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nosa101 2010-07-01 22:39

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by GI jack (Post 737080)
6. Fanyboyism. There is no worthwhile apple community, apple users contribute nothing, and the company does it all, and charges you. You'll be expected to uphold the companies mantras and hide their epic failures and mistakes.

I like how fanboys are unique to Apple

patt2k 2010-07-03 22:53

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by gsever (Post 735204)

What is the cheapest voice plan cost on T-mobile?

I may use the device wifi only mode till I find a cheap data only deal.

get simple mobile for n900 it runs via t mobile

its prepaid service (authorized by t mobile) however its only UNLIMITED based.

40$ card you can buy in store or with credit card and re fill

- unlimited minutes
-unlimited sms


unlimited minutes
unlimited sms + global sms
web 150mb i belevie


unlimited minutes
unlimited sms + global sms
unlimited web

i think those are all good deals depending on what you use

imperiallight 2010-07-03 23:21

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

1. apple apps can get expensive, n900 apps are free.
This kind of attitude is going to kill the next device as well. Keep at it.


2. the new iphone has quality issues, don't ever expect apple to take responsibility for quality issues, they never do, instead they have a leigon of fan boys to downplay them.
Issues? Would you like to name a few?


3. iTunes. It sucks hard. Its hard to find anything, it doesn't automatically update folders, runs slow, and eats more system resources it should. But, apple products are designed to not work unless sync'd with iTunes. Great...I made the mistake of buying an ipod once....never again.
The iphone partially came out of the success of the ipods.


4. Functionality. For the basic device sort of functionality like a shell and coreutils, you need a bit of hacking to be done, combined with how awkward that on screen keyboard is... Sure, if your idea of an app is paying $5 for drink recipes, or some obnoxious cute ****, its fine.
You are talking about basic device sort of functionality on an n900 forum? Get out of here


5. Freedom. When you buy any apple product, you buy into the apple universe of rules and regulations. First and foremost is that Steve Jobs is always right, and you may only use your apple device how he says. Lets say someone else writes better software to replace itunes on your PC(like winamp did), your iphone will find out and stop working if you use it. Apps get denied because apple doesn't like the content. Apps can only be written on a Macintosh. Apps cost money, and installing apps not specifically written for the iphone is prohibited.
How was Woodstock this year?


6. Fanyboyism. There is no worthwhile apple community, apple users contribute nothing, and the company does it all, and charges you. You'll be expected to uphold the companies mantras and hide their epic failures and mistakes.
There is no worthwhile apple community? There are many and the users contribute to the largest mobile appstore at 200, 000 apps. At least get your facts right fanboy.

Grok 2010-07-04 00:32

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
I vote this to be the best trolling/windup thread I've seen here in a while!

*Thread Starter made the one post and just enjoys the show
*Anyone can see there is no answer that will satisfy all
*Question guarantees conflict
*Truly a waste of bandwidth

*Insincere at best

Nathraiben 2010-07-04 00:36

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by Grok (Post 739951)
I vote this to be the best trolling/windup thread I've seen here in a while!

*Thread Starter made the one post and just enjoys the show
*Anyone can see there is no answer that will satisfy all
*Question guarantees conflict
*Truly a waste of bandwidth

*Insincere at best

True (and thus reported), but there are some pretty good posts to be found here between the fanboy-anti-fanboy wars, so despite the original intent of this thread I'm not sure this is really such a big waste of bandwidth.

Grok 2010-07-04 00:42

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by Nathraiben (Post 739952)
True (and thus reported), but there are some pretty good posts to be found here between the fanboy-anti-fanboy wars, so despite the original intent of this thread I'm not sure this is really such a big waste of bandwidth.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. But I can't imagine choosing between them!

Nathraiben 2010-07-04 00:50

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by Grok (Post 739955)
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. But I can't imagine choosing between them!

Neither can I... :D

But there are lots of people out there who don't know that, yet, and despite it originally being a trolling thread, there are some rather helpful posts in here to make realising the difference between the two easier for those not yet familiar with both devices.

gerbick 2010-07-04 01:12

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
I'd choose neither right now. One is end of life basically, the other is having some serious reception problems for quite a few.

Windup or not, people will ask this question a lot.

Laughing Man 2010-07-04 01:21

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
I find the answer really simple (depending on what the user expects or wants). The N900 can only be recommended to a small subset of people out there.

~phoenix~ 2010-07-04 02:35

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
take the iphone.... sell it for 999$ or more.... buy the n900 for 500$ and with the monney u earn u can play your contract....

this is the way i would do it...

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