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jd4200 2010-11-06 23:09

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
What's the obsession with people wanting to broadcast everywhere they've been?

martycollinsesq 2010-11-06 23:18

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
no, it doesn't work for me.

fr3sh 2010-11-07 15:54

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
places seems to work on 3g with the new Firefox 4 Beta 2 - at least in germany and for me it works - microB still produces the longitude & latitude error -for those of u who still have problems might want to check out the new firefox

dewhoe 2010-11-07 18:48

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
doesnt work on firefox for me (longitude problem)...ive jus updated to pr1.3 via flashing and jus redownloaded it from ovi store..maybe im using the wrong firefox???

fr3sh 2010-11-07 19:08

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
yea not the ovi version but the beta one from the mozilla page
and then use dpkg -i to install it but u should remove the ovi version first

dewhoe 2010-11-07 20:20

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by fr3sh (Post 866187)
yea not the ovi version but the beta one from the mozilla page
and then use dpkg -i to install it but u should remove the ovi version first

thanks @fr3sh! this really works and folks called me the min i checked in and said "u got an iphone??" haha

i used the file manager and opened the .deb file instead of using x-terminal liek u recommended..thank you thank let the check-in frenzy begin..muahahah :D

Timbo 2010-11-07 20:48

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I use Fennec beta browser and found it's the only browser that can handle Fbook places with any reliabilty. :)

Jordan C 2010-11-15 14:29

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I'm having the same problems. Where can I get the Fennec beta browser to test please?

Jordan C 2010-11-16 17:21

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I found firefox and installed it but still get the coordinates error!!!

Laughing Man 2010-11-16 17:29

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
Are you using the one from the Ovi store or the one linked by fr3sh?

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