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Dave999 2012-06-30 15:11

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
don't troll more about this in this thread. This is a serious thread. Keep it clean.

Use the other troll thread. Please

vi_ 2012-06-30 15:15

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 1229448)
Does that mean if he gets evicted, I get his place?

I came in 6th place :)

Haha, does that mean we can take his device from him too?

Other more qualified devs deserve it.

Edit: Someone quote me since, he has me on ignore list he won't see my post.

Hell no. You have all proven yourselves to be as bad as each other.

If anything there would have to be a vote.

misterc 2012-06-30 15:21

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1229450)
my understanding was that there is no procedure to discharge a Council member.
a little like Flop, maybe? :eek:

and you have to admit that so far, the Council hasn't shown any inclination to listen to the Community.
then again, maybe the silent majority is perfectly happy with it?

start a thread with a pool
1) discharge some member(s) of current Council (post name(s))
2) discharge current Council at large
3) leave them, doing a great job...

can't seem to find the "Create thread" link now :(
have to run now, will look into it in a few hours (6 to 12)

EDIT: thanks to this post not needed anymore...
Council has listened :)

Estel 2012-06-30 15:31

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1229444)
i tried looking for the real answer in the FAQ but didn't see it as well.
the fact that some people are looking for the proper procedure to evict an elected council member speaks something. i hope you get the message.

Was that question for Council? So I'm supposed to answer it, eh?

Sure - I got message that few individuals are looking for a way to remove volunteers from volunteering, which is quite amusing, in itself. Considering former "contributions" of those outcry'ers, I'm not surprised. Unfortunately, troll happen - I remember similar ones wanting way to remove SD69 in last cadence, or Qole before, or...

Unfortunately, some people like to spend energy on harassing and dividing - well, it's their problem. What saddens me, is how easily others can be drawn into such little wars -probably, it require much less effort to do flamewar, than contribution :(

Still, I'm waiting for joerg providing us sources - if such one exist (and are not "free" interpretation of referendum as whole), it would be very, very interesting to read. More, than 1/4 of TMO posts, lately, but I guess, that it's just life.


vetsin 2012-06-30 15:32

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1229415)
ivgalvez, if you have a list of packages without active maintainers, could you publish it or pm it to me when you will be able to (no need to rush ;)), even if it's incomplete? I think (so it's my personal oppinion and everyone else could think differently) that having this information available (maybe a wiki page?) would help finding new maintainers ;) I, for one, would be interested in picking some projects if they are interesting enough. Maybe I'm not the best coder, but I can catch up on someone else's code, to not waste words, I was trying to help with different packages when pali took over kernel power and changed the way kernel reports temperature (see e/g/ and ) and lately I've been trying to help with OpenGL ES for Lincity and recompiled hildon-desktop with some logging to help marmistrz sort out why the hell some apps rotate despite being blacklisted. So, ivgalvez, if you have such list, please let me know :)

i think your help is needed here:
maybe you can apply as section maintainer:

joerg_rw 2012-06-30 15:35

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1229442)
Very interesting. Could You, please, provide sources of this info (with mentioned thresholds, etc)? I have never heard about it.

For some reason, I can't shake feeling, that You've just invented it, as abuse of general referendum system, for sake of this answer. Of course, it's just *silly* me - I'm absolutely sure that You - as respected Community member - would never do such childish thing, so it must be written somewhere, in ancient wikis, founded by Maemo ancestors.

I'm really eager to read it, so I'm awaiting - impatiently - for Your answers.


I don't think there's any such thing like "general referendum system", and if there were I'd bet it would apply to this particular case as well.
However it's not been me who invented the general idea of a referendum, including collecting votes to trigger an official referendum. It's pretty established in a lot of constitutions, just deciding about the proper threshold is up to your sole discretion as council in duty here, since I actually think there's no hard threshold written down for maemo anywhere (yet?).

And thanks for the warm polite tone in your answer, we're used to it meanwhile ;-D


ZogG 2012-06-30 15:41

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1229460)
Considering former "contributions" of those outcry'ers, I'm not surprised. Unfortunately, troll happen - I remember similar ones wanting way to remove SD69 in last cadence, or Qole before, or...


Can you please provide links for those those situations?

Estel 2012-06-30 15:41

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Oh, so it was Your free interpretation, and in reality, such process doesn't exist? I'm completely surprised and shocked. I got idea for better referendum - lest decide if Nokia is going to release next Maemo device this year. After all, we have referendum system, why don't apply it for *every* problem? Let's shape and bend rules like we wan't now, who is gonna stop us!

And I'm glad, that You enjoy tone of my post. Some people were disturbed by my straight answers, so I decided to start sugar-coating them - at least ones that refer to stupid ideas or FUDs. I hope that no one is going to get sick due to overdose of sweet pink love in the air, meantime.


lma 2012-06-30 15:42

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1229427)
easy answer: collect supporting votes, e.g in a tmo thread. As soon as the number of supporting users exceeds a certain number (e.g. the total number of valid votes in last council elections)

Now, that would be something. Not sure exactly what mind you, but definitely something, and definitely not good.

joerg_rw 2012-06-30 15:57

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
deleting nonsense form quote, trying hard to keep any leftovers...

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1229467)
[...]and in reality, such process doesn't exist? [...] Let's shape and bend rules like we wan't now, who is gonna stop us!


Which process doesn't exist allegedly? The process of collecting support on a signing list for a request addressed to a organizational entity? You are free to find this process described in any page you find when googling for "Volksbegehren".
Or do you refer to the process of council listening to such supported request? well, no comment on this one...
Or maybe you simply bother to explain to me what's your take of what a referendum in maemo is meant for then - you could take the opportunity to elaborate a bit about your constant accusations I'd bend any rules and invent things that are allegedly written down in a different way, buzzword "abuse of referendum system".

Honestly I can't see how and why you start *****ing at me this way. Must be you. Shocked?! WTF? Because I explained a commonly accepted well known procedure usually known as "democracy" at large, here particularly referendum? Chill, get a brain!


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