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scifi.guy 2010-07-23 01:50

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by ddwalker (Post 761575)
So here is my VICaR setting:
International Call Routing: Enabled
Calling Card Number: my GV number
Country Codes to Exclude: +1

Format required for DTMF tone: 011<Country Code><Area Code><Phone Number>
Prefix before DTMF tone: 1234p2p
Suffix after DTMF tone: (blank)

When I dial an international number, it did call the google voice number. But after that, I can hear the GV talking to me, asking me to enter my PIN etc. But my phone didn't do anything.

Anything I did wrong? Thanks!

Enter "Suffix after DTMF tone" as # and try.

ddwalker 2010-07-23 05:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 761602)
Enter "Suffix after DTMF tone" as # and try.

Wow, that worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
One more question, do I need to keep VICaR running to make these international calls?

scifi.guy 2010-07-23 13:57

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
You can enable the call routing and close the settings window. VICaR daemon will run in the background all the time.

ddwalker 2010-07-23 18:38

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 762233)
You can enable the call routing and close the settings window. VICaR daemon will run in the background all the time.

Great, thanks.

JonJennings 2010-08-05 21:32

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Glad I read the whole thread through... was just about to file a bug report for "unable to enter comma in country codes to exclude" but found it's already been reported.

There's a couple of North American metropolitan areas where this is an issue because they're run out of numbers and created overlays. For example I have a +1604 number but can also dial +1778 as local (eg my wife's cellphone is 778) so I need to exclude "+1604,+1778"

[Annoyingly there are some 604 and 778 numbers which ARE long distance, but they're the minority]

You've probably found the issue already but, in case you haven't, it's cos you specify the ImhDigitsOnly InputMethodHint for the lineEditCountryCodesToExclude field

Great app by the way - one of the core missing features on the N900 as far as I was concerned.

scifi.guy 2010-08-06 01:04

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
@JonJennings - The fix for the Country Codes to exclude is already included in the next version. But because of an unresolved issue with Telepathy code I haven't released it yet. It should be available soon.

JonJennings 2010-08-07 05:29

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 777258)
@JonJennings - The fix for the Country Codes to exclude is already included in the next version.

Thanks! It's apps, people and community like this that makes the whole Maemo world so wonderful :-)

scifi.guy 2010-08-07 18:58

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
2 Attachment(s)
VICaR v0.4 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Added Maemo contacts integration.
* VICaR will no longer intercept calls, calls have to be initiated from Dialpad, Maemo Contacts or MyContacts only.
* Fixed a bug that prevents comma in Country Codes to Exclude field.

Thanks to Alberto, Ed and Felipe for helping me with those never-ending telepathy issues :)

Starting with this release, All calls to be routed through VICaR should be initiated from contacts page using 'Call via Vicar' or from dialpad by selecting Vicar from drop down menu.

Please keep in mind that if you initiate a call by selecting the regular phone button (Green phone icon) your call will routed via your cellular operator and you will be charged as per international rates.

Edit: In previous versions of Vicar, there was a risk that an international call is not disconnected on time and you would be charged for that. The purpose of this change is to avoid such issues. There is no intercepting concept from now on, Vicar will directly call the CC/Google-out/Skype-Out number.

scifi.guy 2010-08-09 15:24

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
There are couple of installation issues with version 0.4-1.

1) Call via Vicar button is not displayed after installation.

2) Calls to CC/GV/SO are not initiated (Only the call ending screen appears).

I submitted bug fix release 0.4-2 for issue #2, but #1 seems to be intermittent. If you installed the latest release of VICaR and are facing issue #1, please post a reply here.

evad 2010-08-09 16:16

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
1 Attachment(s)
Unfortunately, I have trouble upgrading Vicar. Firstly I've tried with fapman, selected few packages to upgrade, including Vicar, yet it thrown some error before even downloading anything. I didn't take too much care about that, as I assumed it's an issue with fapman itself. Then I tried with HAM, upgraded only Vicar, but it said "Unable to upgrade". :-o I've looked briefly in HAM log, which said something about creating telepathy account error.

Sorry for being a bit vague on this, I'm at work and can't investigate that closely, but I'll keep trying.

HAM now shows Vicar with status "Broken but updateable" (see screenshot attached), when I try to update, it throws "Unable to upgrade" error followed by crash-reporter popping up about Vicar-telepathy crash. I've sent that crash report away, but don't know whether you get them at all. Then I looked in HAM log, which says:

Upgrading vicar 0.4-2 to 0.4-2
apt-worker: free space (/) = 55177216
required disk space: 0
result code = 0
apt-worker: free space (/) = 55177216
Setting up vicar (0.4-2) ...
Sarting Vicar daemon ...
Sarting Vicar-Telepathy ...
Creating Vicar Telepathy account ...
Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: (null)
dpkg: error processing vicar (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Error occurred while connecting to DBus interface
VICaR account not found. Creating ..
Error creating VICaR telepathy account  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
Unable to register service org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.vicar with session bus.
Registered DBus Service  org.maemo.vicar
Errors were encountered while processing:

Hope that helps.

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