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szopin 2012-03-23 17:19

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Pre Plus then? Same hardware, would need tweaking for lower resolution, twice as much ram. Depending on the scale of opensourcing (drivers for snapdragon/adreno) Pre 3 would be a good choice, no need for lower resolution then.

gerbick 2012-03-24 18:41

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Can people even find a Pre 3?

The Wizard of Huz 2012-05-20 22:39

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1183691)
Can people even find a Pre 3?

I had one for two weeks. Had a problem with slider so sent it back. WebOS is no match to Maemo 5. Was nice but a lot of things are missing. Can only import or export from calendar or contacts through google or yahoo or exchange. No support for msn.
Search is nice though. Did not like the capacitiv screen, with all the hoovering above the buttons.

sifo 2012-05-20 22:56

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
you will kill N900 for ever with this "Brainstorm" but will that devices be able to aircrack and multiboot hostemode or anything related to KP I dont think so right ?

gerbick 2012-05-21 00:21

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Aircrack isn't the same as a full pentesting suite. There's a couple on Android, there's enough tools to do the same on the N900. Aircrack is just the start, shouldn't be a reason to say something is the "best" though.

Perhaps that's me. But the fact that as a phone it's somewhat lacking, the fact that it's low in regards to RAM and rootfs.

That last one can be "increased" but still... the fact that Maemo is not on any other device still persists. But there's Nemo...

immi.shk 2012-05-21 02:13

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
IMHO, N900 & Maemo are two separate identities, joined together to make a perfect match... but although N900 is Limited by its Hardware Maemo isn't..
Maemo deserves to be on Multi-cores & HD-Screen & GB's-ram & much vast audience/system's

gerbick 2012-05-21 02:52

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

Originally Posted by immi.shk (Post 1209958)
IMHO, N900 & Maemo are two separate identities, joined together to make a perfect match... but although N900 is Limited by its Hardware Maemo isn't..

We're going to have to disagree since Maemo 5 (Fremantle) never appeared on anything else and we will never know fully since Fremantle has so many proprietary drivers and we'll never have the full source to see if it would scale up nicely to multiple cores and better hardware.

Then if you do jump up to better hardware, you can't do multiple touch - that came with Harmattan, and you can't do other things.

N900 + Fremantle = perfect match. We agree there. Could it scale up to modern hardware? Perhaps, but I doubt it would be worth the price of admission due to all of the closed software they put into Fremantle - this is where we'd have to disagree.

Cool idea and thread though.

ibrakalifa 2012-05-21 03:14

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
how bout harmattan on nexus? Lol

immi.shk 2012-06-27 17:19

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Ok maemo is not fully open...

but what about Hildon Desktop (desktop taskmanager & apps), is that open ?

if so we can complete the missing chunks from nemo & MeeGo and complete the Jigsaw puzzle of maemo...

and not stopping there

taking all the driver database from Debian Live Cd/Dvd, we can make maemo live cd/dvd/usb working on virtually any thing Ubuntu has Reached... i.e. maemo devices,meego devices,android devices webos, Desktop's/Laptop's
Maemo 5 live port(Concept) for Pc Laptop & Android Tablet's

just a thought :)
but knoppix & Ubuntu live cd's must also have been a thought in some phase of time

48GX 2012-06-27 17:59

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
possible stupid question, but:

how much can cost buying maemo 5 platform??

Would Nokia sell it?

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