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anonymous 2012-03-04 21:54

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
I'm kind of in the same boat. Just got back from a vacation and a long drive, which I used waze on my n900 a lot. I highly recommend this app/service. Not GPS so much, but crowdsourced speed trap reporting!

Unfortunately, it fell off the dash a few times and now I have the dreaded "loose USB". I'm totally up for fixing it but I still feel I should probably move on.

Webos is beautiful, but withering. No point.

I really wanted harmattan, but the mixed feelings on this board, the lack of a price drop or change in availability, the fact that I have to pay for it unsubsidized, and while the community is optimistic, it isn't as active as I would have hoped. It's really just a splinter group of n900 developers.

Iphones are pretty useful as long as you stay withing boundaries. And you don't care about dropped calls. They're pretty, but they're also fragile.

Androids are a mixed bag. They usually have the latest stuff, but are lacking somewhere else. It's a crapshoot. You are going to inevitably hate your phone within a year or two and that was the plan all along. Go buy a new one, see you again next year when you're sick of this one.

I don't really know anything about wp7 and hate elop's decisions, I even hate the entire idea of .Net as a language. But I'll be damned if I don't still give kudos to Nokia on build quality. I may hate wp7 for as long as I own it, but at least the thing won't break...ever. It's either wp7 or Symbian for me, really.

In short, I think I will get the 900 when it is released. Flame on.

jleholeho 2012-03-05 23:04

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
I`d suggest to wait for the new Nokia WP 8/Apollo high-ends, most likely with quad-core processors and PureView cameras...I guess that really could be something, as Windows 8 for PCs certainly doesn`t look bad and these phones should be "the most seamless transition" between the phone and a PC so far...
they should be announced in late 2012...

That read and said, I can easily stick with my N9 for another year...

xxxxts 2012-03-06 11:39

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

This was the data when the N900 came out. The N900 was one of the top phones on the market.

Put the N9 or any other Nokia phone up against an iPhone 4S and its drawbacks become significant. Same if you line it up with a competitor Android phone.

Nokia's fall from grace is quite obvious.

You guys might talk about "open OS" - but it's not. And the 808, that's a phone built around a camera.

Since 2005 I have only owned Nokias (except for a brief period when I got a 1st gen iPhone for 4 days and then returned it), and I have been very proud of that. However, Nokia is now just putting out outdated junk, and they won't even sell it to North America!

don_falcone 2012-03-06 12:21

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Let's face the fact that maybe you have either shifted your priorities + use cases or had different ones from the start.

PS.: North America is a mediocre / not-that-important market, and a 'shark pool' anyways. No sane company would put all it's eggs into that carrier-messed up basket only.

nicholes 2012-03-06 12:22

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
i am also in seek of something new now! i think i should go for galaxy note.

i would get it if it has....
open ssh
app like smscon
backup menu
evil alarm
emulatores(ie ps2.sega genesis)
vnc viwer
and root access and how is multitasking on galaxy note?

can anyone confirm for me? or i am posting in wrong forum?

gregoranderson 2012-03-06 12:38

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Interestingly, I just grabbed ZTE Skate (Orange Monte Carlo) from Argos for £80. My old ZTE Blade is going to the wife to use as an access point, so I needed a cheeky backup device for when the N900 is in haitus (i.e. being fannied around with).

It's actually really nice. The CM9 port is going well and the CM7 port is pretty bloody rapid considering such low HW spec. The screen is magnificent. Both are in active development over on Modaco.

In short, there's no chance I'll ever piss a good couple of hundred quid away on an HTC / Samsung device etc when I can pick up an Android toy for that sort of money.

Good fun and worth the beer money.

ibrakalifa 2012-03-06 12:43

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
can we upgrading the hardware of n900, just give it more ram, and its will be so awesomeeeee, :D

SaQ 2012-03-06 13:14

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

- Open Source
- Lot of hacks and more to come
- Nokia apps + third party apps
- Soon dual boot android = LOTS OF APPS
- Soon overclockable (like N900)
- Swipe UI, Rated world's best smartphone UI

- Apparently the Nokia N9 clad in polycarbonate for Antenna performance, is indeed top of the chart

- Inception for n9 (FULL ROOT ACCESS!!) -->> Fully open OS!


- Closed Source
- no hacks (Maybe jailbreaking, you can do same thing in nokia by going "settings/security/developers mode", and switch it on. Simple!)
- Only apps what apple wants.
- Iphone antenna: "you holding it wrong" XD
- Winter Can Mess With Your iPhone Warranty

List could go forewer -->

xxxxts 2012-03-06 15:41

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by SaQ (Post 1175167)

- Open Source Root access does not mean it is open source, most of Maemo was closed sourced, even more of MeeGo is
- Lot of hacks and more to come I got the N900 when it was first released, it took up a year to get the screen to rotate, an it is still buggy/crashes
- Nokia apps + third party apps I got the N900 when it was first released, fMobi was the only Facebook app released for it and it did not compare to it's iPhone/Android rivals.
- Soon dual boot android = LOTS OF APPS NITDroid is not even able to make a phone call yet with a lot of development on the N900 - I would not hold your breath.
- Soon overclockable (like N900) Can do same on iPhone, only iPhone HW is better;
- Swipe UI, Rated world's best smartphone UI By who?

- Apparently the Nokia N9 clad in polycarbonate for Antenna performance, is indeed top of the chart It sure does look pretty

- Inception for n9 (FULL ROOT ACCESS!!) -->> Fully open OS! How is this different than jailbreaking an iPhone?


- Closed Source Same as most of MeeGo/Maemo 5
- no hacks (Maybe jailbreaking, you can do same thing in nokia by going "settings/security/developers mode", and switch it on. Simple!) You're right it is simple.
- Only apps what apple wants. Unless you Jailbreak it, then you can put any app you want on there.
- Iphone antenna: "you holding it wrong" XD I cannot comment on this as I do not know
- Winter Can Mess With Your iPhone Warranty Warranty? I live in California (which is in North America) - Nokia won't give em a warranty with the N9 PERIOD

List could go forewer -->

You have not made one valid point. I could have a better job.

Well your data is just wrong and I will debunk it above it red.

I bought the N900 when it first came out, crushed every other phone with it's specs (resolution, camera with dual LED flash, etc.) it had Flash, Nokia PROMISED us Flash 10.1 (never happened) - we got 4 updates from Nokia then Nokia jumped ship. We all went into Maemo knowing it was a developers OS and I was okay with that, still am. However I am not going to jump into something with a DEAD OS (that is just stupid).

You have faith, faith by definition is believing in something without any proof. I don't do that well simply, because I am not an idiot. I don't know one rational person here that says they ever had faith in Nokia/large corporations supporting the N900/Maemo/MeeGo/N9 etc. So not only do I lack faith in Nokia - I am quite skeptical of what they say now.

nicholes 2012-03-06 16:25

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
looks like no one is interested in my question

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