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babis3g 2011-07-14 16:03

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

N9 added

nokia portugal facebook saying to come 4th quater of 2011

norway with telenor
meadle east & africa

in UK
and this web has got the 16 gb with price £500:(
i think they doing their best not sale much

Prozac786 2011-07-15 17:27

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Well I just pre-ordered one from Expansys website. Black 64GB.

Brock 2011-08-03 14:13

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
At the "N9 finally here" thread, zymo posted this link from
BUT, if i search for Nokia N9, i cant find it... very strange...

So it looks like it will be available in germany, at least the 16GB Version... for 619,- EUR...
I bet that the N9 with 64GB will cost 699,-

delmar 2011-08-03 14:27

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by babis3g (Post 1051003)

In the italian homepage (nokia,it) are only mentioned the model and the specs, so that not necessary says that it will be avaiable.

In austrian homepage ( you can add your email, so they will advice you when it's avaiable.

Grazy 2011-08-10 11:19

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by silent_64 (Post 1041640)
Now I had to register just to end all this foolish speculation.

A dropdown list on Nokias webpage is not the end-all gospel regarding availability. Especially when the dev-page for the N9 states.

"Regional Availability:Global " - General tab

It doesn't say excluding UK, FR, IT, NL or any other WP launch countries, global means global.

Second, the dropdown list is completely bogus, here in Denmark we have 2 carriers confirming they'll stock the N9 upon release, one more stating they'll only carry the 16 GB version, and another carrier stating they'll wait and see how it's received. All 4 of them though acknowledging that it will in fact be released in DK - Even though we aren't in the dropdown list.

your theory was wrong!! I was hoping it would come to the UK! oh well Samsung/iphone here i come!

percy 2011-08-10 13:42

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 1063454)
So it looks like it will be available in germany, at least the 16GB Version...

Have you seen that the title of the article says "[AT-Import]"?

gerbick 2011-08-10 14:15

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Each area in the title has an Amazon store for distribution.

Dave999 2011-08-10 14:24

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Just leave these countrys and move to a country that get all the nice things...:D

delmar 2011-08-10 14:31

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
On they first said that it comes from Nokia Gmbh ( = Nokia Germany), than changed to (= Nokia Austria).

Austria was allways mentioned by Nokia where it will be available, but not Germany. For me this is the confirm that it will not be officially released by Nokia in Germany.

zymo 2011-08-10 14:31

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by Chuck Norris (Post 1067294)
Just leave these countrys and move to a country that get all the nice things...:D

you mean Kazakhstan? :rolleyes:

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