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phap 2011-04-20 06:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
When you don't kill the aliens, they go through the turrets, and they just go down down down, until you don't see them anymore.

milos621 2011-04-20 07:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
And in original there is an UFO that sometimes flies over the aliens.

piggz 2011-04-20 07:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by phap (Post 992288)
When you don't kill the aliens, they go through the turrets, and they just go down down down, until you don't see them anymore.

yeah i know that, just been lazy so far ..... In the original, at what point does the level end? When they hit the bunker?

delmar 2011-04-20 12:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Thanks for this game. It keeps me back 30 ore more years, when I played the first videogames in pubs.

phap 2011-04-20 16:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by piggz (Post 992309)
yeah i know that, just been lazy so far ..... In the original, at what point does the level end? When they hit the bunker?

i don't remember I didn't play the original for ages!

piggz 2011-04-27 13:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just uploaded version 0.2.1 with the following changes
* Internal changes to allow for different screen sizes (aka symbian version)
* Added bonus ship (300 points, appears at random when there is enough space)
* Changed way point are awarded (row 1 = 30, 2 and 3 = 20, 5 and 5 - 10)
* New menu layout with links to homepage/donate

Still todo, when aliens reach the bunkers, the bunkers get demolished, when aliens reach the bottom line, the game ends.

Let me know if the menu is a bit fiddly to activate, enjoy!

shawwawa 2011-04-27 13:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Thanks for the working of this game. Space Invaders is one of my favorite Videogame since I was a kid (>30 years ago). ha~ :)

delmar 2011-04-28 11:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Thanks for the update. But I noticed a bug: when you hit the UFO, the sound continues throughout the game and did not stop even if you start a new game. it stops only after you have missed the next UFO.

piggz 2011-04-28 11:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 996733)
Thanks for the update. But I noticed a bug: when you hit the UFO, the sound continues throughout the game and did not stop even if you start a new game. it stops only after you have missed the next UFO.

ah, ok, easily fixed....its hard to test that on the desktop as there is no sound for some reason, and i havnt hit the ufo yet on the n900!

piggz 2011-04-28 13:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Version 0.2.2 uploaded with the following changelog

* Fixed mysteryship sound bug
* Aliens now destroy bunkers as they move past them
* The game ends when the aliens reach the 'invasion' line at the bottom
* Aliens drop down at either end of the screen now


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