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Estel 2012-05-22 13:48

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..
As promised, I've uploaded tool to fight swap fragmentation to extras-devel (in fact, doing more than that). For more info and/or discussion about it, see:


peterleinchen 2012-05-22 21:35

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1210637)
I have swap on the SD card. I just pulled the cover and my SD partitions got unmounted EXCEPT for the swap (which is not really mounted).

I guess, but I cannot confirm, that when pulling out the cover any mounted partition (perhaps even only VFAT, but I don't know) gets unmounted, but that's all.

Swap is by definition not a mounted partition, so nothing happens.

Obviously, if you do pull the CARD with swap on it you get an instant crash.

I wanted to know for me (using swap file on vfat partition).
Even I may use lazy umount to make the partition unreadable to N900, I do not get USB mass mode available. So I need modified osso-mmc-umount (removing loop devices) to get the partition really accesible and mass storage mode available.
So I assumed same as reinob, that removing back cover will also work.
BUT, indeed I do get an instant crash. :(

So, Estel, here is one occurance.
Maybe I do need the magnet glued? But hey, I do know not to do so ;) (and I will never throw it to the floor, so the back cover will spring open)

reinob 2012-05-23 07:44

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Well you can't have everything in this world. There no way you can possibly allow a PC exclusive access to a partition while the N900 uses a chunk of that partition as memory.

So either you use SSH/NFS/CIFS/whatever or you create a separate partition for swap.

peterleinchen 2012-05-23 08:07

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1211212)

Well you can't have everything in this world.

But I do want and still trying ...

No serious, it is absolutely clear. Thanks for reply anyway.
But I just wanted to test it. And there are posts about people able to mount simultaneosly (mostly using ubuntu?).

I just wanted to check wether this mass-storage-not-possible possibly also made my back cover removing stable. But: no. For my HW the SD gets completely disabled, it seems.
And for SD unmounting I already have a script.

Estel 2012-05-23 09:15

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..
Maybe just vfast partitions are cut-off? It seems, that people using native linux partition on SD and/or any ext, doesn't get it unmounted during cover removal.

as for glueing magnet, I'm using this for ages and haven't noticed any regressions. I'm just able to take cover out at any time, which suit me, as I've glued a cut-off part of microSD box (this one with small holder for SD) and I hold backup microSD inside cover.


sixwheeledbeast 2012-05-24 20:31

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1207323)
It believe it is entirely possible to create a 'swapon SD/swapoff SD' entry in power menu 'systemui.xml' just by adding a few lines just like phone/tablet mode button thing.

Is there any more information on these few lines of code?

vi_ 2012-05-24 21:27

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..
Unfortunately not. |The workings of Systemui.xml is completely undocumented.

However if you study the code of tablet/phone mode button you will see it is entirely possible to run scripts/dbus calls directly from systemui.xml. Also you can relay the status of things with icons etc as per a file, again see tablet/phone mode button.


If you screw up systemui.xml your N900 WILL become unbootable until you undo whatever you messed up. This can be done with backupmenu/rescue OS/rescue console.

reinob 2012-06-28 11:07

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1210637)
I have swap on the SD card. I just pulled the cover and my SD partitions got unmounted EXCEPT for the swap (which is not really mounted).

I guess, but I cannot confirm, that when pulling out the cover any mounted partition (perhaps even only VFAT, but I don't know) gets unmounted, but that's all.

Swap is by definition not a mounted partition, so nothing happens.

Obviously, if you do pull the CARD with swap on it you get an instant crash.

Just one additional comment: just a few minutes ago I happened to pull the back over of my N900 and it instantly rebooted.

I'm seriously getting tired of a lot of Maemo-crap that happens to be loaded in our loved N900s. Thanks to @Estel I have my third N900 which I'm basically r4aping by removing lots of preinstalled stuff and cleaninng up the boot process a bit. I will see if I can completely get rid of ke-recv and related GNOMEish-Windows-ish-user-is-too-dumb-to-do-this-by-himself stuff.

My aim is to make a minimal Maemo (I might even remove hildon desktop) which I can then "easily" move to the eMMC (and use U-boot to boot it) and then pack everything in a flashable image.

Anyway, next step is ke-recv.

michaaa62 2012-06-28 13:21

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1228535)
Just one additional comment: just a few minutes ago I happened to pull the back over of my N900 and it instantly rebooted.

I'm seriously getting tired of a lot of Maemo-crap that happens to be loaded in our loved N900s. Thanks to @Estel I have my third N900 which I'm basically r4aping by removing lots of preinstalled stuff and cleaninng up the boot process a bit. I will see if I can completely get rid of ke-recv and related GNOMEish-Windows-ish-user-is-too-dumb-to-do-this-by-himself stuff.

My aim is to make a minimal Maemo (I might even remove hildon desktop) which I can then "easily" move to the eMMC (and use U-boot to boot it) and then pack everything in a flashable image.

Anyway, next step is ke-recv.

Very interesting! Please keep informing on your proceedings.

sixwheeledbeast 2012-07-04 22:31

Re: [DISCUSS] SDCard Swap Partition Methods..
Would there be any benefits in having 2 swap spaces on Micro SD?
Leaving the standard swap space as backup (for no card inserted).
Maybe use cron to Swap between the SD Swaps at night?

Getting a 64GB card soon and going to partition it up to get stuff off the phones memory (mainly Music and Docs). Looking for best way to partition off and sizes.

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