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Straycat 2011-09-21 16:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by davadio (Post 1089912)
My N800 will finally be replaced.

Mine too!!

Pigro 2011-09-21 16:18

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
rumoured now to be hitting UK in late November ...

Kangal 2011-09-22 04:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by olympus (Post 1093325)
Interesting, i may be getting both Galaxy note and n9 and then i'll sell off the one i won't like.

It's the n9. You'll be selling it back for ~$400, losing at least $200 of it.
Then you will facepalm, and go back to enjoying your new overlord Samsung ;)

adamFsmith 2011-09-23 11:35

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Once again, i'll just leave this here. It might be here in October!

Frappacino 2011-09-26 12:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
lol compare this with the n9 release

samsung can execute thats for sure

adamFsmith 2011-10-03 14:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Seems like Samsung have confirmed an October release.

Edit, scratch that, it's now confirmed for 17th November. Bugger.

olympus 2011-10-30 00:00

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

qwazix 2011-10-30 00:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
the guy at the store I got my N9 today told me they are going to have it next week.

debernardis 2011-10-30 04:41

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I don't like the single, mono speaker. Why? There should be plenty of space inside...

Kangal 2011-10-30 04:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
They should've put two stereo loudspeakers on the front-face of the device but on the edges. It's quite innovative, like how the Sprint Arrive (aka HTC 7 PRO).
Plus they should've knock off the navigational buttons, and eliminate as much bezel as possible... so they could've made it a 5" screen on a 5.3" phone.
In contrast, an iPhone 4S has a 3.5" screen but its a 5.06" phone.

Anyone know if it has NFC?
Some say yes. Others say no. Quite often I see "NFC Optional" does it mean its in devices for select areas?
For instance, Samsung sold the international i9000 Galaxy S in South America but also included a TV-module inside.

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