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PMaff 2010-10-11 21:03

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 831179)
Enable extras-testing and do this as root in xterm (you need rootsh installed)

apt-get install mypaint 'enter'


saud khan 2010-10-19 20:41

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
1 Attachment(s)
thanks for this app. this is the best app for n900 :D I just did my first sketch in system controls lecture :D

teemui 2010-12-15 13:23

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Thank you indeed for this awesome app!!! Here´s little sketch i made :)

Venemo 2010-12-22 14:49

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Not sure if this is the right thread to report this. MyPaint told me when I tried to save an image that it found a bug an I should report this.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/", line 249, save_cb(self=<gui.filehandling.FileHandler object at 0x42893bb0>, action=<gtk.Action object at 0x43916558 (GtkAction at 0x407978)>)
            if not self.filename:
  variables: {'action': ('local', <gtk.Action object at 0x43916558 (GtkAction at 0x407978)>), 'self.save_as_cb': ('local', <bound method FileHandler.save_as_cb of <gui.filehandling.FileHandler object at 0x42893bb0>>)}
  File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/", line 284, save_as_cb(self=<gui.filehandling.FileHandler object at 0x42893bb0>, action=<gtk.Action object at 0x43916558 (GtkAction at 0x407978)>)
                    filename = dialog.get_filename()
                    name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
                    ext_filter, options = self.filter2info.get(dialog.get_filter(), ('ora', {}))
  variables: {'ext': (None, None), 'os.path.splitext': ('global', <function splitext at 0x40214ef0>), 'name': (None, None), 'filename': ('local', None)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 92, splitext(p=None)
        last dot to the end.  Returns "(root, ext)", either part may be empty."""
        i = p.rfind('.')
        if i<=p.rfind('/'):
  variables: {'i': (None, None), 'p': ('local', None)}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'

zdanee 2011-04-20 09:25

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I've updated mypaint from the repos to 0.9, it fails to start:


external python-simplejson
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/mypaint/bin/mypaint", line 171, in <module>
from gui import main
File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/", line 16, in <module>
from gui import application
File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/", line 14, in <module>
import filehandling, keyboard, brushmanager, windowing, document, layout
File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/", line 17, in <module>
from lib import document, helpers
File "/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/lib/", line 396
pixbufsurface.save_as_png(self, filename, *doc_bbox, alpha=False, **kwargs)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Now this sounds like a small mistype kinda bug, so I wouldn't like to wait days for the fix, I'd just fix it myself... if I only knew what could be wrong here. Anyone else tried this yet?

stickymick 2011-04-20 09:30

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Not working for me since the last update either :(

Hopefully a fix is waiting in the wings.
Can't comment on your post, zdanee. I'm not a Maemo Wizard like you lot.

zdanee 2011-04-20 10:12

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Okay, I think I see something. In /opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/lib/ at line 114 it says:

def save_as_png(surface, filename, *rect, **kwargs):
while in it calls:

pixbufsurface.save_as_png(self, filename, *doc_bbox, alpha=False, **kwargs)
Now I don't speak pythonese, but I don't know what that alpha=False is doing there. On the other hand removing it still messes up stuff:

Type error in /opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/ at line 74:

__init()__ arg 4 must be string not None

corduroysack 2011-04-20 10:32

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 992384)
Not working for me since the last update either :(

Hopefully a fix is waiting in the wings.
Can't comment on your post, zdanee. I'm not a Maemo Wizard like you lot.

same here mine not working after update.

zdanee 2011-04-20 10:42

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Okay, I've reverted back to 0.8.2. It says Vanilla upstream 0.9.1 -version, so I guess no Maemo-specific change has been made in it, and I'd be in over my head trying to fix this.

corduroysack 2011-04-20 12:02

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
i too have reverted back working fine again :)

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