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shockgiga 2010-09-24 12:22

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
how come my installation says abort whenever i hit Y?

zenecho 2010-09-24 12:27

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 825155)
how come my installation says abort whenever i hit Y?

Are you actually typing Capital "Y" ?

shockgiga 2010-09-24 12:58

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
i tried both small and capital y's. still says aborted.

AlMehdi 2010-09-24 13:37

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 825185)
i tried both small and capital y's. still says aborted.

Try you native languages equvivalent... I have to use "j" as "Yes" means "Ja" on swedish.

flexxxv 2010-09-24 14:12

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
I just was asked to share the fix for multiboot. So now I do :D try at your own risk. Got the solution from MohammadAG . Better don'T try it until he verfied it :D

1. create "/etc/multiboot.d/boot.item" with the following content:

2. install the kernel, modules, flasher debs from first post in Thread (if you already did do it again!)
3. Reboot with opened keyboard and select option "Boot"
4. now feel free to to install the scripts and test (check with "uname -r" if your kernel is "2.6.28-hostmode1")

!!!After starting as normal you will need to flash again the hostmode kernel!

MohammedAG confirmed that
sh: 0: unknown operand
is normal because of some bad scripting by Nokia

shockgiga 2010-09-24 15:26

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
i managed to get past the installation and reboot. but when i connect the usb flash drive after the "connect usb now" prompt, the flash drive just lights up for a fraction of a second and i can't see it in file manager.

xterm returns "no such file"

nerfiaux 2010-09-24 15:30

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by flexxxv (Post 825231)
I just was asked to share the fix for multiboot. So now I do :D try at your own risk. Got the solution from MohammadAG . Better don'T try it until he verfied it :D

1. create "/etc/multiboot.d/boot.item" with the following content:


2. install the kernel, modules, flasher debs from first post in Thread (if you already did do it again!)
3. Reboot with opened keyboard and select option "Boot"
4. now feel free to to install the scripts and test (check with "uname -r" if your kernel is "2.6.28-hostmode1")

!!!After starting as normal you will need to flash again the hostmode kernel!

MohammedAG confirmed that
sh: 0: unknown operand
is normal because of some bad scripting by Nokia

Why "Boot" ?

In directory /etc/multiboot.d/, I have :

Could I copy the 00-Maemo-2.6.28-omp1.item into :10-Maemo-USB-Hostmode-2.6.28.item

cp 00-Maemo-2.6.28-omp1.item 10-Maemo-2.6.28-hostmode1.item
and then edit it & modify :

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 2.6.28 Hostmode1"

Then Follow the Procedure in 1st Post of MohammadAG
I have not tried yet, but I checked that I have a correct Kernel 2.6.28-hostmode1 !

Thanks !

flexxxv 2010-09-24 16:25

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
I'm pretty shure u can use antithing instead of "Boot"
think it was just for me for testing

I havnn't played to much with the multiboot but your solution sounds good. mybee i'll try tomorrow :D

ivyking 2010-09-24 16:44

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 825155)
how come my installation says abort whenever i hit Y?

talk about copying multiple lines of commands and pasting directly..
either modify the apt-get install line before copying to
apt-get -y install XXX
or simply copy and paste the commands line by line.

about multiboot , you can use anything instead of "boot", this is simply a name to be shown on the screen .

pali 2010-09-24 16:46

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
It is possible to use USB ethernet adapters with this kernel?

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