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lma 2011-02-15 14:31

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by tso (Post 947041)
Well there will be some extra cpu activity compressing and decompressing the swapped out data.

But no physical I/O which should offset that. I've been running mine with ramzswap for many months and haven't noticed any reduction in battery life. I don't have any useful data or observations for the "turbo" kernel yet.

tso 2011-02-15 15:01

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
well there is the swap_prefetch to consider now, not sure how that affects things.

lma 2011-02-15 15:06

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by lma (Post 938684)
In fact I was trying to add the swap notification patch myself, but hit some problems (kernel oops during swapon) that I haven't managed to track down yet.

Hm, the plot thickens. It turns out my swap notify patch is identical to 08-patch_swap_notifier_generic_2.6.25.diff, but the DT kernel doesn't exhibit my problem. I must be screwing up somewhere else...

maacruz 2011-02-15 16:26

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by tso (Post 947072)
well there is the swap_prefetch to consider now, not sure how that affects things.

Doesn't, at all. It is a veeeeeery loooooooong period timer.

maacruz 2011-02-15 16:29

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by lma (Post 947079)
Hm, the plot thickens. It turns out my swap notify patch is identical to 08-patch_swap_notifier_generic_2.6.25.diff, but the DT kernel doesn't exhibit my problem. I must be screwing up somewhere else...

Are you using my ramzswap 0.5.5 modules? The 0.5.4 release from compcache homepage is buggy and crashes on swapon/swapoff. Ah, and don't expect the 0.5.3 modules from ramzez-init to be compatible, either.

lma 2011-02-15 17:13

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 947142)
Are you using my ramzswap 0.5.5 modules?

With your kernel, yes. Previously I was playing with hand-rolled 0.5.4 ones on CSSU + swap notify kernel.


The 0.5.4 release from compcache homepage is buggy and crashes on swapon/swapoff.
Aha, that seems to explain it then. But... where did you find 0.5.5?! It's not listed in at least.

Edit: I see, you didn't "find" it, you fixed it yourself - thanks! :-)

Kroll 2011-02-15 18:30

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
I was too busy to investigate battery problem but today I lost 20% of charge as I listened music for an hour. (quasar using mplayer).
May be it is because of Advanced sistemui made by auouymous, but I think it is Diablo turbo.

maacruz 2011-02-15 20:32

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 947266)
I was too busy to investigate battery problem but today I lost 20% of charge as I listened music for an hour. (quasar using mplayer).
May be it is because of Advanced sistemui made by auouymous, but I think it is Diablo turbo.

Kroll, that battery usage is consistent with the use of mplayer to play music, no matter the kernel. If you use mplayer to play music the cpu will be running at 400 MHZ constantly, since the cpu is doing the decoding, and that means 5 hours of battery life. 1h/5h=20%
I'll address any issue you find, but you have to make a proper test, reproductible, and with both kernels to spot the difference. Please, understand that I can't test everything myself, just don't have enough time.

auouymous 2011-02-15 21:00

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 947266)
today I lost 20% of charge as I listened music for an hour. (quasar using mplayer).
May be it is because of Advanced sistemui made by auouymous, but I think it is Diablo turbo.

Are you using 400/133 or 333/220 ratio? Try running `/etc/init.d/advanced-systemui stop` as root before you listen to music next time and see if the battery still drops by 20% in an hour.


Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 946973)
Anyway, I can make a test kernel with tunable polling, then we can meassure if it has any impact by leaving the device alone for some hours with and without polling after a full charge.

Listening for disable_ts and turning off polling while locked would be a good start. How hard would it be to use a dynamic polling rate that decays between two tunable values the longer no data is available?


Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 946973)
I'll see if I can modify the op_dsp patch to allow changes on the fly, since the current op state can be modified by writting to /sys/power/op_active even with the dsp active.

What does op_active do?

Kroll 2011-02-15 21:27

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Usually i listen music for 2-3 hours everyday and charge n810 once per two or free days! And I take notes, checking the mail etc and my tablet keeps the charge for two days minimum.
Ok, tomorrow I will make a test...

Are you using 400/133 or 333/220 ratio?
default one so 400/133 i guess...

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