS, Android OS, and Windows (before 7) ALL can be loaded on the older phones. this is not 2005 with symbian 6.1 where you gotta buy a new phone to get a new FW.
it's implicit that a flagship phone shouldn't be cut out from underneath it.

It happens. You just have to have faith that this step 4 out of 5 - you did your research, right? - will continue to be supported.

That's yet to be stated. Chin up. Nobody 'wants' or 'needs' anything unless you've made up your mind to think as such.

It works today, so be happy with what you got. That's part of the Maemo "start, stop, restart, drop" method. Been there twice so far. Sorta glad I missed this heartache in the making.

But... I doubt that people will be as left behind as they think. That's my opinion. Patience is required.

geohsia 2010-02-16 04:33

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by FranzDages (Post 528584)
Not to sound nasty about the whole NEED and MUST in there, but you do realize that unless your buying from some Government black ops, than wether you spend 6 Euro or 6000 Euro, by the time you take your knew device out of the box it is outdated and obsolete. You can't really demand inprovement. Yes, I hope we do get updates still for the N900 (I love mine).

I'm not sure I agree. In this day and age instant obsolescence applies to hardware and not so much software. This is not about a being replaced by something better like faster CPUs in a computer or more Megapixels for cameras. Smartphones are purchased now with the expectation of an ecosystem that we can have a future in. Why would a developer work on Maemo 5 when they know that Maemo 6 and Meego is the future?

If Nokia is so quick to obsolete a platform, why would developers choose Maemo / Meego when they can go with Android / iPhone which has an arguably clearer future.

I know that QT has been thrown around but I am not yet convinced that it will solve these divergent platform issues. Plus there are other platform issues on the N900 that can't be solved with QT

Personally I see no reason why Maemo 5 and 6 should co-exist in the market when Meego is the future. They should

a) merge all changes from Maemo 6 back into 5 which is probably not possible
b) move all Maemo 5 quickly into Maemo 6

Having a single Maemo OS for all Nokia N9## won't be easy but I think would be much more comforting to users and developers and give them the customer base they're looking for to compete with the iPhones and Androids of the world.

geohsia 2010-02-16 04:54

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by schettj (Post 528711)
Qt is the key here folks. Qt running on maemo 5, Qt on maemo 6, Qt on Meego. Qt on Linux. Qt. Q.... t.

That there is the key. This is the reason you go with an open platform. Because, well, the apps - they just totally, like, compile & run.

So you mean like the Microbrowser and Firefox will one day be written in QT? What about the file manager, media player and etc? Will everything be in QT? What about the phone app. I'm still waiting for them to turn on the front camera for use with Skype. Will QT solve that?

Maybe QT solves the turn-by-turn maps problem. Great. I really need that (esp. outside the US) but what about the rest of the platform?

Yes I knew it wasn't perfect when I bought it but I think it is reasonable that we expect base functionality to improve and get stable. QT certainly isn't going to fix battery drain issues or improve the indexing on music.

Tell me I'm wrong. I'd be happy to hear that QT will solve all of those problems.

schettj 2010-02-16 06:24

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 528724)
Tell me I'm wrong. I'd be happy to hear that QT will solve all of those problems.

Yep. It will also regrow hair, and chicks dig it.

Flip answer aside, there are several releases of the n900 firmware still to come which are supposed to address current issues. GOING FORWARD, Qt is the toolkit of choice for development, which means it will be easy for a commercial or freeware developer to release whatever wizbang app they make for other platforms that support Qt apps.

Like the n900.

geohsia 2010-02-16 07:10

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by schettj (Post 528783)
Yep. It will also regrow hair, and chicks dig it.

Do they now? I'll need to get me another.


Originally Posted by schettj (Post 528783)
Flip answer aside, there are several releases of the n900 firmware still to come which are supposed to address current issues.

They can say that now, but when they are trying to support 3 platforms will they really continue to put a lot of resources to support the one phone OS that only lives on one phone?

My guess is when they start divying up resources they will allow enough for Maemo 5 to only address critical bug fixes (many have already been marked as will not fix for this release) and any interesting features will likely not be resourced.


Originally Posted by schettj (Post 528783)
GOING FORWARD, Qt is the toolkit of choice for development, which means it will be easy for a commercial or freeware developer to release whatever wizbang app they make for other platforms that support Qt apps.

Like the n900.

Look, I'm all for a wizbang third-party app experience but the core applications that I bought this device for like phone, music, social networking and etc will not get the same level of attention when Maemo 6 and Meego get rolling.

If Nokia decides to maintain the Maemo 5 codebase and continue to update it to give it the same fit and finish as newer OSes I'm all for it. I'm just not going to hold my breath.

Core OS and user experience and third-party apps are not the same thing so let's not mix the two.

slobodsky 2010-02-16 07:52

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
With Qt it will be very simple for Nokia to backport new core applications to Maemo5. The main problem is multitouch-oriented interface, but I hope they will keep on using resistive (and so non multitouch) screens on some devices. In this case they will make singletouch version anyway.
I know power of Qt: on my site you can see my application running on 4 different systems. It's made from single code, but interface must be tuned for different sizes of screens.

geohsia 2010-02-16 08:13

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by slobodsky (Post 528875)
With Qt it will be very simple for Nokia to backport new core applications to Maemo5.

I hope so. I don't mean to be a cynic but can and will are two very different things. Whether or not Nokia will have a future resistive screens is a good question. BTW, what does multi-touch give you besides pinch-to-zoom? I never had an iPhone so not sure what the hubub is all about.

I hope QT is all it claims to be.

ossipena 2010-02-16 08:16

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Mr_Hat (Post 528568)
I've spent 600 Euro...I NEED Meego or Maemo's a MUST, for consumers that spent much much money on a device like N900...and a few months later read news like this...

you need maemo 6 for what?

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