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Texrat 2010-09-14 15:02

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
When I saw this thread I thought it was tied to a fatal NokiaWorld announcement. And here it's just another opinion piece.

Ayle 2010-09-14 15:10

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 815878)
When I saw this thread I thought it was tied to a fatal NokiaWorld announcement. And here it's just another opinion piece.

Speaking of that Nokia World keynote today, I am pretty excited about Symbian^3 :D and all those new devices

deimian86 2010-09-14 15:18

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I think that the people don't know what are they buying when they bougth a N900. It's the best piece of hardware in the market :S

I had an iPhone 3GS and now have a N900 and the iPhone it's a toy compared whith the Nokia mobile computer.

Learn to use it before throw up **** in the forum all day.

stickymick 2010-09-14 15:20

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by didymos (Post 815867)
My wife, however, do not know how to use N900 (when she borrows mine). For her it is a disappointment and she is not going to change her mind if I tell her all the technicals specs.

Rather than admit that they don't have the aptitude to use the device, they go off on a stomp and say it's cr@p.

allnameswereout 2010-09-14 15:40

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 815791)

I'm up to the task. Gerbick Poppenbacher to the rescue.

:D danke sehr!

Btw, in which regard did you embrace Android?

allnameswereout 2010-09-14 15:43

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by didymos (Post 815867)
[...] My wife, however, do not know how to use N900 (when she borrows mine). [...]

Ofcourse not. You probably modded your thing, and she hasn't read the manual.

jonin60seconds 2010-09-14 15:44

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 815869)
There is a reason for Ubuntu' s popularity: The fact that it is so easy to use and install. However, that is the exception to the rule, not the other way around. I run Ubuntu as one of my three OS's, the other two being Gentoo and WinXP. Whenever friends or family have made up their mind and want to switch to a Linux flavor, I will install Ubuntu for them. Easy to install, easy to use and it's user interface is quite nice. I would never install Gentoo on someone's machine, as it is way too time-consuming to maintain and get those users to learn to maintain the machine. Maemo and Ubuntu are not comparable, in my opinion, in terms of being ready for end users out of the box.

Neither would I advice any non-techy to buy an n900.

Yeah which is why I am saying meamo needs to aspire to be the uBuntu of mobile OS if it wants to hit the mainstream which must be Nokia's ultimate goal. But too little too late I think

allnameswereout 2010-09-14 15:45

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 815754)

My favourite app is Easy Debian - Linux is in my pocket and yes I probably am pleased to see you.


Right, Debian, as if that is fine tuned to run on an embedded device. I just use SSH client to easily get into Debian. But I've done that on S60 with PuTTy. too.

jonin60seconds 2010-09-14 15:46

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 815895)
Rather than admit that they don't have the aptitude to use the device, they go off on a stomp and say it's cr@p.

Or you can conversely say that the device has failed as a mainstream device as it requires a high level of technical aptitude to use it. Nokia were definitely going for mainstream with the N900

maluka 2010-09-14 16:07

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
OP should never have bought the N900. It has been wasted on him.

He should have bought the Android phone that came out at the time the N900 was released and seen how long that lasted.

Don't compare a device that came out a year ago with devices that came out last week!

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