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SAABoy 2010-10-22 15:42

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
regardless of how I take this news, I am pleasantly surprised that for once on, I see a strong positive response to something Nokia has done (or announced)... amazing :)

luiscesjr 2010-10-22 15:51

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Unless symbian 4 on N8 allow me to connect my two geforce cards in sli, and let me have a ps3 emulator, I will be still waiting for an N9 =)
Well, if Nokia thinks this is the right move, I will support...
I still think there shouldn`t be N8, just a huge compatible and versatile N9.
This is one of the differences between us nokia users and the others, we have many options, but all of them could be integrated in one single device. Anyway, this is not to be discussed here.
Thanks hellflyer, good to be up to date with some nice news =)

BigBadGuber! 2010-10-22 16:04

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
in the Q3 earning report there was a lot of mention regarding problems with supplies and components......what is all that about? I wonder if suppliers are getting a better deal elsewhere and choking off Nokia........doesnt sound good.....

tissot 2010-10-22 16:08

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
One thing i'm very happy is that Nokia(because of Elop or not) is finally making some decisions and announcing them.

As all the Symbian Foundation, harmattan work began, finding information as what is what and will that get update and where is the OS moving in the future has been more than hard. Relying on some dev forum talk and people from Nokia talking in some dev events.

By all means it's not all clear yet and the thing i'm still not sure is what's happening inside harmattan, but hopefully this kind of information to us continues.


Originally Posted by Gorkem
The good folks on Forum Nokia has informed me about MeeGo touch. Appearently, MeeGo touch is not going away immediately in Harmattan, however it is not the recommended UI toolkit

NvyUs 2010-10-22 16:09

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 848066)
in the Q3 earning report there was a lot of mention regarding problems with supplies and components......what is all that about? I wonder if suppliers are getting a better deal elsewhere and choking off Nokia........doesnt sound good.....

it means that components could not be supplied to them fast enough for devices to meet demand in the low/mid range end.
there was problems with supplies industry wide

maluka 2010-10-22 16:12

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 848066)
in the Q3 earning report there was a lot of mention regarding problems with supplies and components......what is all that about? I wonder if suppliers are getting a better deal elsewhere and choking off Nokia........doesnt sound good.....

Samsung has been hogging all the Super Amoled screens for their own devices and everyone else has had to make due with whatever other technology they could find. Nokia is also suing a few LCD companies for price fixing so that must have left some bad blood between them and those companies.

ericsson 2010-10-22 16:13

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 848019)
If anything, I'm part of the fact police, ericpunk. And we round up loud mouth, know-it-alls like you all the time. Fly straight and stop being a chump.

Fact police, LOL. Nokia has finally made an announcement that makes devices running their main (and best, by far) OS, Symbian, have a bright future including the OS itself (when all the misunderstandings have been cleared out). This is a time to be joyful, not a bitter old grunge :D

tissot 2010-10-22 16:15

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 848076)
Samsung has been hogging all the Super Amoled screens for their own devices and everyone else has had to make due with whatever other technology they could find. Nokia is also suing a few LCD companies for price fixing so that must have left some bad blood between them and those companies.

Thought like said above it was about low end. Nokia was limited by the suppliers this year on the low end side and so actually sold less low ends than last year. Nokia said this will continue next year too.

Nothing to do with S AMOLED type of components. ;)

BigBadGuber! 2010-10-22 16:28

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Trade wars over precious minerals have begun between China and Japan.........I wouldnt be surprised if it spills over to smartphone components.........its the only industry that is beating recession

codedivine 2010-10-23 14:41

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 848081)
Thought like said above it was about low end. Nokia was limited by the suppliers this year on the low end side and so actually sold less low ends than last year. Nokia said this will continue next year too.

Nothing to do with S AMOLED type of components. ;)

Not just low-end, Nokia specifically also mentioned a shortage of AMOLED, and given that all the announced Symbian^3 (oops, Symbian :P) handsets use AMOLED variations, that can constrain them a bit on the high end too .. if you consider Symbian high end :)

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